Saturday, January 13, 2018

Divisional Round Saints Vikings 011418

011418 Divisional Round Sunday 4:40 PM est

New Orleans Saints at Minnesota Vikings

Boy this is a mad flip-flopper. I'm in love with my "152 clue"
and that's biasing me towards the Saints but the Vikings stuff
is actually very strong.

For New Orleans,

15 / 47

It's a date with 15 numerology, it's 4 months and 7 days (47) into the
season, and we're in the 47th year since they first ever played each other
in Minnesota. So if the Saints win Brees gets his 150th all time win, and his
120th all time win w/New Orleans (120 is the 15th triangular number), and
how nice to do it in "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 47 and "Minnesota" = 47. Also,
"Louisiana" = 47, Brees was born on the 15th (the 15th day of the year),
and it's Keenum's 15th game w/Minnesota.


If they win Brees stays at 111 all time losses and
"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 111. Also, including the end date, it's been
11 months and 10 days (111) since the Super Bowl.

64 / 311

It's been 30 years and 11 days (311) since they first ever played each
other in the Playoffs, "New Orleans Saints" = 64 and Brees could stay at 64 all
time ROAD losses, and do so against "Case Austin Keenum" = 64,
"Vikings" = 64, in "Minneapolis" = 64. These 64s could obviously be FOR
Minnesota but I read it as just a good team to stay at 64 losses against.


Since they first ever played in the Playoffs AT Minnesota it's been
17 years and 8 days (178). "New Orleans" = 178 [francis bacon].

12 / 37

"Saints" = 37 and they could get their 12th win in the overall head-to-head
(it would be 12-21, a nice palindrome), and Brees would get his 120th
all time win w/them, it's his 12th year w/them, it's the 12th playoff game
for "Sean" = 12 born in the 12th month, and it's against the
"Minnesota Vikings" = 120 / "Vikings" = 37.
That being said, if Minnesota wins it's Keenum's 12th all time win w/them
and his 12th all time HOME win.

19 / 67 / 331

It would be Brees' 67th all time ROAD win, "Saints" = 19 and it would be
Keenum's 19th all time loss and the Vikings would stay on 19 playoff wins.
"Case" = 19 and it's 331 days from his birthday... Zimmer was born in '67.

30 / 113

"Drew Christopher Brees" = 113, it's 11 months and 30 days (113)
from his birthday, and he could help get his coach his 113th all time win.
It's in "Minneapolis Minnesota" = 303, quarterbacked by "Keenum" = 30.


Since they first ever played each other in the playoffs it's been, like we
mentioned in the 64 section, 30 years and 11 days, well 3011 is the
432nd prime number and Drew Brees enters the game with 432 all time
touchdowns w/New Orleans.

32 / 131

It's "Drew Christopher Brees" = 131 131st all time ROAD game,
"Brees" = 32, was the 32nd draft pick, and is playing in a stadium
named "U.S. Bank" = 32 and against a coach with birth numerology of 32
and including the end date it's 32 weeks from that coach's birthday.

70 / 349

"Patrick Payton" = 349 and it's 349 days from his birthday...
and he's playing "Minnesota" = 70.


"Sean Payton" = 50 and including the end date it's 50 weeks from his bday.
Also "Drew" = 50. And they are facing "Casey Keenum" = 50.

Now for Minnesota,


It's a date with 33 numerology and "Michael" = 33 "Zimmer" = 33 and
"Keenum" = 33.

16 / 53

It's a date with 53 numerology and "Casey" = 53 and it's his 16th all time
game appearance w/Minnesota.

14 / 43

It's a date with 14 numerology, it's the 14th, the 14th day of the year,
it's the Divisional Round and "Divisional" = 140, the previous time they
played each other was 4 months and 3 days (43) ago, Minnesota's
previous playoff game was 105 weeks ago (105 is the 14th triangular number),
the stadium "U.S. Bank" = 14, "Mike" = 43, "Case Keenum" = 43 and
including the end date it's 1 month and 4 days (14) from his birthday,
and if they win they get their 14th win on the year and their 14th win
vs the Saints IN Minnesota... and this is the first ever game between these
teams on the 14th of ANY month.

48 / 223

Speaking of the 14th, "fourteenth" = 48, this is Minnesota's 48th playoff
game, including the end date it's 4 months and 8 days (48) into the season,
"Michael" = 48 and it's 223 days from his birthday and Keenum was born
on the 48th day of the year. So, how about Minnesota beginning their
playoffs in the year of the 48th Super Bowl of the modern era with all of that
48 stuff? Makes me think they make the Super Bowl...

