Saturday, January 13, 2018

Divisional Round ALL GAMES

011318 Saturday Divisional Round 4:35 PM est

Atlanta Falcons at Philadelphia Eagles

32 / 131

Date numerology of 32. Including end date 3 weeks and 2 days (32)
before the Super Bowl.

Ryan is 32 years old. "Atlanta Georgia" = 131

"Eagles" = 32. "Nicholas Edward Foles" = 320. Pederson born 1/31.
PHI win:
Quinn stays at 32 all time wins.

52 / 239

Date numerology of 52.

Falcons' 52nd season. "Atlanta Falcons" = 239.

14 / 43 / 191

Date numerology of 14. "Divisional" = 140.

4 months and 3 days (43) from Quinn's birthday. "Atlanta Falcons" = 191

"Lincoln Financial Field" = 140. "Nicholas Edward Foles" = 140
PHI win:
get 14th win on year - stay at 14 losses in series.

16 / 53

Date numerology of 16. "Saturday" = 53.

Quinn's 53rd all time game, 241 days from his AND Ryan's birthday.
"Matt Thomas Ryan" = 53

"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 160. "Doug" = 16. Foles 53 TD w/Philly.
"Pennsylvania" = 53.

25 / 97

Date numerology of 25.

"Falcons" = 25. "Dan Patrick Quinn" = 250[f]

Including end date 2 weeks and 5 days (25) from Pederson's birthday.
"Douglas" = 25. "Philadelphia" = 97.

30 / 113

The date is 1/13.

"Quinn" = 30.

Pederson birth numerology of 30. "Foles" = 30. "Eagles" = 113.
"Nicholas Edward Foles" = 113.

13 / 41

It's the 13th.

Matt Ryan drafted 1st round 3rd pick (13). "Atlanta Georgia" = 131,
"Dan Quinn" = 41
ATL win:
Philly stays at and finishes the year with 13 wins. Atlanta stays at
13 playoff losses and 6 losses on the year. Pederson gets his 13th all
time loss.

Pederson born 1/31. It's Philly's 41st playoff game. It's Foles' 41st all
time game.
PHI win:
Atlanta falls to 1-3 vs Philly in the playoffs and would stay at 6 wins
in the series @Philly.


It's the 128th day of the season.
"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 128


Including the end date it's 129 days into the season.
Foles has birth numerology of 129.


Those 129 days are 4 months and 7 days (47).

Quinn is 47 years old. "Atlanta" = 15
ATL win:
they'd get their 15th win in the overall head-to-head.
"Doug" = 47. "Philadelphia Eagles" = 150.


Those 4 months and 7 days are 18 weeks and 3 days (183).

"Atlanta Georgia" = 183[f]

"Philadelphia Eagles" = 183.


It's been 342 days since the Super Bowl.
"Foles" = 342 [sumerian].

343 | 34 / 139

Including the end date it's been 343 days since the SB.
And this is the 34th meeting of these teams.

"Falcons" = 34. "Atlanta Falcons" = 139
It's 34 weeks and 3 days (343) from Quinn AND Ryan's birthday.

"Douglas" = 34.


It's been 11 months and 8 days (118) since the Super Bowl.
"Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 118.


Including the end date that's 11 months and 9 days (119)...

"Falcons" = 119. Quinn was born on 9/11.

Pederson has birth numerology of 119.


It's been 48 weeks and 6 days (486) since the SB.
"Nicholas" = 486 [sumerian]


Including the end date that's 49 weeks since the SB.

"Atlanta Falcons" = 49. "Matthew Ryan" = 49

"Eagles" = 49. "Nick Foles" = 49. "Nick Edward Foles" = 227[f]
"Douglas Pederson" = 227[f]
Pederson is 49 years old, it's 49 weeks and 4 days (494) from his bday.

22 / 79

It's 22 days before the Super Bowl.

"Ryan" = 22
ATL win:
they improve to 2-2 (22) vs Philly in the playoffs. Philly would get their
22nd playoff loss. Foles would stay at 22 all time wins.

