But first, a note about the "ciphers" I used. As I said in my first post on this blog I only use the standard English alphabet values. They are denoted in my older stories as such...
Ordinal: [o]. Reduced: [r]. Reverse Ordinal [ro]. Reverse Reduced [rr]. S Exception: [se].
H Exception: [he]. K V Exception Full: [kvf]. K V Exception Single(or reduced): [kvs].
E P Exception Full [epf]. E P Exception Single [eps]. Francis Bacon: [f].
"Ordinal", or [o], is the most basic. That's just A=1 and Z=26. That's it. "Reduced", or [r], is simply where you reduce every letter's value to a single digit. e.g. "N" = 14 in Ordinal but becomes 5 in Reduced because 1+4=5. Simple. "Reverse Ordinal", or [ro], is simply the alphabet backwards so A=26 and Z=1. "Reverse Reduced", or [rr], is simply reducing the values of reverse ordinal to single digits. "Francis Bacon", or [f] is the same as Ordinal except you add 26 for every capital letter.
Then there's what's called the "exceptions". In Ordinal the only letter you have to reduce twice to get to a single digit is S... S = 19 and 1+9=10... 10 is not a single digit so you reduce again, 1+0=1. So for the "S Exception", or [se], you DON'T reduce the S twice, you leave it as 10. This method has a corresponding exception in Reverse Ordinal, in Reverse Ordinal the letter you have to reduce twice is H because in Reverse Ordinal H = 19. So that one is called "H Exception", or [he].
Now, the most complicated ones, but really not all that complicated, are the K and V exceptions. In Ordinal K = 11 and V = 22. 11 and 22 are considered "master numbers" and are special if for no other reason for the simple fact that they are a doubling... TWO 1s make 11. TWO 2s make 22. Get it? IF there were more than 33 or 44 or 55 letters, etc., in the alphabet, I'm sure we'd have exceptions for those too. So, anyway, in "K V Exception Full", or [kvf], and "K V Exception Single", or [kvs], we simply don't reduce the Ks or Vs. AND of course the corresponding letters in Reverse Ordinal are P and E, so for those, which are "E P Exception Full" [epf], and "E P Exception Single" [eps] we don't reduce Ps or Es. Sounds convoluted but actually very simple. Oh, there's ONE other method I use VERY rarely, and that's "Sumerian" or [sm] which is simply the values of Ordinal but each value is multiplied by 6. But it's rarely used.
Ok, now the first Trump story.
President Trump speaks at the NABTU Conference,
April 4, 2017.
Ok so back on April 4, 2017 President Trump spoke at something called the NABTU conference. April 4th is the 94th day of the year and the 94th prime number is 491 and the place/building where the conference took place, "Washington Hilton and Towers Hotel" = 491[f]. And then 94 in Octal is 136 and without the word 'and' in there, "Washington Hilton & Towers Hotel" = 136[rr].
So right, April 4 is 4/4 kinda like 44 and "nineteen nineteen Connecticut Avenue, NW" = 404[o] and that's 44 w/o the zero. And guess what!? The 44th prime is 193 and the name of this organization, "North America's Buildings Trades Unions" = 193[se]. Also, "April fourth" = 144[o], "forty-four" = 144[o], and "Washington Hilton and Towers Hotel" = 144[r] Wild stuff!
Trump released a book on 1/15/00 in which he predicted Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks in New York. That date 1/15 is like 115 and he took office with the 115th Congress AND guess what, "ninety-fourth day of the year" = 115[rr]! And then the reflection of 115 is 511 and his Presidential campaign began on 5/11 a lot like 511, ok, well, the full name of this conference thing, "North America's Buildings Trades Unions National Legislative Conference" = 511[eps]. And speaking of the 9/11 attacks, the place where this conference happened has the word "towers" in it, reminding of the Twin Towers and well, "twenty seventeen North America's Buildings Trades Unions National Legislative Conference" = 911[o]. And 911 is the 156th prime number and where this conference was, "Washington" = 156[f].
He told the conference he would have an "open door policy" and "open door policy" = 83[se] and the 83rd prime number is 431 and the full address of the conference, "Washington Hilton and Towers Hotel nineteen nineteen Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC" = 431[he]. So seems like the appropriate thing to tell them. Because also, "open door policy" = 61[rr] and "Towers Hotel" = 61[se], "Washington DC" = 61[rr], 61 is the 18th prime and "nineteen nineteen Connecticut Avenue, NW" = 181[rr] and that's 18 left-to-right and right-to-left, and "Washington Hilton and Towers Hotel" = 180[he]... So seems more and more like the right thing to say. And there's more. Remember "open door policy" = 83[se] and 83 in Octal is 123 and "ninety-four" = 123[ro], "ninety-fourth day" = 1230[sm], and just to spiral a little more, 123 in Octal is 173 and "trade union" = 173[f], and "nineteen nineteen Connecticut Avenue" = 173[rr],
Ok when I was searching up this NABTU thing I noticed it was an anagram for "bantu" which is an African language or something right, and so it's a Niger-Congo language and remember this was the 94th day of the year and "Niger-Congo language" = 94[r] and "Niger-Congo languages" = 94[rr]... and that brings me to this...
It was the 94th day ok, well the reflection of 94 is 49 and "trade union" = 49[r], "Donald J Trump" = 49[r], "Washington" = 49[r], and the full name of the conference, "two thousand seventeen North America's Buildings Trades Unions National Legislative Conference" = 494[he], The 49th prime is 227 and remember it's the same letters as that language 'bantu' and "Niger-Congo language" = 227[f].
227 is a number related to pi because 22 divided by 7 gives you the common value for pi and as words "twenty-two divided by seven" = 314, the first three numbers of pi. So the address of this conference, "Washington Hilton & Towers Hotel 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC" = 314[kvs],
So there you have it. Seems like a perfect day and place to have this conference with this President attending and mentioning an "open door policy". But I don't know.
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