Saturday, January 20, 2018



NFC Championship Game Sunday 6:40 PM est

Minnesota Vikings at Philadelphia Eagles

Since these are the championship games I'm posting every read,
no matter how high or low I value it, no matter how relevant/irrelevant I rate it.

The reads/sections are loosely assessed for one team or the other,
but a lot of those have significant overlap, and some are assessed as overlap.

The general order of the info is:
date numerologies
time spans from the previous SB, into the season, and before the SB
time spans from when they first played / previously played
head-to-head records
franchise records
the road coach's record
the home coach's record
the road quarterback's record
the home quarterback's record
and then in that same order for birthdays.

Stuff from one can appear in any, but the read/section headers flow in that order.

I'd like to go back through and make specific sections, like
"Case Keenum" and then put all relevant data concerning him/his record in that section
and do it for all of the sections but after doing all this work who feels like that!

A number and then a slash and another number obviously means prime relationship,
so e.g. 40 / 173 means the 40th prime is 173. If it's NOT a prime relationship
I indicate as such.

Don't really know what to say about this one. Pretty much already sold on
Minnesota making the Super Bowl but man, there are some interesting reads
for Philadelphia. And it seems like the league likes to "punk" Minnesota,
and this would be the ultimate punking, one game away from playing in the
Super Bowl in your home stadium... However, the 41 years since Minnesota
has made a Super Bowl- "Super Bowl" = 41, so that would be nice to end
the drought at 41 years... Though they haven't done that in years past, like
with the Chiefs or the Jets... So I don't know.

40 / 173

Date numerology of 40.

Keenum's 40th all time game.
"Case Keenum" = 173

"Nick Foles" = 40

PHI win:
they improve to 4-0 (40) vs Minnesota in the playoffs.
Zimmer stays at 40 all time wins.

6 / 13 / 41 / 179

Date numerology of 13. "NFC" = 13.
"January the twenty-first" = 130. "twenty-first" = 179
It's 4 months and 14 days (414) into the season.
The winner goes on to the SB on "the fourth of February" = 103 and 131,
aka "the fourth" = 41.
We're in the 13th year since they played in the playoffs @Philadelphia.
Overall head-to-head series is tied at 13-13.

"Casey Keenum" = 41. "Keenum" = 414 [sumerian]

Pederson was born 1/31, it's 1 week and 3 days (13) from his birthday.

MIN win:
they improve to 1-3 (13) vs Philadelphia in the playoffs.
Zimmer gets his 41st all time win.
Pederson gets his 13th all time loss.
Keenum gets his 13th all time win w/Minnesota,
and gets his 6th ROAD win w/Minnesota

PHI win:
they stay at 6 losses vs Minnesota @Philadelphia.

15 / 47

Date with 15 numerology.
Incl. end date it's 15 days before the Super Bowl.

WHOEVER wins gets their 15th win on the year.

Keenum enters with 47 all time touchdowns.
"Minnesota" = 47

"Philadelphia Eagles" = 150. "Doug" = 47

PHI win:
Foles gets his 15th all time HOME win.

33 / 137

Date with 33 numerology. Incl. end date it's the 137th day of the season.
"NFC Championship Game" = 333.

"Michael" = 33. "Zimmer" = 33, incl. end date it's 33 weeks from his bday.
"Keenum" = 33. "Minneapolis Minnesota" = 303.

22 / 79

Date with 22 numerology.

Zimmer has birth numerology of 22.
"Casey" = 79 [francis bacon]

"Eagles" = 22. "Doug Irving Pederson" = 222.
"Philadelphia Eagles" = 202 [francis bacon].
"Philadelphia" = 79. "Douglas" = 79

MIN win:
Philadelphia gets their 22nd playoff loss,
and would fall to 20-22 (222) in the playoffs.
they improve to 7-9 (79) vs Philadelphia @Philadelphia.
Keenum gets his 22nd all time win.

