I did the 4th game in full and is in the previous blog post.
"bn" stands for "birth numerology". [f] = francis bacon. [sm] = sumerian (rare)
I hope you guys are enjoying this work...
1618 Saturday 4:35 PM est
Tennessee Titans at Kansas City Chiefs
It's a date with 25 numerology."Mike" = 25 is 20502 days old (252)
"Arrowhead Stadium" = 252. "Kansas City Chiefs" = 250[f]
"Alex" = 252[sm]
TN win:
Alex Smith would fall to 2-5 (25) in the playoffs.
45 / 197
It's a date with 45 numerology."Marcus" = 450[sm]. "Nashville Tennessee" = 197
Andy Reid has bn of 45.
16 / 53 / 241
It's a date with 16 numerology and the date is 1/6. "Saturday" = 53."Marcus Mariota" = 53 has bn of 16. "Tennessee Titans" = 241.
"Kansas City Missouri" = 241
TN win:
Mularkey would stay at 53 all time losses
and Andy Reid would stay at 53 all time wins w/KC.
18 / 61
It's a date with 18 numerology and the first playoff/NFL game in the year '18."Mike Mularkey" = 180, born in '61
"Arrowhead Stadium" = 180
TN win:
Kansas City gets their 18th playoff loss.
It's a date with 34 numerology (16+18=34).It's Tennessee's 34th playoff game. "Tennessee" = 34.
"Mularkey" = 34. Mariota enters w/34 INT
Alex Smith has bn of 34
KC win:
Smith improves to 3-4 (34) in the playoffs.
It's a date with 54 numerology (16+20+18=54)."Tennessee Titans" = 54. "Mike Mularkey" = 54.
KC win:
Mularkey gets his 54th all time loss,
and Reid gets his 54th all time win w/KC.
6 / 13 / 41 |91
It's the 6th day of the year. The 6th prime is 13. The 13th is 41and it's 4 weeks and 1 day (41) before the Super Bowl.
Mariota was born on the 13th. "Michael Mularkey" = 131.
"Michael Rene Mularkey" = 179
It's 4 months and 1 day (41) from Smith's birthday.
"Kansas City" = 41. "Chiefs" = 41. "Smith" = 414[sm]
TN win:
Reid gets his 13th playoff loss.
KC win:
They stay at 6 losses on the year. Also, the 13th triangular number is 91
and Smith would get his 91st all time win.
72 / 359
It's the day that leaves 359 days in the year. 359 is the 72nd prime."Mike Mularkey" = 72
"Arrowhead Stadium" = 72. "Alexander Smith" = 72.
11 | 121
It's the 121st day of the season. 121 is 11 squared.Mularkey was born in the 11th month
It's 121 days from Smith's birthday
TN win:
Reid gets his 121st all time loss and would stay at 11 playoff wins.
Including the end date it's the 122nd day of the season."Michael Mularkey" = 122
Including the end date it's 122 days from Smith's birthday.
"Kansas City" = 122.
33 / 137
It's 3 months and 30 days (33) into the season. The 33rd prime is 137."Michael" = 33. "Tennessee" = 137
Alex "Smith" = 33 is 33 years old.
172 | 271 / 58
It's 17 weeks and 2 days (172) into the season."Kansas City Chiefs" = 172. It's 17 weeks and 2 days (172)
from Smith's birthday.
172 reversed is 271, the 58th prime, both teams are in their
58th season.
40 / 173
Including the end date it's 17 weeks and 3 days (173) into the season.173 is the 40th prime.
"Chiefs" = 40. Including the end date it's 17 weeks and 3 days (173)
from Smith's birthday.
It's been 335 days since the Super Bowl."Alexander Douglas Smith" = 335
Those 335 days are 11 months and 1 day (111)."Alex Smith" = 111.
Including the end date that's 11 months and 2 days (112)."Mariota" = 112.
"Chiefs" = 112.
That's also 47 weeks and 6 days (476).KC win:
Tennessee gets their 476th all time loss.
Including the end date that's 48 weeks since the Super Bowl.And these are the playoffs that conclude with the 48th Super Bowl
of the modern era. So how neat is that?
It's 48 days from Mularkey's birthday. "Michael" = 48.
"Nashville" = 48,
"Arrowhead" = 48. "Alex Smith" = 48.
