Wednesday, January 17, 2018

SUPER BOWL Ponderings...

So, does the "Minneapolis Miracle" = 98
point to the Vikings making the Super Bowl in this, the 98th season of the NFL?

Look at what number the Saints player is wearing who is the closest
to making a play on the Vikings QB...


And look at what number the Saints player is wearing who is the closest
to catching up to the Vikings receiver...


Previous time Minnesota was in the Super Bowl: Jan 9, 1977.
Jan 9, 1977 to Feb 4, 2018:
15001 days.
or 2143 weeks...
2143 is the 324th prime...
324 is 18 squared...
this is the calendar year '18.
BTW Minnesota lost that Super Bowl by... 18 points.
and it was in "California" = 52...

Their current point differential in Super Bowls is -61...
61 is the 18th prime... and the Minneapolis Miracle was 61 yards.

Including the end date that's 15002 days since they've been in the SB...
152 without the zero.
The total number of points scored during Wild Card weekend was 152.
"Wild Card" = 52. This is Super Bowl 52.
There were four games that weekend, 152 / 4 = 38...
The Super Bowl stadium: "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 38
and "Minnesota" = 38.
So maybe the points in Wild Card week was a clue after all?

Also, "Minneapolis Miracle" = 188.
188 reversed is 881...
881 is the 152nd prime number... HA!

"Minneapolis Miracle" also = 89 (the 24th prime) and 240 [francis bacon].
The Super Bowl is on 2/4

Previous time the Super Bowl was hosted by Minnesota: Jan 26, 1992.
Jan 26, 1992 to Feb 4, 2018:
26 years and 9 days (269)...
269 is the 57th prime
Minnesota is in their 57th season.
"fifty-seven" = 131, like "Super Bowl" = 131, and "Championship" = 131,
and the baseball championship, "World Series" = 57...
So 57 is often associated with sports championships...

How about the other teams?

Well the previous time the Super Bowl was hosted by Jacksonville
Philadelphia happened to be in the Super Bowl.
That was Feb 6, 2005.
Feb 6, 2005 to Feb 4, 2018:
12 years, 11 months, and 30 days, or 12113 w/o the zero...
12113 is the 1451st prime...
1451 is the 230th...
The Jaguars are in their 23rd season...
"Jaguars" = 23.

Also, about the 1451... reversed that's 1541
and that's the total number of points scored by the winning teams in the SB so far...

"Jacksonville" = 52. SB 52.
"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 93. The SB is on the 93rd meridian.

Super Bowl LII, the LII could be looked at as 117 upside down...
"Jacksonville Florida" = 117.
"Bortles" = 117 [francis bacon].

It's the '17 season. The 17th prime is 59.
"Doug Marrone" and "Blake Bortles" = 59...

98th season of NFL
"Bortles" = 98.
"Doug Charles Marrone" = 98.

Including the end date, it's 4747 days from when Jacksonville hosted
and Philadelphia was previously in it...
and if it's Eagles vs Jaguars it would be Doug vs Doug as far as the head coaches...
"Doug" = 47.
And it would be the Jaguars' 15th playoff game. 15th prime is 47.

The Super Bowl would be the Jaguars' 383rd all time game...
"U.S. Bank Stadium" = 38. "Minnesota" = 38.
"Florida" = 38.
Adding up each team's points scored in the regular season it's 11,120
but reducing them first and then adding it's 383...
383 is the 76th prime...
"Blake Bortles" = 76.

The Super Bowl would be the Eagles' 1231st all time game...
1231 is the 202nd prime...
"Eagles" = 22. "Philadelphia Eagles" = 202 [francis bacon].

It's the 48th Super Bowl of the modern era...
the 48th prime is 223...
"Philadelphia" = 223.

It's the year '18
the 18th prime is 61...
"Philadelphia" = 61.

Remember the 152 thing, 152 points scored during Wild Card weekend,
"Wild Card" = 52, Super Bowl 52, etc...
"Pennsylvania" = 152.

The Super Bowl could be Pederson's 23rd win... 23rd prime is 83...
it'd be 8 weeks and 3 days from his birthday...
and he could beat the "Jaguars" = 23...

Super Bowl on 93rd meridian.
"Philadelphia Eagles" = 93.
"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 93.

