Sunday, November 26, 2017

Packers Steelers SNF WK12


Week 12 Sunday Night Football

Green Bay Packers at Pittsburgh Steelers

Started smelling upset pretty early on but then some
very strong reads for the Steelers popped out, so I don't know...

For Green Bay


It's a date with 74 numerology (11+26+20+17=74) and if Green Bay wins
their coach stays at 74 all time losses and does so against a coach
who was born on the 74th day of the year.


It's a date with 20 numerology (1+1+2+6+2+0+1+7=20), the 20th prime
is 71 and including the end date it's 71 days before the Super Bowl, and
Green Bay's QB "Brett" = 20, it's 202 days from his birthday, his full name
"Brett Hundley" = 71, "Packers" = 71, and if they win they get their
20th all time win in the overall head-to-head.


It's a date with 47 numerology (11+26+2+0+1+7=47), 47 is the 15th prime,
it's the 15th game of this week, it's the 15th meeting of these teams
@Pittsburgh since the Steelers have been named the Steelers, and
"Green Bay Packers" = 150, their QB "Brett Alan Hundley Jr." = 150,
he was born on the 15th, and with a win they stay at 15 regular season and
all time losses in the overall head-to-head and improve to 15-15 all time
in the head-to-head since Pittsburgh has been named the Steelers. Plus,
the Green Bay coach would get his 120th regular season win
and 120 is the 15th triangular number.

Now, you might argue that could go into the overlap category because
for Pittsburgh their QB "Ben" = 15, he has birth numerology of 15,
"Ben" = 47 [francis bacon], and it's his 211th all time game. The 47th prime
is 211. But meah.


It's a date with 37 numerology (11+26=37), 37 is the 12th prime, we are in
the 12th year since they previously played each other in the month of Nov.,
"SNF" = 12, and it's week 12 of the season. And then, "Packers" = 37,
their coach "McCarthy" = 37 he has birth numerology of 12 and is in his 12th year,
their QB "Hundley" = 37, and if they win they improve to 1-2 (12) vs Pittsburgh
on the 26th of ANY month, and their coach gets his 120th (12) regular season win.


Since this season began, including the end date, it's been
2 months and 20 days (22) and Green Bay's coach "Michael McCarthy" =220 [f],
he has birth numerology of 22, and it's 2 weeks and 2 days (22) from
his birthday. The 22nd prime is 79 and their QB "Brett Hundley Jr." = 79, and
it is 202 days from his birthday. And if they win they improve to 7-9(79)
vs Pittsburgh @Pittsburgh, and the Pittsburgh QB stays at 79 all time HOME wins.


There's 70 days to the Super Bowl and this game is a Super Bowl rematch,
since these teams played in the Super Bowl it's been 2485 days and
2485 is the 70th triangular number. And then their coach
"Michael McCarthy" = 70, "Mike" = 70, and it's 349 days from his birthday,
the 70th prime. Also their QB "Brett" = 70 and if they win the Steelers' QB
get his 70th all time loss.


The previous time these teams played in November was 4403 days ago,
w/o the zero that's 443 and that's the 86th prime. The Packers' coach
"Mike John McCarthy" = 86, and if they win then Pittsburgh falls to
8-6 (86) vs Green Bay in November.


If Green Bay wins they improve to 6-5 (65) on the year, their QB "Brett" = 65,
"Brett Hundley Jr." = 65, "Brett Alan Hundley" = 65, and they'd give Pittsburgh
their 650th (65) all time loss. However, this could go into the overlap category
because if Pittsburgh wins then their coach stays at 65 all time losses. Meah.


If Green Bay wins Pittsburgh gets their 576 all time loss and
576 is 24 squared, the Pittsburgh QB would get his 24th regular season HOME loss,
and it would come against a 24 year old QB with birth numerology of 24
named "Hundley" = 89, which is the 24th prime.


If Green Bay wins their coach "Mike McCarthy" = 66, stays at 66 regular season losses,
the Steelers' coach gets his 66th all time loss, the 66th prime is 317 and it's
3 months and 17 days (317) from the Steelers' coach's birthday.