10 / 29 / 109
It's 29 days before the Super Bowl. "Saturday" = 109."Mike" = 29 Mularkey has bn of 29 and including the end date
is 2929 weeks old. "Titans" = 29 and 109. Mariota was born in
the 10th month.
TN win:
They would stay at 29 losses in the series. Kansas City would
stay at 10 wins on the year.
KC win:
They would get their 10th playoff win.
30 / 113
Including the end date it's 30 days before the Super Bowl."Marcus" = 30 Mariota was born on the 30th (the 303rd day of the year).
It's 10 months and 13 days (113) from Mularkey's birthday.
"Smith" = 30
KC win:
They would get their 30th win in the series.
Including the end date it's 4 weeks and 2 days (42) before the SB.The word "forty-two" = 142.
"Wild Card" = 142.
Including the end date it's 42 weeks and 4 days (424) from
"Marcus" = 42 Mariota's birthday & before this one he's played 42 games.
Mularkey was born on the day that leaves 42 days in the year and it's his
42nd all time game with Tennessee
"Missouri" = 42
Including the end date it's 42 weeks from Reid's birthday
Including the end date it's 4 months and 2 days (42) from "Alex" = 42 Smith's birthday.
119 | 911
It's been 1 year and 19 days (119) since they previously played.Including the end date it's 1 month and 19 days (119) from Mularkey's bday.
"Tennessee" = 119
"Kansas City Missouri" = 119. "Arrowhead" = 119
"Alexander Douglas Smith" = 119.
And it's the Chiefs 911th all time game!
120 (12) / 37 / 157
Including the end date that's 1 year and 20 days (120). "Saturday" = 37.TN win:
Mularkey gets his 37th all time win.
Smith has played 157 games before this one.
KC win:
Reid stays at 120 all time losses and would get his 12th playoff win
(and be 12-12).
conclusion and TD guesses,
Those Titans reads kept jumping at first, and it's like, really...
I think KC is like 1-9 in the playoffs lately, is that right?
Wouldn't surprise me if the Titans pull the upset here, other than that I'm
actually really hot on KC to make the SB so...But I don't know.
I'll go Kansas City I think.
KC 1.25 out of 3
How about 1 for Mariota, and 2 for Smith.
1618 Saturday 8:15 PM est
Atlanta Falcons at Los Angeles Rams
25 / 97
It's a date with 25 numerology.Including the end date it's 2 weeks and 5 days (25) from McVay's birthday
"Falcons" = 25. "Dan Patrick Quinn" = 250[f]
"Goff" = 25. "Jared" = 97
ATL win:
The Rams would get their 25th playoff loss.
45 / 197
It's a date with 45 numerology.Matt Ryan has bn of 45. "Quinn" = 450[sm]. "Daniel" = 45. "Dan" = 45[f].
"Matthew" = 45. Quinn was born in 1970 (197)
"Jared Goff" = 45. "Los Angeles California" = 197.
16 / 53
It's a date with 16 numerology and the date is 1/6. "Saturday" = 53."Matt Thomas Ryan" = 53
McVay has coached 16 games prior to this one. "L.A. Coliseum" = 160.
"Los Angeles" = 161 and 53. "Los Angeles Rams" = 160.
18 / 61
It's a date with 18 numerology and the first playoff day in the year '18.Quinn has bn of 18.
It's 18 days from McVay's birthday. "Sean McVay" = 181.
"L.A. Coliseum" = 61
34 / 139
It's a date with 34 numerology (16+18=34). Game is on the 34th parallel."Falcons" = 34. "Atlanta Falcons" = 139
"Los Angeles California" = 343. "Jared" = 34. "Goff" = 34.
:Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum" = 139.
It's a date with 54 numerology (16+20+18=54)."Daniel" = 54. "Matthew" = 54. "Matt" = 54
6 / 13 / 41
It's the 6th day of the year. The 6th prime is 13. The 13th is 41and it's 4 weeks and 1 day (41) before the Super Bowl.
It's 131 days from Ryan's birthday who was picked in the
1st round 3rd overall (13). "Atlanta Georgia" = 131. "Dan Quinn" = 41
McVay has bn of 130. "L.A." = 13 and 41. It's 40 weeks and 1 day (41) from
Goff's birthday. "Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum" = 410
ATL win:
They stay at 13 playoff losses. They would stay at 6 losses on the year
and LA would get their 6th loss on the year, and McVay would get his
6th loss.