From the first time the Eagles played the Jaguars to Feb 4, 2018:
20 years, 3 months, and 23 days. Or 2323 w/o the zero...
two 23s... Jaguars in 23rd season etc look back at the 23s...

Including the end date that's 1060 weeks and 1 day (10601)...
10601 is the 1293rd prime...
1293 is the 431st...
431 is the 83rd...
83 is the 23rd.

The Super Bowl was on Feb 4th only one other time...
it was in Florida that year...

Does a team from Florida make it/win it the next time it's on Feb 4th?

It would be the Eagles' 43rd playoff game...
"Florida" = 43. "Jacksonville" = 43 and 191 (the 43rd prime)...

The SB could be the Eagles 590th all time win... 59 w/o the zero...
it's the '17 season... 17th prime is 59.

It could be the Jags' 9th playoff win...
9th prime is 23- again back to the 23s...

Vikings vs Jaguars?

Their previous game totaled to 41 points.
"Super Bowl" = 41.

It was Dec 11, 2016.
From Dec 11, 2016 to Feb 4, 2018:
420 days... the 42 makes me think of the SB date 2/4...
the 420th prime is 2903 or 293 w/o the zero...
293 is the 62nd prime...

"Minneapolis" = 62.
"Casey Austin Keenum" = 62.
"Bortles" = 62.
"Robby" = 62.

Those 420 days are 1 year 1 month and 24 days, or 1124...
1124 reversed is 4211...
4211 is the 576th prime...
576 is 24 squared...
the SB is on 2/4...

Those 420 days are 60 weeks and so add in the end date and it's
60 weeks and 1 day, or 601, or 61 w/o the zero...
it's the year '18...
the 18th prime is 61...

The first time they ever played each other was in '98...
this is the 98th season of the NFL...

If Jacksonville beats 'em in Super Bowl 52
Minnesota would fall to 5-2 against them all time.

If Minnesota beats 'em they'd improve to 6-1 (61)
and it's the year '18... 18th prime is 61.

The Jaguars have scored 110 points vs Minnesota
"Minnesota" = 110.

The combined points in the series is 271.
271 is the 58th prime...
"Casey Keenum" = 58.
"Mike Zimmer" = 58.
"Doug Marrone" = 58.
"Rob Blake Bortles" = 58.

The 271st prime is 1741...
makes me think 17 as in the '17 season...
and 41 as in "Super Bowl" = 41...

Total score ponderings...

SB winning scores ADDED: 1541
SB losing scores ADDED: 819
TOTAL: 2360

21, 23, 29, 30, 33, 39, 40, 51, 52, 57, 63, 64, 77, 78, 81, 82, 87, or 99
total points to bring total SB points to a relevant/prime number.



  1. This is an extremely beautiful narrative for what I came up with equating the moon phase with the season long tracking which now leads to a waning moon on 2/4.
    In light,
    Clausula rebis sic stantibus


    Check Zachs work out. This is no coincidence

    1. Congrats, you got me. That link, that Zach video, that had nothing to do with anything over here where you left the comment. It has nothing at all to do with anything I've done on my blog. It was just a thin trick to get a click on his latest flick. Corrict?

      Zach's work is geared to play on the conspiracy minded person who stops thinking and in essence becomes a FAN of the demonic masonic ritualistic occultic iconography.

      And in reading the video description one can't help but feel assaulted by commercialism... Buy this Buy that Donate here subscribe there... Did that book not start the revolution yet? Maybe that bull horning in D.C.

      9,000 views in one day, hundreds of comments... from Mac Miller fans and Grande fans... and a smaller but vocal conspiracy fandom.

      If he maintained in the raw data and taught the general study I'd have some respect for him. He doesn't. He's a showman and a salesman and most likely some type of shill, or quite possibly a simple fanboy himself enamored with his views and scaled "stardom". Maybe he knows deep down, maybe he doesn't.

      I'll always give him some sort of thanks for being the means by which I came to be aware of the time span measurements matching up and the use of triangular and prime numbers... but that's about it.

      Thanks so much for the comment though. On a post from January... Very interesting. Read my stuff for the RAW CONNECTIONS THAT ARE WAY BEYOND COINCIDENCE. Unfiltered.