The Packers' coach would also get his 130th all time win and what a nice
team to do it against, "Pittsburgh" = 130, from "North Shore" = 130.


"Packers" = 116 and with a win the Steelers' coach would stay
at 116 all time wins.


And the Pittsburgh QB would get his 27th all time HOME loss, the 27th prime
is 103 and "Green Bay Wisconsin" = 103, and their coach
"Mike John McCarthy" = 103 and has birth numerology of 103.

Plus, w/o the zero that 103 is 13 and this is the Packers' 1331st
regular season game.


Their QB was drafted in the 5th round at the 11th pick, or 511,
and it's 5 months and 11 days (511) from his birthday.

It's also 6 months and 20 days from his birthday (62), and his name
"Brett Hundley" = 62.


Including the end date it's 50 weeks from their coach's birthday and what
a team to be facing, "Pittsburgh" = 50, "Steelers" = 50, the 50th prime
is 229 and Pittsburgh's QB "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 229.

Now, for Pittsburgh


It's been 80 days since this season began, "Pennsylvania" = 80,
their QB "Roethlisberger" = 80, and he could get his 80th all time HOME win.


Those 80 days are 11 weeks and 3 days (113) and "Steelers" = 113.
113 is the 30th prime, "Sunday Night Football" = 303 [f], "Sunday" = 30,
this is the 30th all time meeting of these teams since Pittsburgh has been
named the Steelers, their QB "Ben Todd Roethlisberger" = 303 [f],
and they could improve to 3-0 (30) vs Green Bay on the 26th of ANY month.


It's been exactly 42 weeks since the Super Bowl, "SNF" = 42,
"forty-two" = 142, "Sunday Night" = 142, and the Pittsburgh QB
could get his 142nd all time win.


It's 2 months and 9 days (29) before the Super Bowl, it's the 29th
regular season meeting since they've been named the Steelers,
and the 29th prime is 109. Now, "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 292,
their coach "Tomlin" = 29, "Tomlin" = 109 [f], he has birth numerology
of 109, it's 109 days from his birthday and he could get his 109th
regular season win!

16/53 136 256

It would be Pittsburgh's 16th regular season and all time win in the
overall head-to-head, it's the 16th meeting @Pittsburgh, their coach
"Michael Pettaway Tomlin" = 160, 16 squared is 256 and it's 256 days
from his birthday, their QB "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 160, the 16th
triangular number is 136 and including the end date it's 13 weeks and 6 days
(136) from his birthday, "Roethlisberger" = 136,
"Ben Todd Roethlisberger Sr." = 136, and Green Bay would stay at
769 all time wins, 769 is the 136th prime... It's also 16 days from
Green Bay's coach's birthday and the 16th prime is 53 and his name
"McCarthy" = 53. Also, "Pennsylvania" = 53. Maybe that's just good for
Green Bay being the 16th game @Pittsburgh? Meah.


If Pittsburgh wins their QB gets his 129th regular season win and the
Green Bay coach stays at 129 all time wins, "Green Bay" = 129, their coach
"Mike McCarthy" = 129, and "Steelers" = 129.


And their coach would get his 117th all time win. The coach of the
"Pittsburgh Steelers" = 117 with the QB "Ben Todd Roethlisberger" = 117
would get his 117th win on "SNF" = 117 [f], against a coach
"Michael John McCarthy" = 117 and a QB "Hundley Jr." = 117.


It's their QB's 193rd regular season game appearance. 193 is the
44th prime and what a team to be playing, "Packers" = 44, from
"Wisconsin" = 44, coached by "McCarthy" = 44.


And if they win their QB stays at 62 regular season losses, and the game
is in "Pennsylvania" = 62, at "Heinz Field" = 62, "Heinz" = 62, against
a team from "Wisconsin" = 62 quarterbacked by "Brett Hundley" = 62 and
it's 6 months and 20 days (62) from that QB's birthday.


And their QB would stay at 69 all time losses and he'd do so against the
"Green Bay Packers" = 69 coached by "Mike McCarthy" = 69.

106 (also the 16 stuff)

It's their QB's 106th all time HOME game. His name,
"Ben Roethlisberger" = 106 and he has birth numerology of 106.


