Thursday, November 9, 2017

Kathy Griffin Beheads Trump May 30, 2017

Kathy Griffin Beheaded Trump Photo May 30, 2017.

So, 158 days before her birthday, "Kathleen M. Griffin" = 158[o] does something "anti-Trump" = 158[f]. Those 158 days are 5 months and 5 days or 55 and it was Griffin with a celebrity photographer named "Tyler" = 55 [ro] doing something with a "bloody head" = 55[he] and whose head was it, it was "Trump's head" = 55[rr]. If we include the end date then it was 159 days before her birthday and "Donald Trump" = 159[ro].

That was before her birthday. It was 208 days after her birthday and the photographer was
"Tyler Shields" = 208[f].

Speaking of Shields, the photographer, it was 31 days after his birthday and "Shields" = 31[r], he was photographing "Kathleen" = 31[r] whose initials, "KMG" = 31[o], and they depicted the President whose name is "Donald" = 31[rr] as being beheaded in a style compared to propaganda put out by "ISIL" = 31[se] and later she would be fired by "CNN" = 31[o].

Those 31 days after his birthday are 4 weeks and 3 days or 43  and it was on a day with numerology of 43 as well (5+30+1+7=43). The 43rd prime number is 191 and it was "Kathy Mary Griffin" = 191[o] aka "Kathleen Mary" = 191[ro] holding "Trump's bloodied head" = 191[o] in what was later called "beheaded bloody Trump art" = 191[eps].

If we include the end date then it was 4 weeks and 4 days or 44 and it was all about a "bloody head" = 44[r] and more specifically "Trump's head" = 44[r]. The 44th prime is 193 and it was kind of similar to stuff put out by the "Islamic State" = 193[ro].

Ok so all of that was measuring from Griffin's birthday and the guy who took the pictures... but what about the guy the pictures were all about? Well it was EXACTLY 50 weeks after Trump's birthday and her initials "KMG" = 50[ro], her first name "Kathleen" = 50[he], the photographer's name "Shields" = 50[he], it was all about the "Donald" = 50[o], and later she would be fired by "CNN" = 50[ro]. The 50th prime number is 229 and "Trump's severed head" = 229[f].

Those 50 weeks are 350 days and 350 w/o the zero is 35 and the day 5/30 adds to 35 (5+30=35) and it was Griffin with the help of a 35 year old photographer. The 35th prime is 149 and her full name "Kathleen Mary Griffin" = 149[eps].

If we include the end date then it was 11 months and 17 days or 1117 after Trump's birthday and that just happens to be the 187th prime number. You may be aware of the pop culture references to 187 meaning homicide. So 11 months and 17 days (1117 which is the 187th prime) after Trump's birthday there's big news about photos depicting him as beheaded... and I think beheading is homicide, right? Interesting, eh? Also, it was 5/30, the 150th day of the year and "the one hundred fiftieth day" = 187[epf].

Speaking of 5/30 as being the 150th day of the year isn't it neat that "the thirtieth of May" = 150 [eps]? Notice here that 150 w/o the zero is 15 and well, it just so happened to be 15 days before Trump's birthday...

So, it was 15 days before Trump's birthday. Well the 15th prime is 47, and if you pay attention you'll hear and see 47 used a lot in media/Hollywood. Anyway check it out, it was all about "Trump" = 47[ro], whose intitials, "DJT" = 47 [ro], being "beheaded" = 47[he]. Neat?

If we include the end date then it was 2 weeks and 2 days before Trump's birthday or 22 "Donald John Trump" = 220[ro], "Kathleen Mary Griffin" = 202[o], her initials "KMG" = 22[kvf], and it was compared to "ISIL" = 22[r].

Ok so those are the birthdays of the people involved... how about any other relevant dates? Well it was 203 days since the election of the "Donald" = 23[r] and it was about "Trump's severed head" = 203[o].

Those 203 days since the Election are EXACTLY 29 weeks and it was "Kathy" = 29[kvf] holding the "bloody severed head" = 290[ro] of "Trump" = 29[rr]. The 29th prime number is 109 and "CNN" = 109[f].

If we include the end date then it was 204 days since the Election and "Kathy M. Griffin" = 204[ro] whose middle name is "Mary" = 24[rr].

Now look it... ALL of that is because they did this on 5/30 ... if they had did it on 5/28 or 6/2 or a month before or whatever then these numbers wouldn't be there to match or "find"... It's not about looking at something until you find any numbers that match or certain numbers... It's that these names in the news keep matching the time spans from the birthdays and other dates. There's a news story and you check the birthdays and what the names and stuff equal and it matches the time spans and the day numbers and stuff. That's a lot different than just finding a 33 or a 47 on everything you look at. It's different than just sitting down and determining to find a number match in some way somehow no matter how long it takes or how many "ciphers" you have to use. It's using the same ciphers and checking the names and dates they give ya in these stories... and they always seem to be super interconnected well beyond coincidence. But I don't know.

Thanks for reading.


[o]=Ordinal. [r]=Reduced. [ro]=Reverse Ordinal. [rr]=Reverse Reduced. [se]=S Exception

[he]=H Exception. [kvf]=K V exception full. [kvs]=K V exception single. [epf]=E P exception full.

[eps]=E P exception single. [f]=Francis Bacon. [sm]=Sumerian.

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