72 / 359
It's the day that leaves 359 days in the year. 359 is the 72nd prime.It's 7 months and 20 days (72) from Ryan's birthday.
"Jared Goff" = 72
11 | 121
It's the 121st day of the season. 121 is 11 squared.And it's 11 months and 1 day (111) since the Super Bowl.
Quinn was born on the 11th, the day that leaves 111.
Including the end date it's 12 weeks and 1 day (121) from Goff's birthday.
McVay has bn of 111. "L.A. Coliseum:" = 110. "Goff" = 11.
ATL win:
They'd get their 11th win on the year and the Rams & McVay would stay
at 11 wins on the year, and Goff would stay at 11 all time wins.
Including the end date it's the 122nd day of the season."Dan Quinn" = 122.
33 / 137
It's 3 months and 30 days (33) into the season. The 33rd prime is 137.Matt Ryan was born on the 137th day of the year and it's 33 weeks and 3
days (333) from his birthday.
Goff enters with 33 TDs and has bn of 137.
It's 17 weeks and 2 days (172) into the season."Dan Patrick Quinn" = 172. "Daniel Quinn" = 172[f].
40 / 173
Including the end date it's 17 weeks and 3 days (173) into the season.173 is the 40th prime.
"Atlanta Falcons" = 40. "Dan Quinn" = 40.
"Sean McVay" = 40.
Including the end date it's 11 months and 2 days (112) since the SB."Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum" = 112.
"Matt Ryan" = 112.
48 / 223
Including the end date that's 48 weeks since the Super Bowl.And these are the playoffs that conclude with the 48th Super Bowl
of the modern era. So how neat is that?
"Atlanta" = 48
It's 2 months and 23 days (223) from Goff's birthday.
LA win:
They'd get their 48th win in the head-to-head.
10 / 29 / 109
It's 29 days before the Super Bowl. "Saturday" = 109.Quinn has bn of 109. "Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 109. "Dan" = 10
Goff has bn of 29. "Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum" = 292.
"Los Angeles" = 109. Goff was born in the 10th month
LA win:
Atlanta would stay at 29 wins in the head-to-head, and on 10 wins
for the year.
ATL win:
They'd get their 10th playoff win.
Including the end date it's 30 days before the Super Bowl."Quinn" = 30
"Rams" = 30
ATL win:
They'd get their 30th win in the head-to-head.
Including the end date it's 4 weeks and 2 days (42) before the SB.The word "forty-two" = 142.
"Wild Card" = 142.
Including the end date it's 40 weeks and 2 days (42) from Goff's bday.
"L.A. Rams" = 142. "Sean" = 42
The previous time they played was 1 year and 26 days (126) ago."Wild Card" = 126.
Ryan has bn of 126
Including the end date that's 1 year and 27 days (127) ago."Georgia" = 127. "Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 127.
It's the Falcons' 801st all time game (81)... and they couldend the Rams 81st season.
conclusion and TD guesses,
Man I thought this one was a total toss up. Looking at it again it seems like it's all Atlanta.
This isn't a full decode, and so these aren't even official picks, really, so, who cares...
I'll go Atlanta, but who knows.
ATL 1.00 out of 3.
How about 2 OR 5 for Ryan, and 0 OR 1 for Goff.
1718 Sunday 1:05 PM est
Buffalo Bills at Jacksonville Jaguars
It's a date with 26 numerology."Orchard Park New York" = 262. "Tyrod" = 26
"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 262[f]. "Robby Blake Bortles" = 262[f]. "Robby"=26
BUF win:
Marrone stays at 26 all time wins.
46 / 199
It's a date with 46 numerology.The previous time they played was 406 (46) days ago.
"Rob" = 46. It's 199 days from Marrone's birthday.
4 / 7 / 17 / 59 | 28 / 107
It's a date with 17 numerology, the date is 1/7, it's the 7th day of the year,it's exactly 4 months into the season, and it's 28 days before the Super Bowl.
(28 is the 7th triangular number).
It's Tyrod Taylor's 59th all time game appearance. "Orchard Park" = 59
McDermott has bn of 17 and it's his 17th all time game.
"Tyrod" = 28 "Taylor" = 28 is 28 years old, has bn of 28, and it's 208 (28) days
from his birthday.
"Robby Bortles" = 171. "Rob" = 17. "Doug Marrone" = 59. "Blake Bortles" = 59.