PHI win:
Pederson gets his 22nd all time win.

21 / 73

It's the 21st, the 21st day of the year.
Incl. end date it's 2 weeks and 1 day (21) before the Super Bowl.
The previous time they played each other was 1 year, 2 months,
and 29 days ago, or 1229 which is the 201st prime (21)...
(the score of that game was 10-21 btw, (121) like the date 1/21 of this one.

Incl. end date it's 231 days from Zimmer's birthday.
231 is the 21st triangular number.
"Minnesota Vikings" = 231.
"Vikings" = 73. "Case Austin Keenum" = 73

"Foles" = 21. "Doug" = 73 [francis bacon]

MIN win:
they get their 21st playoff win.
Pederson stays at 21 all time wins.

PHI win:
they get their 21st playoff win, and would be 21-21.
Keenum stays at 21 all time wins.
Foles improves to 2-1 (21) in the playoffs (AND at HOME in playoffs).

136  |16 / 53  (136 is the 16th triangular number)

It's the 136th day of the season. "the twenty-first of January" = 136.
The previous time they played in the playoffs @Philadelphia was, incl. end
date, 13 years and 6 days ago (136).
It's the 16th meeting @Philadelpgia.

"Minnesota" = 136 [francis bacon].
Incl. end date it's 136 days from Zimmer's birthday.
It's Keenum's 16th all time game w/Minnesota

"Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 136. "Douglas Irving Pederson" = 160.
"Doug" = 16. Foles enters with 53 all time touchdowns w/Philadelphia.

PHI win:
they improve to 10-6 (16) vs Minnesota @Philadelphia.
Keenum falls to 5-3 (53) on the ROAD w/Minnesota.


Incl. end date it's 4 months and 15 days (415) into the season.

It's 4 months and 15 days (415) from Zimmer's birthday.

44 / 193

It's 19 weeks and 3 days (193) into the season.
"National Football Conference" = 193. "Championship" = 193.
We're in the 44th year since they played on the twenty-first of ANY month,
(this is only their second game on the twenty-first of any month),
in fact incl. the end date it's been 44 years and 4 days (444).

Incl. end date it's 19 weeks and 3 days (193) from Zimmer's birthday.
"Vikings" = 44. "Case" = 44.

"Nicholas Edward Foles" = 193.

350 (35) / 149

It's been 350 days since the Super Bowl.
The winner goes on to play in the SB on "the fourth of February" = 149.

"Case Keenum" = 149 [francis bacon].

"Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 305 [francis bacon]
coming into the game they've given up 305 points incl. playoffs.
"Nicholas Edward Foles" = 149. "Nick Edward Foles" = 149.
"Nick Foles" = 149.

351  |26 / 101  (351 is the 26th triangular number)

Incl. end date it's been 351 days since the Super Bowl.
"NFC" = 101 [francis bacon]

"Casey" = 26. "Case" = 26, has birth numerology of 26.

"Philadelphia" = 101.
"Lincoln Financial Field" = 262 [francis bacon].
"Nick" = 26.

MIN win:
Zimmer stays at 26 all time losses.

50 / 229

It's been 50 weeks since the Super Bowl.

"Casey Keenum" = 50

It's 50 weeks and 5 days (505) from Pederson's birthday.
"Nick Foles" = 50

PHI win:
Minnesota falls to 20-29 (229) in the playoffs.


Incl. end date it's been 50 weeks and 1 day (51) since the SB.

"Michael" = 51. "Zimmer" = 51.

"Pederson" = 51.

14 / 43

It's 14 days before the Super Bowl.
"NFC" = 14.
"January the twenty-first" = 104.

WHOEVER loses stays at and finishes the year with 14 wins.
WHOEVER wins gets their 14th win in the overall head-to-head.

It's Keenum's 43rd all time game appearance.
"Mike" = 43. "Case Keenum" = 43.

