Tuesday, April 3, 2018

March for Our Lives Protest and gun control

March for Our Lives March 24, 2018

Always expect the silly names they give stuff like this to connect...

March twenty-fourth is the 83rd day of the year. 83 is a prime number.

...it's the 23rd prime number.
"March for Our Lives" = 203 (23)...

they, the "students" = 23, would like a new,
"Federal Assault Weapons Ban" = 83... aka an,
"assault weapons ban" = 203 (23)...

...and maybe a,
"high-capacity magazine ban" = 203 (23)...

...to respond to,
"mass shootings" = 83...

...and prevent another,
"school massacre" = 83...

...which are usually done by a,
"weird kid" = 83...

...the specific one that 'inspired' this march was comitted by,
"Cruz" = 23, on,
"February fourteen" = 83...

...which is a holiday, the symbol of the holiday being a,
"heart" = 83...

...it's originally a Catholic holiday, you know, the ol',
"Holy Roman Empire" = 83...

...and it was first associated with romance by some dude,
"Geoffrey Chaucer" = 83...

...this Parkland shooting was a modern day,
"Valentine's Day massacre" = 230 (23)...

...two cities involved in the Parkland shooting,
"Coral Springs" = 203 [bacon] (where the shooter was captured)
"Coconut Grove Miami" = 203... (where Marjory kicked it)

...and by the way,
"Valentine's Day" = 203 [bacon]...

83 / 38
Of course the reverse of 83 is 38...

...and this march just happens to come 38 days after Parkland.

"march" = 38...

...the school was named after,
"Stoneman" = 38...

...who was born in,
"Minnesota" = 38...

..."Florida" = 38...

..."Coconut Grove Miami Florida" = 380 (where Marjory kicked it)

...Valentine's Day is named for,
"Valentinus" = 38...

"the fourteenth of February" = 308 [bacon]

and this march is about,
"gun violence awareness" = 308.

The 38th prime is 163...

..."crisis actor" = 163

"Douglas High" = 163 [bacon]

"Valentinus" = 163 [bacon].


And of course 3x8 (8x3) = 24...

the march was on the 24th...

...initiated by a student named,
"Cameron Kasky" = 240 (24) [reverse bacon]...

the 24th prime is 89 and it was in response to a,
"school shooting" = 89...

...that allegedly took place on,
"Valentine's Day" = 89

...they want stronger,
"background checks" = 89...

...the first name of the woman/school,
"Marjory" = 89...
"Marjory Stoneman" = 204 (24)...

39 / 167

Including the end date the march took place 39 days after the shooting at,
"Marjory Stoneman Douglas High" = 390 (39)

...the kid who initiated the march,
"Cameron" = 39...

"gun" = 39...

...they want to raise the age to buy rifles to,
"twenty-one" = 39...

"St. Valentine's Day school shooting" = 393...

"Valentine's Day shooting" = 309 (39)

...the holiday is,
"romantic" = 39, all about,
"romance" = 39, where you send and receive a,
"valentine" = 39...

the 39th prime is 167...

"eighty-three" = 167 (march took place on eighty-third day of year)...

...on the twenty-fourth,
"twenty-four" = 167...

...they don't want you to have an,
"assault weapon" = 167...

...the address of the school,
"Pine Island" = 167...

"St. Valentine's Day school massacre" = 167...


How fitting that the time span between the Parkland shooting
and this march was 1 month and 10 days (110)...

"Federal Assault Weapons Ban" = 110

"high capacity magazines" = 110

"gun violence awareness" = 110

"Broward County Sheriff" = 110

the woman the school was named after was born in,
"Minnesota" = 110

"Valentine's Day cards" = 110

"Saint Valentine's Day" = 110

the 110th prime is 601 (61) and we're in the year '18...
...the 18th prime is 61. Look for 61 this year.
(Women's College Basketball champ. was just won w/61 pts.)

Incl. the end date then, it was 1 month and 11 days (111)
since the shooting...

...the shooting by,
"Nick Cruz" = 111...

"Valentine's Day shooting" = 111...

"Douglas High" = 111...

...named after a woman from,
"Minneapolis, Minnesota" = 111...

"NRA" = 111 [bacon]...


So... the,
"March for Our Lives" = 86...

...on "March the twenty-fourth" = 86...

...started by a,
"student" = 86...

"Stoneman Douglas High" = 86...

...which was named after a woman who kicked it in,
"Coconut Grove Miami" = 86...

...was in response to the,
"Saint Valentine's Day school massacre" = 443 [bacon]
443 is the 86th prime...

Also they want to, "eighty-six the 2nd amendment"... get it.


"March for Our Lives" = 95...

...started by,
"Cameron" = 95 [bacon]...

...and fronted prominently by another 'student' named,
"David" = 95 (David Hogg)...

...in response to the,
"Saint Valentine's Day massacre" = 95...

...which 'happened' in,
"Parkland, FL" = 95

"valentine's cards" = 95
"St. Valentine's" = 95

95 reversed is 59, 59 is the 17th prime,
they say 17 people were killed in the shooting.

9x5=45, the shooting was the 45th day of the year,
"Nikolas" = 45.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas initials,
"MSD" = 45...

...it's in Broward County
"Broward" = 45...

the 45th prime is 197...
"Broward County, FL" = 197

Marjory Stoneman Douglas was born in...
"Minneapolis, MN" = 197

The school's colors are burgundy and silver
"Burgundy Silver" = 197.

50 / 229

"March for Our Lives" = 229...

229 is the 50th prime...

"David Hogg" = 50...

the march was centered in the District of,
"Columbia" = 50...

"Washington" = 50...

...on the eighty-third day of the year,
"eighty-three" = 50...

...on the twenty-fourth,
"twenty-four" = 50...

...started and led by,
"school students" = 50...

...all about,
"gun control" = 50...

...seeking an,
"assault weapons ban" = 50...

...in response to a shooting by,
"Nikolas Cruz" = 50...


"March for Our Lives" = 103...

"Parkland" = 103 [reverse bacon]

David Hogg's initials,
"DMH" = 103 [bacon]

"student" = 103

"twenty-four" = 103 (march the twenty-fourth)

"universal background check" = 103

"assault weapons ban" = 103

"Pine Island" = 103 (address of school)

"The Holy Roman Empire" = 103 (Catholic holiday)

And my favorite...

94 | 49

Started by,
"students" = 94, specifically a student named,
"Kasky" = 94 [reverse bacon]...

...in response to a shooting by,
"Cruz" = 94...

...at a school named,
"Stoneman Douglas High" = 94...

"March for Our Lives" = 94...

...just happened to take place a time span of 4940 days after the
Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired...

...4940, see the 94 and 49...

..."Parkland" = 49

..."gun control" = 49

..."David Hogg" = 49

..."students" = 49

..."school student" = 49

..."Washington" = 49

..."bump stocks" = 49

..."twenty-four" = 49 (march the twenty-fourth)

..."Environmentalist Marjory Stoneman Douglas" = 490...

..."Pine Island" = 49 (address of school)

..."Catholicism" = 49 (SAINT valentine, all these catholic schools in NCAA finals)

..."Chaucer" = 49

..."Valentine's" = 49

and the 49th prime is 227...

"school massacre" = 227.

So there ya have it folks... The name and the time span from the shooting...
way beyond coincidence...


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