Giants bench Manning
The New York Giants inexplicably (sans numbers) announced today that they have benched their two time Super Bowl MVP hall of fame Quarterback, Eli Manning, and will be starting
Geno Smith instead. Wow? Seems to make absolutely no sense, so let's try and make some sense of it.
First off, it's completely inexplicable football-wise because he is not playing horribly and is on an incredible consecutive starts streak. He's started 210 games in a row. Only Brett Favre started more. So why end the streak with a benching?
Ok, so, 210 straight starts... and the date of his benching announcement, 1128...The 11 reduces to 2 and the 28 reduces to 10.
So, 11 --> 2, and 28 --> 10, or 2 10, or 210!
The benching comes on the day that leaves 33 days left in the year."New York" = 33, including the end date it's 330 days (33) from his birthday,
w/the end date it's been 303 weeks and 3 days (333) since he won the Super Bowl,
the 33rd prime is 137, "Elisha Nelson Manning" = 137 and now get this,
from his first ever start to this benching was 13 years and 7 days (137)!!!!!
Oh, and the guy they're benching him for, "Smith" = 33.
It was the 332nd day of the year and it was 303 weeks and 2 days (332)since he won the Super Bowl.
1128 is the 47th triangular number and it's exactly 47 weeks from his birthday!"New Jersey" = 47, his replacement, "Geno Smith" = 47, the 47th prime is 211,
"New York Giants bench Eli Manning" = 211, and it comes before what WOULD
have been his 211th regular season start. How interesting. Also 47 is the 15th
prime and his final start came on a day with 15 numerology. "Eli Manning" = 150.
It was 36 days from his birthday. "Elisha" = 36, "Manning" = 36,he is 36 years old, the 36th prime 151 and "Giants bench Eli Manning" = 151.
Including the end date that's 37 days from his birthday."Eli" = 37 and "benching" = 37. The 37th prime is 157 and
"New York Giants bench Eli Manning" = 157.
Those 37 days are 5 weeks and 2 days (52) and we're in the yearof Super Bowl 52, "Eli" = 52 [f], "New Jersey" = 52, the date of the benching,
"twenty-eight" = 52, and the guy they benched him for "Geno Smith" = 52.
And, "Eugene Cyril Smith" = 239, the 52nd prime.
It was 68 days before this year's Super Bowl. The Giants currently have686 regular season wins and "Manning benched" = 68.
It was 82 days into this season. "New York Giants" = 82.That's the reverse of 28, btw.
So his final start of that streak/final start with the Giants most likely now,was back on 1123... That was a date with 51 numerology, the previous
Super Bowl was Super Bowl 51, "New York" = 51, from his first SB win
to this final start was 3581 days and 3581 is the 501st prime. And then
the benching came 5 weeks and 1 day (51) from his birthday.
His final start was a date with 17 numerology, "Eli" = 17,"New York Giants" = 170, his replacement, "Eugene Smith" = 171,
and the benching came 1 month and 7 days (17) from his birthday.
Oh and of course, it's the year '17.
His final start was a date with 44 numerology and "benching" = 44and the guy they benched him for "Eugene Cyril Smith" = 193,
which is the 44th prime.
It was also a date with 34 numerology and "Giants" = 34. The 34th primeis 139 and "Eli Manning benched" = 139, "East Rutherford New Jersey" = 139,
and "Manning benched" = 139.
On the day of that final start he was 36 years 1 month and 20 days old, or36120 which has 64 divisors. "New York Giants" = 64, "benching" = 64,
the 64th prime is 311 and "New York Giants bench Eli Manning" = 311.
Including the end date his final start was 10 months and 21 days (1021)from his birthday, 1021 is the 172nd prime, and "Eli Manning" = 172.
It was 41 days from his birthday. "November" = 41, "benched" = 41,"Geno" = 41, and it was 41 weeks and 4 days (414) since the Super Bowl.
41 is the 13th prime and he has birth numerology of 13, this was his 13th
year since his first start, "East Rutherford New Jersey" = 130, and "Geno" = 13.
Including the end date that's 42 days. The Giants won Super Bowl 42,the 42nd prime is 181 and "New York Giants" = 181.
*side note, they beat the Patriots in that Super Bowl and the Pat's finished
that year 18-1 (181). Annyywwaayy.....
Back to without the end date, those 41 days from his birthday are1 month and 11 days (111) and it was also 11 weeks and 1 day (111)
into this season, "New York" = 111, his current regular season record is
110-100 (111) and the date of the benching "November twenty-eighth" = 111.
And then back to the date of the benching.It was a date with 22 numerology. "bench" = 22, Eli currently has
222 regular season interceptions, he's started 222 all time games,
including the end date it was the 222nd day of this season,
"East Rutherford New Jersey" = 220, his replacement
"Eugene Cyril Smith III" = 220, and his final start was on 1123,
11 x 23 = 253 and 253 is the 22nd triangular number!
AND there's MORE. But that's the neatest stuff in my opinion.
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