1718 Wild Card Weekend Sunday 4:40 PM est
Carolina Panthers at New Orleans Saints
Started very strong for the Saints then the Panthers caught up a bit,
but still leaning fairly strong for the Saints...
For Carolina,
Including the end date it's the 123rd day of the season,"Carolina Panthers" = 123, and "Ron Rivera" = 123.
Those 123 days are 17 weeks and 4 days (174),and "Carolina Panthers" = 174.
If they win Rivera can get his 68th all time win and it's against"Brees" = 68, and including the end date it's 337 days since the SB.
The 68th prime is 337.
It's been 48 weeks since the Super Bowl and if they win thenCam Newton stays at 48 all time losses and Drew Brees would get his
48th all time HOME loss.
The game is on the 29th parallel and including the end date is 29 daysbefore the Super Bowl. If they win it's their 10th playoff win, it's Newton's
29th all time ROAD win, and it would be the Saints' 10th playoff loss.
They first ever played each other in January @New Orleans 6 yearsand 6 days ago (66) and it would be Newton's 66th all time win, and
Drew Brees would fall to 6-6 (66) in the playoffs.
The previous time they played each other was 1 month and 4 days (14)ago, "Wild Card Weekend" = 141, and the combined number of points they
both scored on the season is 811, the 141st prime.
"Panthers" = 43, "Cameron Newton" = 191, "Cam" = 43 [f], and he has
birth numerology of 43, and if they win they stay at 191 all time losses, and
Cam and Rivera both improve to 4-3 (43) in the playoffs.
It would be their 193rd all time win and it would come againstthe "Saints" = 44, in the "Superdome" = 44, 4 months and 4 days (44)
from Cam's birthday, "Newton" = 44, and "Rivera" = 44.
They could keep New Orleans at 356 all time wins and it's 356 daysfrom Sean Payton's birthday.
Their previous playoff game was 1 year and 11 months (111) ago, and theyand "Cameron Jerrell Newton" = 111 can keep the Saints' coach
"Patrick" = 111 at 111 all time wins.
"Cameron Newton" = 65 and "Ronald Rivera" = 65 can cause "Sean" = 65[f],to fall to 6-5 (65) in the playoffs and can do so in the "Mercedes-Benz" = 65
named stadium i.e. the "Mercedes-Benz Superdome" = 313[f] exactly
208 weeks and 1 day (2081=313th prime) since the Saints' previous
playoff game.
However, that being said, if the Saints win then Newton stays at 65 wins.
It's Newton's 115th all time game, "Panthers" = 115, they enter 11-5 (115)on the year, and it's in "New Orleans Louisiana" = 115 and against a QB
who was born 1/15...
"Ron Eugene Rivera" = 84 and the "Carolina Panthers" = 84 can giveBrees his 84th all time loss w/New Orleans and it's on "Sunday" = 84
during "Wild Card Weekend" = 84.
It's Rivera's 56th birthday. They played the Falcons a week ago and theFalcons' stadium is named Mercedes-Benz as well as the Saints'...
So how neat is that the game before his 56th birthday, and the game on
his 56th birthday were both in "Mercedes-Benz" = 56 named stadiums?
Including the end date it's 125 days from Cam's birthday and whoeverwins improves to 12-5 (125) on the year, maybe it's them.
And now for New Orleans,
It's a date with 19 and 8 numerology, "Saints" = 19, it's 8 days fromBrees' birthday, and if they win it's their 8th playoff win, it's Carolina's
8th playoff loss, and Rivera would stay at 67 all time wins.
It's a date with 35 numerology (17+18=35) and the previous time theyplayed each other was 35 days ago. "Payton" = 35, Brees was born on
the day that leaves 350 days in the year & he can get his 149th all time win.
It's the 122nd day of the season and their point differential on the seasonwas 122 points. They scored 122 more than they allowed.
Those 122 days are 17 weeks and 3 days (173), the 40th prime,and "Sean Payton" = 40 and "Drew" = 40.