"Eagles" = 22. "Nick" = 222[sumerian]. "Doug Irving Pederson" = 222.
"Philadelphia" = 79. "Douglas" = 79.

9 / 23

Including the end date that's 23 days before the Super Bowl.

"Ryan" = 23. "Matt" = 9. Quinn born in 9th month.

"Douglas Pederson" = 230. "Foles" = 83[f]
PHI win:
Foles gets his 23rd all time win.

11 / 31 / 127

It's 3 weeks and 1 day (31) before the Super Bowl.

"Matt Ryan" = 31. "Georgia" = 127. "Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 127.
Quinn was born on the 11th
ATL win:
get their 11th playoff win.

Pederson born on the 31st. "Eagles" = 31.
"Douglas Irving Pederson" = 313. "Philadelphia Pennsylvania" = 127.
"Philadelphia" = 127[f]. Including end date 1 week and 1 day (11) from
Foles' birthday.
PHI win:
they improve to 3-1 (31) vs Atlanta in the playoffs. Atlanta would stay
at and finish the year with 11 wins AND get their 11th loss in the series
@Philadelphia. Foles would stay at 11 all time losses w/Philly and
would improve to 1-1 (11) in the playoffs.


The total points in the entire series coming into this game was
1304 (134).
ATL win:
Philly falls to and finishes the year 13-4 (134).

12 / 37

The previous time they played was 1 year and 2 months (12) ago.
"Saturday" = 37.

"Atlanta" = 120. "Daniel Quinn" = 120 he has birth numerology of 37.
"Georgia" = 37
ATL win
they get their 12th win on the year. Foles would get his 12th loss w/Phi

Foles was born 1/20. "Nick Edward Foles" = 121. "Pederson" = 120
It's Foles' 37th all time game appearance w/Philly. "Nick" = 37
PHI win:
Pederson stays at 12 all time losses.


The previous time they played was 60 weeks and 6 days (66) ago.
"Divisional" = 66

18 / 61

Including the end date they played 61 weeks ago.
It's the 18th meeting at Philadelphia.

Quinn has birth numerology of 18
ATL win:
They'd stay at 18 losses in the series and Philly gets their 616th
all time loss.

"Philadelphia" = 61. "Doug" = 61, it's 18 days from his birthday.
"Doug Pederson" = 181
PHI win:
Foles stays at 18 all time losses and gets his 18th all time win w/Philly.

7 / 17

"Dan" = 17. "Atlanta Georgia" = 59. "Matthew Ryan" = 59
ATL win:
they get their 7th win @Philly and Foles would stay at 17 all time wins


"Matt Thomas Ryan" = 190. "Dan" = 19
ATL win:
Philly stays at 19 playoff wins and Foles gets his 19th all time loss.

Foles enters with 19 interceptions. Pederson has birth numerology of 19
and including the end date it's 19 days from his birthday.
"Nicholas Foles" = 190[f]. "Nick" = 19, including the end date it's
8 days from his birthday. He was the 88th pick.
"Douglas Pederson" = 67.
PHI win:
they get their 19th win the head-to-head.


ATL win:
Ryan gets his 100th all time win.

"Doug Pederson" = 100 and has birth numerology of 100.


ATL win:
Ryan would stay at 68 all time losses.

"Eagles" = 68. "Nick Edward Foles" = 68. "Nick Foles" = 68.
Pederson was born in '68.


PHI win:
Ryan gets his 69th all time loss.

"Divisional" = 69. "Nicholas Foles" = 69. It's 347 days from
Pederson's birthday.


ATL win:
Quinn gets his 33rd all time win.
It's Pederson's 33rd all time game.


PHI win:
Pederson would get his 21st all time win, Quinn would get his 21st
all time loss and Philly would stay at 21 playoff losses.
"Foles" = 21. "Doug" = 73[f]
"Dan Patrick Quinn" = 73.

conclusion and TD guesses...