49 / 227

We're in the 49th year since they first ever played each other,
it's been 49 weeks since the Super Bowl, and Minnesota can get their
490th (49) all time win against "Sean Payton" = 49 and "Drew Brees" = 49
from "New Orleans Louisiana" = 227...

55 / 257

It's been 2570 weeks (257) since they first ever played each other
and "Minneapolis" = 55 and "Case Austin Keenum" = 55.

24 / 89

Since they first ever played each other in the Playoffs @Minnesota
it's been 6217 days. 6217 is the 809th (89) prime. "Minneapolis" = 89,
"Casey Austin Keenum" - 89, "Keenum" = 24, and their previous playoff
game was 2 years and 4 days (24) ago...


Including the end date they played each other 126 days ago...
Keenum has birth numerology of 126 but moreover, "New Orleans" = 126
could fall to and finish their season 12-6 (126)...

20 / 71

They could get their 20th playoff win in Keenum's 20th all time HOME
game, and he, "Casey Austin Keenum" = 71 could improve to 7-1 (71)
all time at HOME w/Minnesota.

28 / 107

And they would stay at 28 playoff losses. They could do that with
"Case" = 28, "Casey" = 28 (with birth numerology of 107), against the
"New Orleans Saints" = 208 coached by "Patrick Sean Payton" = 208
aka "Payton" = 28 who is 2820 weeks old...
HOWEVER, and I guess this should be in the overlap category but,
if the Saints win Brees improves to 120-83 all time w/New Orleans,
and if they don't win this game this can never happen, and 1283 is
the 208th prime...


Remember they've never played each other on the 14th of ANY month,
well "fourteen" = 112 and "Casey Keenum" = 112 could give
"Drew Christopher Brees" = 112 his 112th all time loss AND the Saints'
coach would stay at 112 all time wins...

76 / 383

Speaking of the 14th, "fourteen" = 76, and "Drew" = 76 [f] on his final day
as a 38 year old, playing in "Minnesota" = 38 in "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 38,
could fall to 7-6 (76) in the playoffs & his coach would get his 76th all time loss.

66 / 317

Here's a big one. In "Michael" = 66 Zimmer's 66th all time game, in the
"Divisional" = 66 Round, on "the fourteenth" = 66, coaching and coaching in
"Minnesota" = 660 [sumerian] with "Keenum" = 66 who was born on the day
that leaves 317 days in the year, could win and keep Brees at 66 all time
ROAD wins, and improve Minnesota to 22-11 in the overall head-to-head and
2211 is the 66th triangular number!

And if I had a crack research staff I would ask them to look back through
history and find all occurrences of 33rd meetings where one team had
21 wins going in... In other words, how often does a head-to-head series
go to 22-11 after the 33rd game... See what I'm saying? 11/22/33...

40 / 173

Again, remember this rare, first ever, meeting on the 14th, well,
"fourteen" = 40, and Zimmer could get his 40th all time win with
"Case Keenum" = 173 in "U.S. Bank" = 40 Stadium against "Drew" = 40,
and "Sean Payton" = 40.

35 / 149

If they win "Case Keenum" = 149 [f] 35 days from his birthday can keep
Drew Brees who was born on the day that leaves 350 in the year at
149 all time wins... and "Payton" = 35 and it's 350 days from his birthday.


Brees can get his 65th all time ROAD loss in "U.S. Bank Stadium" = 65.
Against a coach who was born June 5th, aka 6/5 (65)...

42 / 181

"Case Austin Keenum" = 181 and it's his 42nd all time game appearance,
"forty-two" = 142, and it's 142 days from Zimmer's birthday... and he's playing
a team from "Louisiana" = 142...


Weird one. "Casey" = 46, it's 4 weeks and 6 days (46) from his birthday,
"Vikings" = 46, and he enters the game with 46 all time TDs.


Keenum could improve to 12-8 all time at HOME and it's 10 months and
28 days (128) from his birthday.


Including the end date it's 224 days from Zimmer's birthday and he just so
happens to be facing the "New Orleans Saints" = 224.


Including the end date it's 143 days before Zimmer's birthday and if they win
they improve to 14-3 (143) on the year AND in the series @Minnesota.

And now for the overlap,

4 / 7 / 17 / 59

It's a date with 17 numerology, it's the 17th meeting @Minnesota, and we're
in the 17th year since they first ever played in the Playoffs @Minnesota.
For New Orleans,
Brees is in his 17th year and it's his 7th playoff ROAD game and he could
help them get their 4th win in the series @Minnesota.
For Minnesota,
"Casey" = 17, he was born on the 17th, "Casey Keenum" = 59,
"Mike Zimmer" = 59, and if they win Keenum gets his 7th all time HOME win
and Brees and Payton both stay at 7 playoff wins.