If you add up the number of points scored by both teams in the overallhead-to-head series coming into this game it's 2027 points...
"New Orleans Louisiana" = 227, "Sean Payton" = 49, "Brees" = 49,
and if they win then Newton gets his 49th all time loss.
Including the end date the previous time they played each other was36 days ago, "New Orleans Louisiana" = 151, "Drew Brees" = 151[f],
and if they win then Carolina falls to 24-23 in the overall series and
2423 is the 360th prime... Plus Payton was born on the 363rd day of
the year and Carolina's point differential on the season was 36...
Also "Cam Newton" = 36. Now that might go for them but meah...
Those 36 days are 5 weeks and 1 day (51). The Saints are in their51st season, it's 51 weeks from Brees' birthday, including the end date
it's 51 weeks from Payton's birthday, with the win Brees would improve to
5-1 (51) at HOME in the playoffs, and they'd give Rivera his 51st all time loss.
It's the 24th meeting of these teams @New Orleans and with the winthey can improve to 8-9 (89) in the playoffs and keep Carolina at 24 wins
in the overall head-to-head. To be fair there's some 24 stuff for Carolina
but I don't read it strong enough to put into the overlap category.
They could get their 12th win vs Carolina @New Orleans, it would betied 12-12, and their 12th win on the year, and "Sean" = 12, was born
in the 12th month, and it's 1 weeks and 2 days (12) from his birthday,
it's Brees' 12th playoff game and including the end date 1 week and
2 days (12) from his birthday, and "Saints" = 37. Also "Carolina" = 37,
so what a nice team to get your 12th win on the year against right, and
coming into the game the Saints have scored 1013 points all time against
the Panthers and 1013 is the 307th (37) prime...
And here's my main read and why I'm leaning Saints.It's their 803rd (83) all time game, "New Orleans Louisiana" = 83,
"Drew" = 23 with birth numerology of 23 who was picked in the 2nd round
with the 32nd overall pick (232), who wears #9, could get his 83rd all time
HOME win and stay on 83 all time losses w/New Orleans, including the
end date 9 days from his birthday, and it would be the Saints' 9th playoff win
and would give Carolina their 9th playoff loss, AND it would be the Saints'
23rd win in the overall head-to-head...
"New Orleans Saints" = 98, "Patrick Sean Payton" = 98, and if theywin then Carolina falls to 9-8 (98) in the playoffs and it's on Rivera's
birthday so it's 52 weeks and 1 day (521) from his birthday.
It would be their 357th all time win and including the end date it's357 days from Sean Payton's birthday.
They would stay at 441 all time losses, 441 is 21 squared and it'sthe 201st all time game for "Drew Christopher Brees" = 212...
And "Sean" = 21... and "Sunday"= 21... And it would come against
"Cameron Newton" = 212 [f].
"Ron" = 34 and Cam could both fall to 3-4 (34) in the playoffs,and it's 34 weeks and 3 days (343) from Cam's birthday... who also
has birth numerology of 34.
Sean Payton could stay at 75 all time losses, improve to 7-5 (75)in the playoffs along with Drew "Brees" = 75[f] and do so against
the "Carolina Panthers" = 75 and "Ron Rivera" = 75.
It's Cam's 116th all time game appearance and the Saints couldcause him and the Panthers to fall to 11-6 (116) on the year...
and that's how I read it, but obviously if the Panthers win in his
116th game they'd cause the Saints to fall to 11-6 (116)... But I think
it makes more sense for Cam and the Panthers to finish the year 11-6
after Cam's 116th game...
And now for the overlap,
It's a date with 26 numerology.For Carolina,
Rivera has birth numerology of 26, "Newton" = 26, "Panthers" = 101,
and "Cameron Newton" = 101.
For New Orleans,
"Payton" = 26, it's Brees' 260th all time game, "Louisiana" = 101, and
"New Orleans Louisiana" = 101.
It's a date with 17 numerology, the date is 1/7, it's the 7th day of the year,it's exactly 4 months into the season, it's the 4th kickoff of the playoffs,
and it's 28 days before the Super Bowl. (28 is the 7th triangular number).