Another total toss up. Plenty of stuff for both. Don't really know why
but I think I'll go Atlanta. Although I can smell Philadelphia... eww.

ATL 1.00 out of 3.

As for TDs... 1 OR 4 for Ryan (1 INT especially if they win),
and 0 OR 3 for Foles (3 INT especially if they lose).

011318 Divisional Round Saturday 8:15 PM est

Tennessee Titans at New England Patriots

32 / 131

Date numerology of 32. Including end date 3 weeks and 2 days (32)
before the Super Bowl.

Mularkey was born on the 323rd day of the year..
"Michael Mularkey" = 131. "Mariota" = 32

New England has scored 1024 points in the series coming in...
1024 is 32 squared. It's Belichick's 323rd all time game w/NE.
"Thomas" = 32. "Foxborough" = 131

TN win:
New England stays at 32 playoff wins.

52 / 239

Date numerology of 52.

"Tennessee" = 52

It's New England's 52nd playoff game. Belichick was born in '52
and he and Brady are currently 5-2 (52) in Super Bowls.

TN win:
Belichick would stay at 239 all time wins w/NE.

14 / 43 / 191

Date numerology of 14. "Divisional" = 140. We're in the 14th year
since they previously played in the playoffs.

"Nashville" = 141. Mularkey's 43rd all time game w/Tenn.
"Mularkey" = 43. "Mike" = 43. "Titans" = 43

"William Belichick" = 141. Brady enters w/191 interceptions.

TN win:
they improve to 1-4 (14) vs NE in the playoffs. (as the "TITANS").

16 / 53

Date numerology of 16. "Saturday" = 53.

"Marcus Mariota" = 53, has birth numerology of 16 and including the
end date it's 10 weeks and 6 days (16) from his birthday.
It's 10 months and 6 days (16) from Mularkey's birthday.
"Tennessee Titans" = 241[f]

Belichick was born on the 16th (IN NASHVILLE BTW).
"Foxborough Massachusetts" = 160. "Patriots" = 53.
"Belichick" = 53

TN win:
they get their 16th playoff win and would be 16-19,
1619 is the 256th prime and 256 is 16 squared!
Mularkey would stay at 53 all time losses, and would improve to
38-53 and 3853 is the 535th prime.

NE win:
they stay at 16 losses in the head-to-head.

25 / 97

Date numerology of 25. It's the 25th meeting @New England.

"Mike" = 25.

Brady has birth numerology of 25. "Bill Belichick" = 97

TN win:
Brady stays at 25 playoff wins, it's his 25th playoff HOME game.
Belichick stays at 25 playoff wins w/NE.

NE win:
they get their 25th win in the overall head-to-head.
Brady would improve to 20-5 (25) in the playoffs at HOME, in his
25th playoff HOME game...

30 / 113

The date is 1/13.

"Marcus" = 30 Mariota was born on the 30th, the 303rd day of the year.

NE win:
Mariota falls to 10-13 (113) on the ROAD.

13 / 41

It's the 13th.

Mariota was born 10/30 (13), including the end date it's 41 weeks
and 4 days (41) from his birthday. "Michael Mularkey" = 131.
"Michael Rene Mularkey" = 179

"Foxborough" = 131. "Thomas" = 41.

TN win:
New England stays at and finishes the year with 13 wins.
New England would fall to 4-1 (41) vs Tenn AS THE TITANS,
in New England. Tennessee would stay at 6 losses vs NE
AS THE TITANS. Brady would get his 6th playoff HOME loss.

NE win:
they improve to 33-19 in the playoffs, 3319 is the 467th prime,
467 is the 91st prime, and 91 is the 13th triangular number.
Mariota would get his 13th ROAD loss. Tennessee would stay at
6 wins vs NE AS THE TITANS @New England.


It's the 128th day of the season.

"Nashville" = 128

"Foxborough Massachusetts" = 128

NE win:
Belichick stays at 128 all time losses.


Including the end date it's 129 days into the season.