"Lincoln Financial Field" = 140.
Incl. end date it's 1 week and 4 days (14) from Pederson's birthday.
"Nicholas Edward Foles" = 140.

MIN win:
Foles stays at 14 all time HOME wins, would be 14-10 (141).

121  |5 / 11 / 31 / 127 (121 is 11 squared)

The date is 1/21 (121)
"January the twenty-first" = 121
On this Sunday's games are
called "Conference Championships" = 121.
The winner goes on to play in the SB on "the fourth" = 121.
The score of their previous meeting was 10-21 (121).

"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 111.
"Minnesota" = 110. "Zimmer" = 110 [francis bacon].
"Case Keenum" = 110.
"Minneapolis" = 127. Zimmer was born on the 5th.

"Nick Edward Foles" = 121, he has birth numerology of 110.
"Philadelphia Eagles" = 111. "Douglas Irving Pederson" = 110.
"Douglas" = 110, incl. end date it's 11 days from his birthday.
"Eagles" = 31. "Douglas Irving Pederson" = 313, he was born on the 31st.
"Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 127. "Philadelphia" = 127 [bacon].

MIN win:
they improve to 1-1 (11) vs Philadelphia on the 21st.
Philadelphia falls to 3-1 (31) vs. Minnesota in the playoffs.

PHI win:
Keenum gets his 11th all time ROAD loss,
and falls to 1-1 (11) in the playoffs, and stays at 5 ROAD wins w/Minnesota.
Foles stays at 11 all time losses w/Philadelphia.

52 / 239

How neat is this one. This is only the second time they've ever
played each other on the 21st of any month... and this game is
to decide who goes to Super Bowl 52... The 52nd prime is 239...
Their first game on the 21st of any month was 2309 weeks ago (239)...

"Minnesota" = 52.
"Case Keenum" = 52.

It's 52 weeks from Foles' birthday, it's his 52nd all time game appearance.

343 (34) / 2309  | 34 / 139

And speaking of that 2309 weeks... 2309 is the 343rd prime number.
The winner goes on to play in the SB on the "fourth" = 34.
"National Football Conference" = 139

"Case Keenum" = 34

"Douglas" = 34, it's his 34th all time game.

65 / 313

The previous time they played each other was 65 weeks ago.

Zimmer was born 6/5

"Philadelphia" = 65.
"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 313


The previous time they played in the playoffs was 3304 days ago (334).

Pederson was born on the day that leaves 334 days in the year.


Incl. end date that was 3305 days ago (335) and now they meet
to decide the "National Football Conference" = 335 [francis bacon].

Zimmer is 22510 days old, w/o the zero tha's 2251 and that is
the 335th prime number.


Incl. end date the previous time they played in the playoffs
was 472 weeks and 1 day (4721) ago, and 4721 is the 636th prime.

"Nick" = 63 [francis bacon], he enters with 63 all time touchdowns.

25 / 97

The previous time they met in the playoffs @Philadelphia was
4753 days ago, 4753 is the 97th triangular number.

"Case Keenum" = 97. "Mike" = 25.

"Philadelphia" = 97. "Douglas" = 25.

MIN win:
Philadelphia falls to 9-7 (97) vs. Minnesota @Philadelphia.

153  |7 / 17

Coming into the game, incl. the playoffs, the total points both
teams have scored is 883, the 153rd prime,
WHOEVER wins improves to 15-3 (153) on the year,
and 153 is the 17th triangular number.

"Minneapolis" = 170. "Mike Zimmer" = 59
"Casey" = 17, he was born on the 17th,
it's his 17th all time game appearance w/Minnesota.
"Casey Keenum" = 59.

MIN win:
they get their 7th win in the series @Philadelphia.

9 / 23

MIN win:
they stay at 9 losses in the series @Philadelphia.
Foles stays at 23 all time wins.

It's to decide the "NFC" = 23.
It's 230 days from Zimmer's birthday.
Keenum enters with 23 all time touchdowns w/Minnesota.

