Monday, January 8, 2018


A WILD Wild Card weekend?

Apparently, the South will rise again. At least they will rise up north
to play in the Divisional Round next week.

The first thing I noticed is that all the teams that won were from the South...
Nashville, TN. Atlanta, GA. Jacksonville, FL. New Orleans, LA.

And they all travel North to play next week.
Foxborough, MA. Philadelphia, PA. Pittsburgh, PA. Minneapolis, MN.

The next thing I noticed is that the total points of all the wild card games
was 152. The sum of the divisors of 152 is 300.

2018 happens to be the 300th year of the City of New Orleans.

"Drew" = 300 [sumerian].

And something I noticed at the beginning of the year. This season was
the 2017 season right, and for Drew Brees' first game of the 2017 season
he just happened to be exactly 2,017 weeks old!!!!!

So, he played his first game this year on 911, and "Super Bowl" = 41.
Well, look at what 2017 weeks is in days...
14,119... backwards that's 911 41! Was that a clue that Brees,
being 2017 weeks old to start his 2017 season, on 911, would go on to
win the Super Bowl? Dang... Anyway, back to 152...

Drew Brees just got his 149th all time win. Two more and he'd be in
the Super Bowl and be at 151 wins... The Super Bowl could be his
152nd all time win.

Ben Roethlisberger is currently on 148 all time wins. Two more and
he'd be in the Super Bowl and be at 151... The Super Bowl could be his
152nd all time win... and "Pennsylvania" = 152.

Was the total points of 152 for Wild Card Weekend a clue to a
New Orleans vs Pittsburgh Super Bowl?

As for 152 and 300 and any of the other remaining teams:
"Case Austin Keenum" = 152.
"Marcus Mariota" = 152 and has birth numerology of 152.
"Brady" = 300 [sumerian].
"Doug Irving Pederson" = 300 [francis bacon].

And then digging deeper...

"one hundred fifty-two" = 232 and 97.
"Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 232. "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 232. "Ben Roethlisberger" = 97.
The others would be:
"Bill Belichick" = 97
"Philadelphia" = 97
"Case Keenum" = 97

In reverse ordinal "one hundred fifty-two" = 254 and 83
"Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 254. "Tomlin" = 83.
"New Orleans, Louisiana" = 83
The others would be:
"Bill Belichick" = 254 and 83
"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 254
"Titans" = 83.

And then 83 is the 23rd prime. The Super Bowl stadium, "U.S. Bank" = 23.
"Drew" = 23.
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 232. "Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 232.
The others would be:
"Jaguars" = 23
"Ryan" = 23
"Thomas Brady Jr." = 232 [francis bacon]. "Brady" = 23
"Douglas Pederson" = 230

I also notice the 52 in 152... Super Bowl 52... So what about the 100...
Well, the sum of the divisors of 100 is 217... Sort of like 2017...

And of course 152 reversed is 251, a prime number.
251 is the 54th prime...

"New Orleans" = 54 and "Drew Brees" = 54, both in S Exception.

The other 54s would be:
"Tennessee Titans" and "Mike Mularkey" = 54.
"Daniel", "Matthew", and "Matt" = 54 (Falcons).
"Thomas Brady" = 54.
"Case" = 54 [francis bacon].
"Robby Bortles" and "Rob Bortles" = 54.

So, unfortunately because I've been basically all in on Minnesota this
year, but it looks like New Orleans and Pittsburgh... Eh?

Adding JUST the winning scores from Wild Card Weekend,
it's 89... the 24th prime and the Super Bowl is on 2/4... "Minneapolis" = 89.

I'm thinking that could very well be a Super Bowl clue because
152 divided by the number of games, 4, = 38 and the Super Bowl
stadium "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 38.

Hmmmmm, remember the 83 from earlier... and the whole 'all teams that
won were from the South' thing... and that it's Super Bowl 52...

"South" = 83 straight and 52 in reverse. Wow?

And maybe they used the Wild Card round to encode a deep
clue like that because "Wild Card" = 52... So this was a good a year
to put a clue into the Wild Card scores... ?

So I actually hope I'm wrong about this but right now I'd say...

New Orleans beats Pittsburgh.

I'll try and do a preview of all the games again next week,
and do the Saints Vikings game in full.


ps: in case anyone cares, the total number of points scored in the enter regular season this year was...
11,120. Nothing jumps out there to me, but, for what it's worth.


  1. Nice job! Seeing some overlap with mine

    Sean Payton is also 54 years old.
    Birthday is 5 weeks 2 days before SB52

  2. Glad to find your blog through your posts on Decoding Sports' blogsite! The 11,120 could be interesting since the sum of its divisors is 26,040. Could be a stretch, but AFC is going for its 26th SB win and TB is 40 yrs old..

    1. Hey, thank you! I looked some more at 11120, your 26 40 thing is interesting... If you reduce all the individual teams' scores (to double digits) and then add 'em it's 383... A 383 both ways and the Super Bowl is in "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 38. And "Minnesota" and "Louisiana" both = 38. "Falcons" = 38 too though...

      If you reduce all teams' scores to single digits and then add 'em it's 131... the 32nd prime. "Brees" = 32. "Eagles" and "Jaguars" also = 32.

      Something I've been wanting to check... SB 51 was the 47th of the modern era. 4x7=28 and 28 certainly showed up big on the game. SB 50 was the 46th of the modern era and 4x6=24 and Denver won that SB with 24 points... Ok so SB 49 was the 45th of the modern era and 4x5=20, did 20 show up big on that game? Did this just start with the landmark 50th? IF it's a thing this year the number would be 32...

      I looked quick at SB 49 and it looks like the winning score came with 2:02 on the clock... For SB 48 / 44th 4x4=16, the Seahawks got their 16th win on the year in the SB. For SB 47 / 43rd 4x3=12, the Ravens had 12 drives in the game, and 21 first downs... For SB 46 / 42nd 4x2=8, the pat's lost with 17, the Giants had 26 first downs... For SB 45 / 41st 4x1=4, the Packers scored 4 TDs... Then it'd go to zero and then for SB 43 / 39th 3x9=27, LOL the Steelers won with 27... just when I thought this was getting too stretchy... anyway...

      Thanks again and I hope to post the Saints Vikes game in full and some significant work on the other three games well before Saturday. Cheers!