"Gillette Stadium" = 129. "William Stephen Belichick" = 129.
"William Belichick" = 129

TN win:
Belichick gets his 129th all time loss.

46 / 199

It's 4 months and 6 days (46) into the season.

"Marcus Mariota" = 199. "Michael Rene Mularkey" = 199.

"Patriots" = 46. "Tom Brady" = 46, was the 199th draft pick.
"Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr." = 199.

15 / 47

Including the end date it's 4 months and 7 days (47) into the season.
We're in the 15th year since they first played each other AS TITANS.
The previous time they played each other was 2 years and 25 days
(225) ago and 225 is 15 squared.

"Mularkey" = 47 and has birth numerology of 47. "Tennessee" = 47.
It's 10 weeks and 5 days (15) from Mariota's birthday.

"William" = 47. It's Brady's 150th all time HOME game.
"Tom Brady" = 150[f]. "Tom" = 15.
"William Stephen Belichick" = 150

NE win:
Tennessee stays at 15 playoff wins.


Including the end date it's 18 weeks and 3 days (183) into the season.

"Marcus Ardel Taulauniu Mariota" = 183.

"Massachusetts" = 183.

343 | 34

Including the end date it's been 343 days since the Super Bowl.

"Tennessee" = 34. "Mularkey" = 34

It's 3 months and 4 days (34) from Belichick's birthday.
"William" = 34. "Foxborough" = 139.


It's been 11 months and 8 days (118) since the Super Bowl.

"Nashville Tennessee" = 118

"Patriots" = 118. "Tom Brady" = 118


Including the end date that's 11 months and 9 days (119)...

"Tennessee" = 119.


Including the end date that's 49 weeks since the SB.

"Mariota" = 49.

"Foxborough" = 49.

22 / 79

It's 22 days before the Super Bowl.

"Titans" = 79

It's 202 days from Brady's birthday. "Thomas" = 22.
"William" = 79

NE win:
Brady gets his 222nd all time win.
Mularkey gets his 22nd all time loss w/Tenn.

TN win:
Mariota gets his 22nd all time win and would 22-22.
Mularkey gets his 22nd all time win w/Tenn.

9 / 23

Including the end date that's 23 days before the Super Bowl.

"Titans" = 83.

It's 23 weeks and 2 days (232) from Brady's birthday one way,
and including the end date 203 days the other.
It's Belichick's 23rd year. "Thomas Brady Jr." = 232[f].
"Brady" = 23. Brady was born 8/3. "Bill Belichick" = 83.

TN win:
Belichick stays ata 276 all time wins. 276 is the 23rd triangular number.
And he would stay at 239 wins w/NE, aka 23/9...

NE win:
Mariota gets his 23rd all time loss, it's his 23rd all time ROAD game.
Brady would stay at 23 all time HOME losses. Belichick would stay
at 83 all time losses w/NE. Brady would stay at 9 playoff losses and
Belichick would stay at 9 playoff losses w/NE.

11 / 31 / 127

It's 3 weeks and 1 day (31) before the Super Bowl.

It's 310 days from Mularkey's birthday, he was born in the 11th month

"Thomas" = 31. "Brady" = 31.

TN win:
Mariota gets his 11th all time ROAD win. Beliechick gets his 11th
playoff loss.

NE win:
Brady gets his 127th all time HOME win.

108 (18) / 61

The previous time they played was 108 week ago.
The total points scored in the series coming in is 1847,
1847 is the 283rd, 283 is the 61st, 61 is the 18th...

"Mike Mularkey" = 108 and 180. He was born in '61.

Brady is in his 18th year. Belichick has birth numerology of 18.
"Belichick" = 181. "Bill Belichick" = 61. "Bill" = 61[f]

NE win:
They get their 18th win in the series @New England and
Tennessee falls to and finishes the year 10-8 (108).

143 / 823

Tennessee has scored 823 points in the series coming in,
823 is the 143rd prime... and the previous time they played each
other in the playoffs was 14 years and 3 days (143) ago.