And if Pittsburgh wins then Green Bay falls to 5-6 (56) on the year
and "Sunday Night" = 56.


Since the Super Bowl it's been 294 days and their QB
"Ben Roethlisberger Sr." = 294, and including the end date their coach
is 16693 days old which is the 1931st prime and 1931 is the 294th.


It's their coach's 182nd all time game and his QB "Ben Roethlisberger" = 182,
and what a QB to be facing, "Brett Hundley Jr." + "Brett Alan Hundley" = 182.

And now for the overlap


It's the 330th day of the year (33), "Sunday" = 33, and since they first
played each other with Pittsburgh being named the Steelers it's been
77 years and 30 days (773) and 773 is the 137th prime and 137 is the 33rd.
For Green Bay,
their logo "G" = 33 [f] and their coach "Michael" = 33.
For Pittsburgh,
"Ben" = 33, "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 137, and
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger Sr." = 137, oh also their coach is named
Michael as well.


It's the day that leaves 35 days in the year and it's the
35th all time meeting of these teams!
For Green Bay,
"Hundley" = 35 and including end date it's 350 days from their coach's birthday.
For Pittsburgh,
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisbeger" = 350 [f], he's 35 years old, and
including the end date it's 3 months and 5 days (35) from his birthday.
Also their coach "Mike Tomlin" = 149, the 35th prime.


It's the 175th kickoff / game of the season and the 175th prime
is 1039, w/o the zero that's 139 which is the 34th prime and this is
the 34th regular season meeting of these teams!
For Green Bay,
"Green Bay" = 139, "Brett" = 34 and has birth numerology of 34.
For Pittsburgh,
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 139, "Tomlin" = 34, and it is
3 months and 4 days (34) from their QB's birthday.


Including the end date it's 2 months and 10 days (21) before the SB,
"Sunday" = 21, "SNF" = 21, and coming into the game the total points
in the all time head-to-head is 1453 which is the 21st triangular number.
And the 21st prime is 73. Ok...
For Green Bay,
"Brett Alan Hundley Jr," = 210 and it's 201 days from his birthday,
"Packers" = 73, and if they win then Pittsburgh falls to 2-1 (21)
vs Green Bay on the 26th of ANY month.
For Pittsburgh,
"Ben" = 21, "Heinz" = 73, "Michael Tomlin" = 73, and if they win
their QB gets his 73rd regular season HOME win.


Including the end date it's 10 weeks and 1 day (101) before the SB,
101 is the 26th prime, and the date is the 26th.
For Green Bay,
"Michael McCarthy" = 101, "Brett Hundley Jr." + "Brett Alan Hundley = 260[f].
For Pittsburgh,
"Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 101, "Ben Roehtlisberger" = 101, and with a win
Ben would stay at 26 all time HOME losses.


The previous time they played each other was 205 weeks ago.
That's also 25 w/o the zero and the 25th prime is 97.
For Green Bay,
"Brett Alan Hundley" = 250, and 97, they're in their 97th season,
and it's their coach's 205th all time game.
For Pittsburgh,
"Roethlisberger" = 250[f], "Ben Roethlisberger" = 97, has birth numerology of 25,
including the end date it's 97 days from his birthday, and if they win they
improve to 9-7 (97) vs Green Bay @Pittsburgh.


Including the end date it's been 11 weeks and 4 days (114) since
this season began.
For Green Bay,
"Brett Alan Hundley Jr." = 114.
For Pittsburgh,
"Ben Roethlisberger Sr." = 114.

conclusion and touchdown guesses...

I also have stuff about 54, 18/61, 286, 81, 219, 295, 82/421, 143, 122, 55/257, 19/67, 77, 58, 615, 187, 75, 168, 7/17/59/277, 14/43/191, 63, 141, 310, 96, 23/83, 72, 496/31, 365, 110, 154, 155, 51/233, 234, 57/269, 76/383, and 135.

I feel like I fell in love with the Green Bay upset early and maybe am not assessing the Pittsburgh stuff as strongly as I should... but I say screw it, I'll go with the upset.

GB 1.25 out of 3.

Maybe 3 TDs for Hundley... and 1 OR 3 for Big Ben.


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