Week 11 Sunday Night Football
Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys
This one seems pretty muddled and unclear. Some fairly compelling reads for both teams with a lot of overlap. So I'll just start with the road team.
For Philadelphia
The previous time these teams played each other IN Dallas was exactly 55 weeks ago.Philly's coach "Doug Pederson" = 55,
and if they win then Dallas falls to 5-5 (55) on the season.
If Philly wins they stay at 62 regular season losses in the overall head-to-head,"Doug Pederson" = 62, the 62nd prime is 293 and including the end date
it's 293 days from his birthday. And he's coaching in "Arlington Texas" = 62,
and facing a QB "Rayne Prescott" = 62.
If Philly wins then their QB improves to 5-8 (58) on the ROAD,Dallas is in their 58th season, their QB has birth numerology of 58,
and their coach "Jason Garrett" = 58.
Philly's QB enters with 39 regular season touchdowns,he's playing the "Cowboys" = 39, on "SNF" = 39, and including the end date
he is 9091 days old, w/o the zero that's 991 which is the 167th prime
and 167 is the 39th prime.
Philly winning would mean Dallas' QB stays at 18 regular season and all time wins,including the end date it's been 10 months and 19 days (1019) since these teams played each other
and 1019 is the 171st prime, and 171 is the 18th triangular number.
A little convoluted but also, the 18th prime is 61
and "Sunday Night" = 61, so it might make sense to stay on 18 wins on Sunday Night.
Also, it's 324 days from Philly's QB's birthday and 324 is 18 squared.
If Philly wins then Dallas' QB falls to 18-8 (188) in the regular seasonand "Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 188.
It's 9 months and 19 days (919, which is a 91 frontwards and backwards) from their coach's birthday and if they win they improve to 9-1 (91) on the season.25/325
Including the end date it's 325 days from their QB's birthday,325 is the 25th triangular number, and his name "Carson" = 25 "Wentz" = 25.
And on the day of the game he is 9090 days old, or 99 w/o the zeros,"Sunday Night Football" = 99, and if they win they improve to 9-9 (99)
vs Dallas in the month of November, AT Dallas.
Philly has scored 2237 points in the regular season vs Dallas coming into the game and 2237 is the 332nd prime. Their coach "Douglas Irving Pederson" = 332 [francis bacon].Now, for Dallas.
It's a date with 30 numerology (11+19=30), "Sunday" = 30,"Sunday Night Football" = 303 [francis bacon method], the 30th prime is 113,
and this is the 113th regular season meeting of these teams! Now, "Dallas" = 113,
"Texas" = 30, "Cowboys" = 30, their QB has birth numerology of 30, and
it's 113 days from his birthday! This one could technically go into the overlap category because "Eagles" = 113, and their QB was born on the 30th, but meah.
Since this season began it's been 10 weeks and 3 days (103),and if Dallas wins their QB improves to 10-3 (103) AT HOME in the regular season,
plus 103 is the 27th prime and it's his 27th all time game. Also, the 103rd prime
is 563 and Philly would stay at 563 regular season wins as a franchise. And again, technically this might go into the overlap category because Philly's QB has birth numerology of 27 and it's also 10 weeks and 3 days (103) from their coach's birthday, but meah.
Ok, so we just said about how Dak Prescott could improve to 10-3 at home in the regular season well with the win he would be 10-4 (104) at home including the playoffsand including the end date it's 10 weeks and 4 days (104) into this season.
It's the 159th kickoff / game of the season. The 159th prime is 937.This is Dallas' 937th all time game. Wow?! And this wouldn't have been the
case if that game in week one wasn't postponed due to Hurricane Irma.
This is the second time these teams have played each other on November 19th.It's been 45 years since they did so the first time. The 45th prime is 197.
If Dallas wins their QB improves to 19-7 (197) in the regular season.
The previous time these teams played each other was exactly 46 weeks ago."Dallas Texas" = 46, "Arlington Texas" = 46, their coach "Garrett" = 46,
and their QB "Prescott" = 46. And something I just thought of,
with the win they would improve to 6-4 (64) on the season, the reverse of 46.
Speaking of improving to 6-4 (64) on the season, it would also betheir coach's 64th regular season win and it would come against a team
from "Pennsylvania" = 64. And his name "Garrett" = 64.
If franchise records matter this is a really neat one.If Dallas wins then Philly gets their 593rd regular season loss.
593 is the 108th prime. "Sunday Night Football" = 108.
If Dallas wins then the Philly QB falls to 4-9 (49) on the ROAD,"Dallas" = 49, their coach "Jason Garrett" = 49,
and it's 4 months and 9 days (49) from his birthday.
It's exactly 36 weeks from their QB's birthday, the 36th prime is 151,and "Dallas Cowboys" = 151.
It's been 287 days since the previous Super Bowl and their coach"Jason Calvin Garrett" = 287 [francis bacon].
And speaking of Garret, it's his 117th all time gameand it's the 117th all time meeting of these teams.
It's his 114th regular season game and including the end dateit's 114 days from his QB's birthday. And they are facing
"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 114 and "Wentz" = 114 [francis bacon].
And now for the ones with a good bit of overlap.
It's a date with 47 numerology (11+19+17=47), the previous time they played each other in November was 2 years and 11 days ago (211, the 47th prime), 47 is the 15th prime and"SNF" = 15, the previous time they played each other IN Dallas was
1 year and 20 days ago (120, the 15th triangular number), and the game is in
"Arlington" = 47, "Texas" = 15.
Ok, so, for Philly,
their QB "Wentz" = 47 and including the end date he's 9091 days old,
9091 is the 1128th prime and 1128 is the 47th triangular number.