"New England Patriots" = 143

NE win:
they improve to 14-3 (143) on the year.

102 / 557

It's been 5507 days (557) since they first played each other
AS TITANS, and 557 is the 102nd prime.

"Nashville" = 102

"Massachusetts" = 102. "Thomas" = 102[f]. "William Belichick" = 102.

20 / 71

Whoever loses gets their 20th playoff loss.
Game is on the 71st meridian.

"Titans" = 20. "Mike" = 20.

It's 202 days from Brady's birthday.

NE win:
Brady gets his 20th playoff HOME win. They'd improve to 7-1 (71)


TN win:
they stay at 24 losses in the overall head-to-head and Brady would
get his 24th all time HOME loss.

Mariota is 24 years old. "Marcus Mariota" = 204[f]

"Tom Brady Jr." = 204[f]. "Thomas Brady Jr." = 89

NE win:
Belichick gets his 240th all time win w/NE.

33 / 137

NE win:
they get their 33rd playoff win

"Michael" = 33. "Tennessee" = 137

It's 3 months and 3 days (33) from Belichick's birthday.
"Massachusetts" = 33. "Tom" = 33.

64 / 311

NE win:
Belichick stays at 64 all time losses.

Including the end date it's 311 days from Mularkey's birthday.
"Mike" = 33 [f].


TN win:
Brady gets his 65th all time loss. He'd have to do it this playoffs
to be on 65 losses whilst his coach is 65 years old.

"Mularkey" = 65.

54 / 251

TN win:
Brady falls to 25-10 (251) in the playoffs.

"Gillette" = 540 [sumerian]. "Thomas Brady" = 54

"Mike Mularkey" = 54, including the end date, is 20510 (251) days old.
"Tennessee Titans" = 54

NE win:
Mularkey, at that age, gets his 54th all time loss.


TN win:
Brady stays at 126 all time HOME wins.

"Gillette" = 126. "Thomas Brady" = 126. "Tom Brady Jr." = 126

Including the end date it's 1 month and 26 days (126) from
Mularkey's birthday.

TN win:
Brady falls to 19-6 in the playoffs at HOME

"Mike Mularkey" = 196[f]

38 / 163

TN win:
Mularkey gets his 38th all time win.

It's 163 days from Brady's birthday.
"Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr." = 163

12 / 37 / 157

NE win:
Mularkey stays at 37 all time wins.
"Michael Mularkey" = 157

"Saturday" = 37. Belichick has birth numerology of 37, and it's
his 37th playoff game. "Patriots" = 37. "Foxborough" = 157.
"Tom" = 12. "William Stephen Belichick" = 120.
"William Belichick" = 120

TN win:
Mariota stays at 12 all time ROAD losses.


NE win:
Belichick gets his 27th playoff win, 272 days from his birthday

"Divisional Playoffs" = 272


TN win:
Belichick gets his 84th all time loss w/NE...

fitting to do it in "Massachusetts" = 84.


NE win:
they stay at 405 all time losses and it's Belichick's 405th all time game.
So maybe they get their 406th in his 406th...


It's Brady's 35th playoff game, "Tom Brady" = 35, and he has
birth numerology of 35...

conclusion and TD guesses...

MAN I really want to pick the upset. Just like a week ago there's
all these Tennessee wins, this and Tennessee wins that, way more
than you would think... and I didn't trust 'em a week ago and they did
pull the upset but man...

The other thing I'm really in love with is the fact that Belichick was
born in Nashville Tennessee... So how fitting would it be for him to
lose, stay on the 52nd prime number of wins, in his team's 52nd playoff
game, while he and Brady are 5-2 in Super Bowls, on a date with
52 numerology, in the year of SB52, against "Tennessee" = 52,

Right? That's too beautiful.

Plus there's that news story / report about how Brady and Belichick
do not get along and there's all this controversy and nonsense...
I oughta look into that reporter's name and all of that stuff but meah...

All it probably means is that they'll crush 'em 52-0...

