123117 Week 17 New Year's Eve
Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons
No prime time game this week so I tried to pick the game with the
most playoff significance and decided on this one. Carolina could
improve their seeding and Atlanta needs to win or have Seattle lose to
make the playoffs. Really isn't a better game to do, so sort of by default...
This one turned quick- my initial look showed a couple strong
reads for Carolina but then it just seemed like Atlanta stuff just kept
piling up... I think I'm leaning strong for Atlanta but the idea that this
might be a punking on them related to the Super Bowl collapse, with some
25/97 and stuff on it keeps me not so sure...
For Carolina,
It's 35 days before the Super Bowl and there's "zero" = 35 daysleft in the year. Both teams have given up 305 points on the year
coming into the game and Carolina has scored 353.
"Ronald" = 35 and if they win then Atlanta stays at 350 reg. season wins.
The previous time they played each other in December was 2 yearsand 4 days ago (24) and "Cameron Jerrell Newton" = 240 and has
birth numerology of 24 and if they win he stays at 24 reg. season
ROAD losses.
The Carolina Panthers previously played on New Year's Eve 132 monthsago and "Carolina Panthers" = 132 and including the end date it's
132 days from Newton's birthday.
This is the 23rd meeting of these teams in Atlanta, Carolina is in their23rd season (makes sense), "Ronald Rivera" = 83, and if they win then
Atlanta stays at and finishes the reg. season on 9 wins.
This is the 46th all time meeting of these teams and if they win thenRivera stays at 46 reg. season losses.
If they win then Atlanta falls to 27-19 in the series and 2719 is the397th prime and 397 is the 78th... It's Ryan's 78th reg. season HOME
game... So maybe Atlanta falls to a record related to 78 against
"Ron Rivera" = 78 and a team from "Charlotte" = 78, and they do so
in their QB's 78th HOME game? While they are being coached by
"Daniel Quinn" = 78.
Here's the initial read that had me so hot on Carolina...They could get their 193rd all time win, give Atlanta their 444th reg.
season loss, "Newton" = 44 would stay at 44 reg. season losses, it's the day
that leaves "zero" = 44 days left in the year, "Rivera" = 44, and it's in
"Georgia" = 44.
It's Newton's 109th reg. season game appearance and he could get his29th reg. season and all time ROAD win, and they'd give Atlanta's QB,
"Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 109, his 29th all time HOME loss, and it's in
"Mercedes-Benz Stadium" = 109...
HOWEVER, all that being said if Atlanta wins then their coach who has
birth numerology of 109 gets his 29th reg. season win...
The previous time they played each other @Atlanta was 1 year2 months and 29 days ago and 1229 is the 201st prime, "Carolina" = 73,
"Rivera" = 73, "Ron" = 73 [f], and if they win it's the Atlanta coach's
21st all time loss.
"Cam Newton" = 108 and it's his 108th reg. season game.69
"Charlotte" = 69, "Cameron" = 69, and it's in "Atlanta" = 69 and sowhat a team/place for Atlanta's QB to get his 69th all time loss.
"Panthers" = 52, it's "New Year's Eve" = 52, Atlanta's in their 52ndseason, and so what a time for Atlanta's QB to stay at 52 reg. season
HOME wins.
Now for Atlanta,
The date 1231 is the 202nd (22) prime, we're in the 22nd year sincethey first ever played each other, "New Year's Eve" = 220 [f],
and "Ryan" = 22.
324 | 18/61
It's 3 months and 24 days (324) into the season, 324 is 18 squared,we're in the 18th year since they first ever played each other on the 31st
of ANY month, and "New Year's Eve" = 61... And then if they win then
they stay at 18 losses in the overall head-to-head vs Carolina.
The previous time these teams played (not each other but played) onNew Year's Eve was 11 years ago, the previous time they played each
other was 1 month and 27 days (127) ago, it's the 31st, and including the
end date it's been 1 month and 27 days (127) since the Super Bowl,
a Super Bowl the Falcons were in... "Georgia" = 127,
"Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 127, "Matt Ryan" = 31, and if they win then
Quinn gets his 31st all time win.
It's Quinn's 51st all time game and his name "Dan Patrick Quinn" = 233,and including the end date it's 5 weeks and 1 day (51) before the SB.