Also, their coach, "Doug" = 47.
And for Dallas,
if they win the Philly coach and QB stay at 15 wins,
and Philly falls to 4-7 vs Dallas in the month of November on Sundays.
It's a date with 67 numerology (11+19+20+17=67),and for Philly,
their coach "Douglas Pederson" = 67, and it's 1 month and 11 days (111) from their
QB's birthday and the 111th prime is 607 (67). Also, 67 is related to 8 through 19.
The 8th prime is 19 and the 19th is 67. 8/19/67, simple. Well, if Philly wins
then the Dallas QB gets his 8th regular season loss.
For Dallas,
if they win their QB gets his 19th regular season and all time win,
and stays at 8 all time losses, plus including the end date
it's 36 weeks and 1 day (361) from his birthday and 361 is 19 squared.
And it's the 19th, so might make sense to get your 19th win on the 19th
on a date with 67 numerology.
It's a date with 20 numerology (1+1+1+9+1+7=20) and the 20th prime is 71.For Philly,
their coach "Doug" = 20, and "Doug Pederson" = 71, their QB
"Wentz" = 20, and "Pennsylvania" = 71.
For Dallas,
their QB "Dak" = 20, and "Rayne Prescott" = 71,
"Dallas Texas" = 71, "Arlington Texas" = 71, and if they win they improve to
2-0 (20) vs Philly ON November 19th.
It's a date with 22 numerology (1+1+1+9+2+0+1+7=22) and the 22nd prime is 79.For Philly,
"Eagles" = 22, their coach "Doug Irving Pederson" = 222,
"Douglas" = 79, "Philadelphia" = 79, and "Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 253,
which is the 22nd triangular number.
For Dallas,
their stadium "AT&T" = 22, "Dallas" = 22, and including the end date
it's 253 days from their QB's birthday.
It's the day that leaves 42 days left in the year and the 42nd prime is 181.For Philly,
their coach "Pederson" = 42, "Doug Pederson" = 181, and
including the end date it's 42 days from their QB's birthday.
For Dallas,
their QB "Dak Prescott" = 42, "Dak" = 42 [francis bacon],
he enters the game with 42 all time touchdowns, and if they win they
improve to 4-2 (42) vs Philadelphia on the 19th of ANY month.
Also, "forty-two" = 142 and "Prescott" = 142 [francis bacon].
It's been exactly 41 weeks since the "Super Bowl" = 41,41 is the 13th prime, and the 41st prime is 179.
For Philly,
it's 41 days from their QB's birthday, it's his 13th regular season
ROAD game, and if they win they get their 13th win vs Dallas in November.
For Dallas,
"Dallas" = 41, their stadium "AT&T" = 41, "Dallas Texas" = 179,
it's their QB's 13th regular season HOME game and his name
"Rayne Prescott" = 179.
It's exactly 11 weeks before the Super Bowl.For Philly,
if they win they improve to 1-1 (11) vs Dallas on the 19th of ANY month.
For Dallas,
if they win the Philly coach and QB get their 11th losses.
Including the end date it's been 57 years 1 month and 21 days (57121)since these teams first ever played each other and 57121 is 239 squared.
239 is the 52nd prime and "Sunday Night" = 52.
How fitting that this game comes on Sunday Night. Anyway...
For Philly,
if they win they get their 52nd all time win in the overall head-to-head.
For Dallas,
if they win their coach stays at 52 all time losses.
"Sunday Night" = 65.For Philly,
with a win they would stay at 65 all time losses in the overall
head-to-head, and Dallas would fall to 6-5 (65) vs Philly in November on Sundays.
For Dallas,
their coach would get his 65th all time win and it'd come against
"Philadelphia" = 65. Also, the Dallas QB "Dak" = 65.
Here's a neat one. Including the end date it's been 540 months and 1 day (541)since they first played on November 19th. 541 is the 100th prime.
For Philly,
their coach "Doug Pederson" = 100 and has birth numerology of 100.
For Dallas,
"Arlington" = 100, their coach "Garrett" = 100,
and their QB "Prescott" = 100.
Including the end date it's been 743 days since they played each otherin the month of November. 743 is the 132nd prime.
For Philly,
"Doug Irving Pederson" = 132.
For Dallas,
"Dak Prescott" = 132.
conclusion, and touchdown guesses
And that's about that. I also have stuff about 40, 209/29, 323(32), 73, 74, 77, 78/12, 76, 372, 54/251, 16/53/106/577, 259, 322, 118, 119, 24/89/461, 386, 178, 51, 50, 63, 66, 112/613, 95/499, 26/101, 7/17, 92, 336, 129, 183, 184, 462, 463, 56, and 81.It's a tough one to call. I'll go Philly ever so slightly.
PHI 1.25 out of 3.
How about, well, really anything for Wentz, 1, 2, 3, and 4 all make sense.
And actually, same thing for Dak, 1, 2, 3, or 4. So no real td guess I guess.
Oh, also ZERO makes sense for both as well, but that would be wild.
small update
This is the 32nd PRIME TIME game of the season. It's on the 323rd day of the yearand it's on the 32nd parallel. Just thought that was neat.
This is the 33rd NIGHT GAME of this season.
"Cowboys" = 33 but Philly could improve to 3-3 (33) vs Dallas on the 19th of ANY month.
Ok, cheers!
ReplyDeleteHi mate, any week 12 games ?
ReplyDeleteHey, yes, I'm doing the SNF game again, the Packers and the Steelers. I thought it was odd they didn't flex out of it for the Saints Rams game and it's a SB rematch so I figured I'd do that one. Should have it posted before kickoff, sorry I got delayed this week.