I don't know. I'll just go New England slightly...

NE 1.00 out of 3.

As for TDs... 0, 1, OR 4 for Brady and maybe 2 INT.
And 1 OR 4 for Mariota, maybe 2 INT if they lose.

011418 Divisional Round Sunday 1:05 PM est

Jacksonville Jaguars at Pittsburgh Steelers


It's a date with 33 numerology.

"Ben" = 33. "Michael" = 33. "Benjamin Todd Reothlisberger" = 137

JAC win:
Marrone improves to 13-7 (137) all time w/Jacksonville


It's a date with 53 numerology.

"Doug" = 16 Marrone is 53 years old.

"Pennsylvania" = 53. "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 160.
"Roethlisberger" = 161. "Michael Pettaway Tomlin" = 160.
Roethlisberger has birth numerology of 106 (16).

JAC win:
Pittsburgh gets their 557th all time loss, 557 is the 106th prime (16).

15 / 47

It's a date with 15 numerology, it's 4 months and 7 days (47) into the

Including the end date it's 105 (15) days from Bortles' birthday,
aka 15 weeks. "Doug" = 47

Roethlisberger has birth numerology of 15.
Tomlin was born on the 15th, it's his 15th playoff game.
"Heinz Field" = 150[f]. "Ben" = 15, it's 47 days from his birthday.
"Ben" = 47[f].

4 / 7 / 17 / 59

It's a date with 17 numerology. Series @Pittsburgh is tied 6-6
so whoever wins gets their 7th win...
And it's the 7th game of the playoffs.

"Robby Bortles" = 171. "Rob" = 17. "Blake Bortles" = 59.
"Doug Marrone" = 59, he was born in the 7th month.
Bortles was born in the 4th month.

"Pittsburgh Steelers" = 171. "North Shore" = 59. "Pittsburgh" = 59.
"Mike Tomlin" = 59. "Ben Roethlisberger" = 277

JAC win:
they get their 7th playoff win and Marrone stays at 7 all time losses
w/Jacksonville. Tomlin gets his 7th playoff loss.

PIT win:
Jacksonville stays at 171 all time wins and gets their 7th playoff loss.
Roethlisberger stays at 7 playoff losses.

26 / 101

It's a date with 26 numerology, there are 351 days left in the year,
351 is the 26th triangular number, and "Divisional" = 101.

Including the end date it's 262 days from Bortles' birthday.
"Robby Blake Bortles" = 262[f]. "Robby" = 26
"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 262[f].

"Ben Todd Roethlisberger" = 262. "Ben Roethlisberger" = 101.
"Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 101

14 / 43

It's a date with 14 numerology, it's the 14th, the 14th day of the year,
it's the Divisional Round and "Divisional" = 140, and they've never
played each other on the 14th of ANY month ever.

The previous time they played each other was 14 weeks ago.

It's 104 days (14) from Bortles' birthday. "Jacksonville Jaguars" = 141
"Robby Blake Bortles" = 140, he has birth numerology of 43.
"Florida" = 43. "Jacksonville" = 43. "Jacksonville" = 191.

Roethlisberger is in his 14th year. It's Tomlin's 191st all time game.
"North Shore" = 140. "Pittsburgh" = 140
"Benjamin Roethlisberger Sr." = 140. "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 140.
It's 43 weeks and 4 days (434) from Tomlin's birthday.
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 430. "Mike" = 43.

JAC win:
they get their 14th win in the overall head-to-head.

PIT win:
Ben gets his 14th playoff win.


It's the 129th day of the season.

"Steelers" = 129[f]

130 | 6 / 13 / 41

Including the end date it's the 130th day of the season.
It's the 13th meeting @Pittsburgh.