The previous time they played each other was 56 days ago, "New Year's" = 56,and if they win then Ryan gets his 56th all time HOME win...
Also, it's Newton's 56th all time ROAD game, and the stadium,
"Mercedes-Benz" = 56.
Including the end date the previous time they played each otherIN Atlanta was 456 days ago... and if they win they stay at 456 all time losses.
There's "zero" = 28 days left in the year, they could get their 28th winin the series, Ryan would stay at 28 all time HOME losses, Quinn has
birth numerology of 28, Ryan has birth numerology of 107, and they'd keep
"Newton" = 28 who is 28 years old at 28 reg. season and all time ROAD
"Matt Ryan" = 50, "Ryan" = 50, including the end date it's 229 daysfrom his birthday, and they could give Rivera his 50th all time loss.
It's Quinn's 48th reg. season game, "Atlanta" = 48, and they could giveNewton his 48th all time loss.
If they win then Newton stays at 62 reg. season wins..."Georgia" = 62, "Dan" = 62, and "Matt Thomas Ryan" = 62.
Ryan could get his 95th reg. season win against "Cameron" = 95,and "Ronald Eugene Rivera" = 95, and it's in "Atlanta" = 95 [f].
Ryan could get his 98th all time win in "Mercedes-Benz Stadium" = 98,in the NFL's 98th season, against a coach named "Ronald" = 98.
And now for the strong overlap,
It's a date with 80 numerology, the 80th prime is 409 (49)and it's an "eve" = 49.For Carolina,
if they win their coach stays at 49 all time losses and he'd do so against
"Matthew Ryan" = 49 and the "Atlanta Falcons" = 49...
For Atlanta,
it's their 800th reg. season game, "Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 80, "Matt" = 80[f]
It's a date with 15 numerology, it's 47 weeks since the Super Bowl,it's 1 month and 5 days (15) before the Super Bowl, the previous time they
played each other in December was 105 (15) weeks ago, coming into the game
the combined number of points these teams have given up on the year is
610 and 610 is the 15th Fibonacci number, and "New Year's" = 47.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 47, "Ron" = 47, & if they win Newton stays at 47 all time losses.
For Atlanta,
"Atlanta" = 15, Quinn is 47 years old, and if they win they give Rivera his
47th reg. season loss.
It's a date with 17 numerology, it's week 17, the days left in the year,"zero" = 17, and it's the 7th meeting in December @Atlanta.
For Carolina,
"Cam" = 17, Rivera was born 1/7 and it's 7 days from his birthday,
and if they win they get their 7th win @Atlanta.
For Atlanta,
"Dan" = 17, "Matthew Ryan" = 59 and was born on the 17th and enters
the game with 277 all time TDS, "Atlanta Georgia" = 59, and if they win
it's their 17th win vs Carolina @Atlanta, and their 7th win vs them in the
month of December (they'd improve to 7-7).
It's a date with 53 numerology...For Carolina,
"Carolina" = 53, "Ron" = 16 and has birth numerology of 16,
"Cam Newton" = 160[f] (16), "Cameron Newton" = 160, and if they win
they stay at 16 losses in the series @Atlanta.
For Atlanta,
"Matt Thomas Ryan" = 53, including the end date it's 16 weeks from
Quinn's birthday, and if they win Ryan gets his 53rd reg. season HOME win,
and they would improve to 10-6 (16) on the year.
It's a date with 43 numerology, whoever wins improves to 4-3 in the seriesin December @Atlanta, "New Year's" = 43, it's 1 month and 4 days (14) before
the Super Bowl, we're in the 14th year since they first ever played each other
in December @Atlanta, this is the 14th meeting in December, "Eve" = 14,
and the previous time they played each other in December was 105 weeks ago
and 105 is the 14th triangular number.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 43, "Cam" = 43[f] and has birth numerology of 43, and
"Cameron Newton" = 191.
For Atlanta,
"Atlanta Falcons" = 191[f] and if they win then Carolina gets their 191st
all time loss.
It's been 115 days since the season began and 1150 (115) weeks sincethey first ever played each other in December.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 115 and it's Newton's 115th all time game appearance.
For Atlanta,
if they win then Carolina falls to 11-5 (115) on the year.