26 / 101

It's a date with 26 numerology, there are 351 days left in the year,
351 is the 26th triangular number, and "Divisional" = 101.
For New Orleans,
"New Orleans Louisiana" = 101, "Louisiana" = 101, "Payton" = 26, and it's
Brees' 262nd all time game appearance.
For Minnesota,
"Case" = 26, "Casey" = 26, he has birth numerology of 26,
"Case Austin Keenum" = 206, and if they win then Zimmer stays at
26 all time losses.


The date is 114, "the fourteenth" = 114, and "Divisional" = 114.
For New Orleans,
Brees has birth numerology of 114 and if they win then Keenum
falls to 11-4 all time w/Minnesota.
For Minnesota,
"Minnesota Vikings" = 114 and "Minneapolis Minnesota" = 114.

119 | 911

The previous time they played each other was back on 9/11 and it's been
11 months and 9 days (119) since the Super Bowl.
For New Orleans,
if they win then Keenum falls to 11-9 all time at HOME.
For Minnesota,
if they win then Brees stays at 119 all time wins w/New Orleans.

21 / 73 | 441

It's 21 days before the Super Bowl.
For New Orleans,
"Drew Christopher Brees" = 212, "Sean" = 21, and
"Patrick Sean Payton" = 73, and if they win they stay at 21 losses in the
overall head-to-head AND at 441 all time losses as a franchise, and
441 is 21 squared.
For Minnesota,
"Vikings" = 73, "Case Austin Keenum" = 73, and if they win Keenum gets his
21st all time win.

22 / 79

So then obviously including the end date it's 22 days before the Super Bowl.
For New Orleans,
"Drew" = 22, "Brees" = 22, it's his 202nd all time game w/New Orleans,
he was born in '79, it's 2 weeks and 2 days (22) from Payton's birthday, and
if they win they improve to 2-2 (22) vs Minnesota in the playoffs.
For Minnesota,
Zimmer has birth numerology of 22, it's 7 months and 9 days (79) from his
birthday one way and 20 weeks and 2 days (22) from it the other, Keenum
has 22 touchdowns w/Minnesota, "Casey" = 79 [f], and if they win they
get their 22nd win in the overall head-to-head.

18 / 61

Including the end date the previous time they played each other was
18 weeks ago.
For New Orleans,
it's their 18th playoff game and "Louisiana" = 61. Also "Patrick Payton" = 61.
For Minnesota,
Zimmer is 61 years old and if they win Keenum stays at 18 all time losses.


Here's a true overlapper / either wayer...
For New Orleans,
It's the Saints' 804th (84) all time game, "fourteenth" = 84, they are facing
"Zimmer" = 84, and Payton could improve to 8-4 (84) in the playoffs.
For Minnesota,
if the Vikes win, on the "fourteenth" = 84, coached by "Zimmer" = 84,
they give Drew Brees his 84th all time loss w/New Orleans, in New Orleans'
804th (84) all time game...


And another either wayer special...
For New Orleans,
"Brees" = 75 [f] could help Payton stay at 75 all time losses against the
"Minnesota Vikings" = 75...
For Minnesota,
"Brees" = 75 [f] could help Payton fall to 7-5 (75) in the playoffs and do so
against the "Minnesota Vikings" = 75...

conclusion and TD guesses,

This is a tricky one. Been all in on Minnesota all year. So that's biasing me.
But then I got pretty hot on this 152 thing for New Orleans... see my post:
So that's biasing me the other way... I'll have to admit it seems like to me
that the Vikings reads are richer, more solid-like... but man I don't know.

I counted the individual reads- it's 11 for New Orleans, and 21 for Minnesota.
How WEIRD. That's the exact wins respectively in the head-to-head. Did not
try to do that. And I was surprised at how many more I have slotted in the
Minnesota column. You gotta factor the overlap too... but wow...

Well maybe the 152 thing is just for Pittsburgh then. Or maybe there's nothing
to it at all. I don't know.

This one's a  t o t a l  t o s s  u p.

I'll go Minnesota, why jump off when there's so many reads for 'em.

MIN 1.25 out of 3.

As for TD guesses, 0 OR 3 for Brees. Anything for Keenum, 1, 2, 3, or 4.

I'll try and do BOTH conference championships in full for next week.


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