"Douglas Pederson" = 230. "Foles" = 83 [francis bacon].

PHI win:
Keenum stays at 9 all time ROAD wins.
Foles stays at 9 all time HOME losses.

10 / 29

PHI win:
they get their 10th win in the series @Philadelphia.
Minnesota gets their 29th playoff loss.

"January twenty-first" = 109

"Mike" = 29. Keenum is 29 years old.
"Case" = 10.

Pederson has birth numerology of 29, he is 18253 days old,
that's the 2092nd prime (292).
Foles is 29 years old, enters with 29 all time interceptions.

MIN win:
Keenum gets his 10th all time ROAD win, and would be 10-10.
Foles gets his 10th all time HOME loss.


It's their 27th all time meeting.
The winner goes on to play in the SB on "the fourth of February" = 103.

It's 27 days from Keenum's birthday.

"Lincoln Financial Field" = 103.
"Nicholas Edward Foles" = 103.

PHI win:
Zimmer gets his 27th all time loss.

12 / 37 / 157 / 919

It's Minnesota's 919th all time game.
We're in the 37th year since they first played in the playoffs.
"Championship" = 157 [francis bacon]
"January the twenty-first" = 157.
"Conference Championship" = 120 (12).

"Vikings" = 37. "Minnesota Vikings" = 120.

"Nick" = 37. "Pederson" = 120.
Foles was born 1/20

MIN win:
Foles gets his 12th all time loss w/Philadelphia,
and falls to 1-2 (12) in the playoffs (and at HOME in playoffs).

PHI win:
Zimmer falls to 40-27 all time, 4027 is the 557th prime,
557 is the 102nd (12).
Pederson stays at 12 all time losses.
Keenum stays at 12 all time wins w/Minnesota.

94 / 491

MIN win:
they get their 491st all time win.

"Championship" = 94
"Mike Zimmer" = 94.

"Nick Foles" = 94.


PHI win:
Minnesota stays at 490 all time wins.

It's Minnesota's 49th playoff game.

"Eagles" = 49.
Pederson is 49 years old.
"Nick Foles" = 49. "Douglas Pederson" = 227 [francis bacon].
"Nick Edward Foles" = 227 [francis bacon].

81 / 419

PHI win:
Minnesota gets their 419th all time loss.

"Nicholas" = 81.

28 / 107

MIN win:
they stay at 28 playoff losses.
they go on to play in the SB on "February fourth" = 107.

"twenty-first of January" = 107

It's been 2882 weeks (a 28 palindrome) since they first
ever played each other.

"Casey" = 28. "Case" = 28, incl. end date it's 28 days from his birthday,
he enters with 28 all time interceptions.
He has birth numerology of 107.

"Doug" = 282 [sumerian]. "Nick" = 28.
"Nicholas" = 107 [francis bacon].


WHOEVER loses stays at 20 playoff wins.

It's Keenum's 20th all time ROAD game.
"Casey Austin Keenum" = 71.
"Mike" = 20, incl. end date it's 7 months and 17 days (717) from his bday.

Foles was born on the 20th, the 20th day of the year,
and he has birth numerology of 20.
"Philadelphia Eagles" = 202 [francis bacon].
"Doug" = 20.
"Pennsylvania" = 71. "Doug Pederson" = 71. "Nick" = 71.

MIN win:
they improve to 2-0 (20) in the series on the 21st.
Keenum improves to 2-0 (20) in the playoffs.


It's Philadelphia's 1230th all time game and it just so happens
to be for the "Conference Championship" = 123.

"Doug Irving Pederson" = 123.

18 / 61

MIN win:
Philadelphia gets their 616th all time loss.
Keenum stays at 18 all time losses.
Foles stays at 18 all time wins w/Philadelphia.

Zimmer is 61 years old.
Minnesota's in this game because of a 61 yard "miracle" play.

"Philadelphia" = 61. "Doug" = 61

"NFC Championship Game" = 180.