325 | 25/97
Including the end date it's 3 months and 25 days (325) into the season,325 is the 25th triangular number, and also including the end date it's been
2 years and 5 days (25) since they previously played each other in Dec.
For Carolina,
"Charlotte North Carolina" = 250, "Ronald Rivera" = 97, and if they win
Atlanta falls to 9-7 (97) on the year and Ryan stays at 97 all time wins.
For Atlanta,
if they win then Ryan stays at 25 reg. season HOME losses, and
Newton gets his 25th reg. season ROAD loss.
This one is neat. It's 16 weeks and 3 days (163) into the season,and it's "New Year's" = 38...
"Panthers" = 38
"Falcons" = 38
How fitting that they are playing each other...
It's been 8 weeks since they previous played, and including the end dateit's been 1150 weeks and 1 day (1151) since they first ever played
in December, and 1151 is the 190th prime (19)...
For Carolina,
"Cam" = 19, "North Carolina" = 67, and if they win they stay at
190 all time losses and get their 19th win in the overall series.
For Atlanta,
"Matt Thomas Ryan" = 190, "Dan" = 19, they've scored 331 points on
the year coming in, and if they win then Quinn stays at 19 reg. season
losses and Rivera stays at 67 all time wins.
The previous time they played each other @Atlanta was 65 weeks ago.For Carolina,
"Ronald Rivera" = 65, "Cameron Newton" = 65, and if they win then
Rivera gets his 65th regular season win.
For Atlanta,
if they win they keep Newton at 65 all time wins...
also, "Mercedes-Benz" = 65 but that could go for either...
For Carolina,"Ron" = 20, "Cam Jerrell Newton" = 71, and "Newton" = 71 and if they
win they improve to 2-0 (20) on New Year's Eve and would give
Quinn his 20th reg. season loss.
For Atlanta,
"Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 71 and if they win Quinn stays at 20
all time losses and they improve to 2-0 (20) vs Carolina on the 31st of
ANY month.
351 | 26/101
For Carolina,"Newton" = 26 could stay at 26 all time ROAD losses and they'd give Ryan his
26th reg. season HOME loss and "Panthers" = 101 and
"Cameron Newton" = 101.
For Atlanta,
they could get their 351st reg. season win, 351 is the 26th triangular number,
and it would come against "Newton" = 26, "Panthers" = 101, etc...
There are "zero" = 64 days left in the year...For Carolina,
"Ronald" = 64, "Cam" = 64, and if they win they give Ryan his 64th
reg. season loss.
For Atlanta,
if they win then Rivera stays at 64 reg. season wins.
For Carolina,the "Carolina Panthers" = 84 coached by Ron Eugene Rivera" = 84
could beat "Ryan" = 84[f] in his 84th all time HOME game...
For Atlanta,
just the opposite, "Ryan" = 84[f] could win his 84th all time HOME game
against the "Carolina Panthers" = 84 etc...
conclusion and TD guess,
I don't know. Thought it was clear one way and then the other and then
just kind of muddled. I think I like Atlanta which means Seattle would be out
and maybe that just means it IS Minnesota this year...
IF Atlanta does lose, wild idea based on their previous NYE games,
but maybe they lose by 4 points? They lost by 17 the first time they played on NYE,
and then they lost by 7 the next time... 17 is the 7th prime... 7 is the 4th prime...
so maybe they lose by 4. But I don't know. I think they win.
I'll go ATL 1.25 out of 3
As for TDS...How about 1 or 2 for Cam, and 0 or 4 for Ryan.
Happy new year and thanks for sharing your decodes brother. Good call on the Falcons.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! Hey thank you for your comments!
DeleteCan you decode Panthers v NO ?
ReplyDeleteWas deciding between Buffalo Jacksonville and Atlanta Los Angeles and picked Atlanta Los Angeles but was thinking of doing a "lite" preview of every game... but YES, I will try my best to do CAR v NO as well. I really appreciate your comments here man, so absolutely.
DeleteI'll try and do ATL LA and the "lite" preview of the others as well.
Thanks again and Cheers!
where did you go?
DeleteAnd you shouldn't fist anyone, not even your wife in the marriage bedroom.
Repent and believe on The Lord Jesus Christ.
I'll be posting again, Lord willing.