It's Jacksonbille's 13th playoff game. Bortles was drafted in the
1st round with the 3rd pick (13). "Rob Blake Bortles" = 131.
"Blake" = 13. "Douglas Charles Marrone" = 131.
"Doug Marrone" = 131. "Blake Bortles" = 41

"North Shore" = 130. "Pittsburgh" = 130.
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 131. "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 131

JAC win:
Pittsburgh stays at and finishes the year with 13 wins.
Marrone gets his 13th all time win w/Jacksonville.
Roethlisberger stays at 13 playoff wins.
Jacksonville stays at 6 losses on the year

PIT win:
they stay at 13 losses in the overall head-to-head.
Bortles gets his 41st all time loss. Tomlin stays at 6 playoff losses.


Including the end date it's 4 months and 8 days (48) into the season,
"fourteenth" = 48.

Including the end date it's 48 days from Ben's birthday.
"Michael" = 48. "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 223


It's 18 weeks and 3 days (183) into the season.

"Doug Marrone" = 183.


Including the end date that's 18 weeks and 4 days (184)...

"Robby Blake Bortles" = 184

343 | 34

It's been 343 days since the Super Bowl.

Bortles and Marrone have birth numerology of 34.
"Douglas" = 34.

"Tomlin" = 34. "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 139.


Including the end date that's 344 days since the SB.

"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 344[f]
"Benjamin Roethlisberger Sr." = 344[f]


Including the end date it's been 11 months and 10 days (111)
since the Super Bowl.

Ben was drafted in the 1st round with the 11th pick (111).

"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 111


It's been 49 weeks since the Super Bowl.

"Jaguars" = 49.

"North Shore" = 49. "Steelers" = 49. "Benjamin" = 49.
"Mike Tomlin" = 49.

491 / 94

Including the end date that's 49 weeks and 1 day (491) since
the Super Bowl, 491 is the 94th prime.

"Douglas Charles Marrone" = 94.

"Benjamin" = 94[f].

21 / 73

It's 21 days before the Super Bowl.

"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 210. "Rob" = 210 [sumerian].
"Robby" = 73. "Douglas Marrone" = 73

"Ben" = 21 and it's his 21st playoff game. It's 2 months and 1 day (21)
from Tomlin's birthday. "Heinz" = 73. "Michael Tomlin" = 73

PIT win:
Jacksonville gets their 210th (21) all time loss.

22 / 79

Including the end date it's 22 days before the Super Bowl.
We're in the 22nd year since they first ever played each other.
Game is on the 79th meridian.

"Blake" = 22. "Jacksonville" = 79. "Douglas" = 79

Including the end date it's 2 months and 2 days (22) from Tomlin's
birthday. "Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 79. "Tomlin" = 79

PIT win:
Bortles stays at 22 all time wins.

11 / 31

Including the end date it's 3 weeks and 1 day (31) before the SB.

"Blake" = 31.

"Steelers" = 31

PIT win:
Jacksonville stays at and finishes the year with 11 wins.


JAC win:
they improve to 12-6 (126) on the year.

"Ben" = 126 [sumerian]. "Ben Todd Roethlisberger" = 126.


PIT win:
Jacksonville would fall to 11-7 (117) on the year.

"Pittsburgh Steelers" = 117
"Ben Todd Roethlisberger" = 117 and it's 1 month and 17 days (117)
from his birthday including the end date.

98 / 521

The previous time they played was 98 days ago.

"Doug Charles Marrone" = 98 and including the end date it's 5 months
and 21 days (521) from his birthday. "Douglas Marrone" - 98.

"Heinz Field" = 98.


That's 99 days since they played including the end date.

"Roethlisberger Sr." = 99.


They played each other 3 months and 6 days (36) ago.

Including the end date it's 306 days from Tomlin's birthday.
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 151

JAC win:
Pittsburgh stays at 36 playoff wins.

12 / 37

And including the end they played 3 months and 7 days (37) ago.

Including the end date it's 37 weeks and 3 days (373) from
Bortles' birthday. "Rob Blake Bortles" = 157

Tomlin has birth numerology of 37. "Heinz" = 37.
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger Sr." = 157.
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 121. "Ben Roethlisberger Sr." = 120.
"Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 121. "Ben" = 12.
"Mike Tomlin" = 121

JAC win:
they get their 12th win on the year

PIT win:
they get their 37th playoff win and 12th win in the overall head-to-head.
Marrone would stay at 12 all time wins w/Jacksonville.