PHI win:
Minnesota falls to 6-10 (61) in the series @Philadelphia.
Foles stays at 18 all time losses.

42 / 181

It's Philadelphia's 42nd playoff game.

"Case Austin Keenum" = 181.

"Pederson" = 42. "Doug Pederson" = 181.
"Foles" = 42, it's his 42nd all time game.

8 / 19 / 67

It's Zimmer's 67th all time game.
He has birth numerology of 67.

"Case" = 19, he enters with 8 all time interceptions w/Minnesota.

"Douglas Pederson" = 67, he has birth numerology of 19.
Foles enters with 19 all time interceptions w/Philadelphia.
"Nicholas Foles" = 190 [francis bacon]. "Nick" = 19.

MIN win:
Foles gets his 19th all time loss.

PHI win:
Keenum gets his 19th all time loss.
Foles gets his 19th all time win w/Philadelphia.


MIN win:
Keenum improves to 13-3 (133) all time w/Minnesota.

"Minnesota" = 133.


MIN win:
Keenum improves to 6-2 (62) all time on the ROAD w/Minnesota.

"Casey Austin Keenum" = 62

"Pennsylvania" = 62.
"Doug Pederson" = 62.

24 / 89

PHI win:
Foles gets his 24th all time win and goes on to play in the SB
on "February the fourth" = 242 and 89.
It's his 24th all time HOME game.

"January twenty-first" = 89.

"Keenum" = 24. "Minneapolis" = 89.
"Casey Austin Keenum" = 89

"Foles" = 24, he was born in '89.

38 / 163

It's Foles' 38th all time game appearance w/Philadelphia.

"the twenty-first of January" = 163

"Minnesota" = 38. "Mike" = 38.

"Lincoln Financial Field" = 383. "Douglas" = 38

PHI win:
Minnesota falls to 20-29 (2029) in the playoffs,
2029 is the 308th prime (38),
and Foles' goes on to play in the SB in "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 38,
on the "fourth" = 38.

30 / 113

It's Foles' 30th all time game with Philadelphia.
"Foles" = 30, he has birth numerology of 30, and it's
11 months and 30 days (113) from his birthday.
"Eagles" = 113. "Nicholas Edward Foles" = 113.

"National Football Conference" = 113.

"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 303.
"Keenum" = 30.


PHI win:
Foles improves to 15-9 (159) all time at HOME

"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 159.

55 / 257

It's 50 weeks and 5 days (55) from Pederson's birthday.
"Doug Pederson" = 55

We're in the 55th year since they first ever played each other.

"National Football Conference" = 257.

"Minneapolis" = 55. "Case Austin Keenum" = 55.


Incl. end date it's 50 weeks and 6 days (56) from Pederson's birthday.
He has birth numerology of 56.

Zimmer was born in '56. "Case Keenum" = 56.


It's 11 months and 4 days (114) from Keenum's birthday.

"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 114.
"Minnesota Vikings" = 114.

"Doug Irving Pederson" = 114.


Incl. end date it's 11 months and 5 days (115) from Keenum's birthday.

"Philadelphia" = 115.
"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 115.


It's 3 weeks and 6 days (36) from Keenum's birthday.
He has birth numerology of 36.

"Nicholas" = 36.

conclusion and TD guesses...

Another insane one to call... There's 18 "MIN win:" and 19 "PHI win:"...
but like I said in the AFC post, that's NOT how to pick a game...
The reads can vary greatly in weight, and the reads with no "Win"
scenarios can be strong for one team or the other... So I don't know...

All the Minnesota stuff leading up to this is just too strong...

MIN 1.25 out of 3.

As for TDs... 2 OR 5, maybe 1 INT for Keenum...
And 1 for Foles, maybe 2 INT.

35 total points in the game would bring the combined scored AND given up
points total, incl. playoffs (for THIS YEAR) for both teams, to the 239th prime...

The AFC game was the post before this one.


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