For Carolina,
It's their 17th playoff game, it's Rivera's birthday, "Cam" = 17, and if they
win they stay at 7 playoff losses (improve to 10-7 (107)), and the Saints
would stay at 7 playoff wins.
For New Orleans,
It's their 17th playoff game as well, it's Brees' 17th year, and if they win
Payton and Brees both get their 7th playoff wins.
And it's a fitting stadium for either, "Mercedes-Benz" = 171 [f],
and "Mercedes-Benz Superdome" = 107.
And for some more 28 stuff... It's 28 days before the Super Bowl.For Carolina,
"Newton" = 28, is 28 years old, and if they win they improve to
10-7 (107) in the playoffs (like we said above)...
For New Orleans,
"Payton" = 28, the Saints' previous playoff game, including the end date,
was 208 weeks and 2 days (282) ago, and if they win then "Newton" = 28
who is 28 years old get his 28th all time ROAD loss, and would be 28-28.
Including the end date it's both 4 months and 1 day (41) into the season,and 4 weeks and 1 day (41) before the Super Bowl.
For Carolina,
If they win then Payton falls to 4-1 (41) in the playoffs at HOME,
and the Saints fall to 1-3 (13) vs Carolina on the 7th of ANY month.
For New Orleans,
"Sean Payton" = 130 is 2819 weeks old, 2819 is the 410th prime,
including the end date it's 1 week and 3 days (13) from his birthday,
"Drew Christopher Brees" = 130 and it's his 130th all time HOME game.
It's the 47th meeting of these teams, the previous time they playedeach other including the end date was 1 month and 5 days (15) ago,
and the previous time they played each other on the 7th of ANY month
was, also including the end date, 1128 days ago, 1128 is the 47th tri.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 47 and "Ron" = 47.
For New Orleans,
"Louisiana" = 47, Brees was born on the 15th day of the year,
and if they win he stays at 47 all time HOME losses.
The previous time they played on the 7th of ANY month was3 years and 1 month (31) ago.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 127 [f], including the end date it's been 100 weeks
and 1 day (11) since their previous playoff game, Newton was born on the
11th, he was drafted in the 1st round 1st overall (11), and if they win
they improve to 3-1 (31) vs New Orleans on the 7th of ANY month, and
Rivera and Newton both would improve to 1-1 (11) in the playoffs on the ROAD.
For New Orleans,
It's Payton's 11th playoff game and 5th playoff HOME game, "Brees" = 31
and it's 1 week and 1 day (11) from his birthday, "Louisiana" = 127 [f],
and if they win then Carolina stays at 11 wins in the series @New Orleans.
And it's a fitting stadium for either, "Superdome" = 127.
conclusion and TD guesses,
I just really love that 23 read for the Saints... However the Panthers'
stuff is strong and I'm not confident enough to consider this one any type
of lock... but I'm really leaning strong for the Saints. I could have looked
at their two previous games this year and dug into that more, factoring
the 3-0 (30) if the Saints do win and the 2-1 (21) if they don't... But meah,
I don't know. The NFL has a story line that "it's hard to beat a team
3 times in one season", and I'd like to check the numbers on that but...
I'll go Saints.
NO 1.25 out of 3.
As for touchdown guesses... How about 1, 3, OR 4 for Cam,
and 2 OR 4 for Brees.
I'll try and do a "lite preview" of the other games but I don't know.
Hey just found your blog, I'll be paying attention
ReplyDeleteThank you- I just posted my work on the other three games for this weekend. Feedback and knowing people are out there reading makes me want to work harder and dig deeper, so really, thank you!
DeleteNice work .... go saints
ReplyDeleteThanks! They went... and looks like they might go all the way. Check out my SUPER BOWL CLUE post.
DeleteVery detailed breakdowns. I like the work bro. I will for sure keep up with your posts.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! I'll try and do the Saints Vikings game in full next week, and do some work on the other three as well. Cheers!