This is the 25th all time meeting.

Bortles is 25 years old. "Douglas" = 25 Marrone was born on the 25th.
"Jacksonville Florida" = 250[f]

Ben has birth numerology of 25. "Roethlisberger Sr." = 250[f].
"Mike" = 25. "Ben Roethlisberger" = 97

JAC win:
Pittsburgh gets their 25th playoff loss.

PIT win:
Marrone gets his 25th all time loss.


JAC win:
they get their 172nd all time win.

"Pennsylvania" = 172. "Heinz Field" = 172

209 (29) / 109

The previous time (and first time) they played each other
in the playoffs was 10 years and 9 days (109) ago.

"Doug Charles Marrone" = 109

JAC win:
they stay at 209 (29) all time losses.

"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 292. "Tomlin" = 29. "Mike" = 29, he
has birth numerology of 109. "Tomlin" = 109[f].


JAC win:
they improve to 7-6 (76) in the playoffs and in the series @Pittsburgh.

"Robby Blake Bortles" = 76. "Rob Blake Bortles" = 76.
"Blake Bortles" = 76. "Doug Marrone" = 76

8 / 19 / 67

PIT win:
Jacksonville falls to 6-7 (67) in the playoffs and the series @Pittsburgh.

"Robby Blake Bortles" = 67. "Rob Blake Bortles" = 67.
"Jacksonville" = 191. "Rob" = 19

"North Shore" = 67. "Pittsburgh" = 67.
"Benjamin" = 67. "Heinz" = 19

JAC win:
Tomlin gets his 67th all time loss (in his 191st all time game).
Ben would get his 8th playoff loss.


It's the 63rd all time game for "Robby Bortles" = 63.
"Rob Bortles" = 63

40 / 173

JAC win:
Bortles stays at 40 all time losses. It's 173 days from Marrone's bday.
The game is on the 40th parallel.

"Mike Tomlin" = 173[f].


It's Ben's 219th all time game.

"Divisional Round" = 219. "Ben Roethlisberger Sr." = 219

35 / 149

PIT win:
Ben gets his 149th all time win and he'd have to do it now to
have 149 wins as a 35 year old.

"Mike Tomlin" = 149  and it's 305 days from hisbirthday.
"Heinz" = 35

"Rob" = 35.


PIT win:
Ben stays at 70 all time losses.

"Jacksonville" = 70

24 / 89

PIT win:
they stay at 576 all time losses which is 24 squared and would
stay at 24 playoff losses.

Bortles and Marrone have birth numerology of 24.
"Doug Charles Marrone" = 89

JAC win:
Marrone stays at 24 all time losses.

"Roethlisberger" = 89.


PIT win:
Tomlin stays at 66 all time losses.

"Jacksonville Jaguars" = 66
"Divisional" = 66. Including the end date it's 6 weeks and 6 days (66)
from Ben's birthday. "Michael" = 66


JAC win:
Tomlin stays at 124 all time wins.

"Divisional Playoffs" = 124. "Florida" = 124.


PIT win:
Tomlin improves to 9-6 (96) in the playoffs.

"Divisional Round" = 96. Marrone has birth numerology of 96.


JAC win:
Tomlin falls to 8-7 (87) in the playoffs.

"Divisional Round" = 87.

conclusion and TD guesses...

Boy ANOTHER toss up- and another where you tend to dismiss
the reads for the big underdog- EVEN though they "beat" 'em
big in the regular season. Tons of stuff for Jacksonville, but really?

I'll go Pittsburgh ever so slightly.

PIT 1.00 out of 3.

As for TDs... 0, 1, OR 3 for Bortles and maybe 3 INT.
And 0 OR 3 for Ben and maybe 2 INT.

keep scrolling for the Saints Vikings game,
I did that in full and it's in its own post.


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