Marrone was born in the 7th month. "Robby" = 28 Bortles was born on the 28th.
BUF win:
They would stay on 7 losses on the year, and 7 losses in the head-to-head,
& Jacksonville would get their 7th loss on the year AND 7th playoff loss.
Both season records would be 10-7 (107), the 28th prime.
Jacksonville stays at 170 all time wins.
JAC win:
They get their 171st all time win. Marrone would stay at 7 all time losses
8 / 19 / 67
It's a date with 19 and 8 numerology."Orchard Park" = 67. Taylor was born in the 8th month.
It's Marrone's 19th all time game w/Jacksonville. "Jacksonville" = 191.
"Rob" = 19. "Robby Blake Bortles" = 67. "Rob Blake Bortles" = 67.
BUF win:
Marrone would get his 8th loss w/Jacksonville
JAC win:
They'd get their 8th win in the head-to-head (it'd be tied 8-8).
The Bills and McDermott would get their 8th loss on the year.
It's a date with 35 numerology (17+18=35)."Taylor" = 35.
"Rob" = 35.
It's a date with 55 numerology (17+20+18=55).Including the end date it's 5 months and 5 days (55) from Taylor's birthday.
It's the 122nd day of the season."Douglas Charles Marrone" = 122. "Blake Bortles" = 122.
Including the end date it's 123 days into the season."Jacksonville Jaguars" = 123
13 / 41
Including the end date it's both 4 months and 1 day (41) into the season,and 4 weeks and 1 day (41) before the Super Bowl.
"EverBank" = 130[f]. "Douglas Charles Marrone" = 131. "Doug Marrone" = 131.
"Rob Blake Bortles" = 131. "Blake" = 13.
BUF win:
"Blake Bortles" = 41 gets his 41st all time loss.
68 / 337
Including the end date it's been 337 days since the Super Bowl,337 is the 68th prime.
"Orchard Park" = 68.
10 / 29 / 109
Including the end date it's 29 days before the Super Bowl.Also including the end date it's 209 (29) days from Taylor's birthday.
It's 292 days from McDermott's birthday. "Orchard Park New York" = 109.
"Doug Charles Marrone" = 109
BUF win:
They'd get their 10th win on the season and the Jags' would stay at 10 wins.
15 / 47 / 211
The first time they ever played each other was also the previous time theyplayed each other in the playoffs, and that was, 21 years & 10 days (211) ago,
and the previous time they played each other period was, including the end date
407 (47) days ago... 211 is the 47th prime and 47 is the 15th.
BUF win:
They'd get their 15th playoff win and improve to 15-15.
The previous time they played each other was 58 weeks ago.The Bills are in their 58th season. Tyrod Taylor has appeared in 58 games
prior to this one.
"Doug Marrone" = 58. "Rob Blake Bortles" = 58
25 / 97
The Bills could improve to 9-7 (97) in the series w/a win, 97 is the 25th prime,and it would be "Douglas" = 25 Marrone's 25th all time loss.
"Buffalo New York" = 252[f].
"Jacksonville Florida" = 250[f].
conclusion and TD guesses,
And here's something very interesting.I've been wondering if Eli Manning will leave New York and go to Jacksonville
next year to rejoin his old head coach Tom Coughlin.
Eli's consecutive starts streak was snapped this year, by benching,
at 210 games...
"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 210, and their next loss will be their... can you guess,
it will be their 210th all time loss! So how about it!? Imagine that they
get bounced in the first round, have 210 all time losses and bring in
Eli to help get them over the hump... Too wild!
Now, their next loss doesn't have to come in the first round.
I could imagine the same scenario if they lose in the divisional Round...
BUT, the further they go the less likely it is that they'd change QBs...
So I'm switching my "straight football knowledge" pick of the Jags,
and am going to go Buffalo I think...
I'll go BUF 1.25 out of 3.
How about 3 TDS for Taylor, and 0 for Bortles.
Maybe 3 INT for Bortles.
For the Carolina at New Orleans game keep scrolling,
I did it full and is in its own post.
Thanks for the decodes brother
ReplyDeleteSo far looking like a round of upsets
Hey you're welcome! Upsets on Saturday but not Sunday. Noticed some very interesting things- unfortunately I'm almost convinced it's New Orleans now... check out my new posts.
DeleteNice work man, I've been doing some decoding myself. Check it out https://wokestool.blogspot.com/?m=1