College Football News: Urban Meyer placed on paid leave
Head coach of Ohio State, Urban Meyer, was placed on paid leave
on 8/1/18...
The story has to do with his long time friend and assistant coach
Zach Smith, who apparently abuses his wife, and was fired from
Ohio State in July... So this is a story about Urban Meyer and Zach Smith,
and Zach Smith's grandfather who was also a big time Ohio State head coach.
I'd say Meyer does not coach another game with them.
First some 18s and 81s since it was 81/18
and 8/1/18 was a date with 18 numerology.
Urban Meyer has coached 81 games with Ohio State.
He was born on a date with 81 (and 18) numerology...
Their conference record a year ago was 8-1 (81)
The guy that got him in this mess, his assistant coach
Zach Smith, is the grandson of Ohio State coaching great Earle Bruce.
"Earle Bruce" = 180
Bruce coached 108 games (18) with Ohio State, and he
won 81 of them... hello...
From Zach Smith's most recent criminal incident in his
dealings with his wife, which was on May twelfth, to this news was,
... 81 days !!!!!
that May twelfth incident involved the,
"Powell Police" = 181
"Powell P.D." = 181 [bacon]
Zach Smith's original domestic violence arrest was back in
twenty-oh-nine, when he allegedly attacked his wife who was,
8 - 10 weeks pregnant (81) HELLO!
Urban Meyer was put on leave mainly because some text messages
have surfaced that indicate he was aware of Smith's issues when he
had been saying he was not aware... and in those texts, a wife of another
OSU person, says in reference to Meyer the odd phrase,
"don't worry about Urb" = 81...
I'm not one hundred percent sure about Smith's birthday,
but two sources say he was born on the 18th...
his original arrest for beating his pregnant wife was on
a date with 18 numerology...
(and 108 multiplication)
I think his full name is,
"Zachary" = 108 [bacon]
Urban Meyer's first ever game coaching Ohio State was
on a date with 18 numerology (multiplication)
The reporter who broke the story which lead to this
outcome for Meyer, he was laid off by
"ESPN" = 18, but is still technically under contract with them
and there's some news/discussion of this surrounding the news.
And then the 18th prime is 61 and
"Ohio" = 61
the grandfather, Earle Bruce, was born on a date with 61 numerology...
And Bruce allegedly kicked it earlier this year...
6 weeks and 1 day (61) after his birthday.
"Zachary Smith" = 61
The Ohio State mascot is named
"Brutus" = 61
"OSU Buckeyes" = 61
So hello, this is definitely an 18 / 81 story, like wow!
It was the 213th day of the year
and it all goes back to Zach Smith beating on his wife,
"Courtney Smith" = 213 [reverse bacon]
It was a date with 27 numerology
Zach Smith's original domestic violence incident,
was on a date with 27 numerology
From Ohio State's previous loss to this news was
270 days...
The reporter who broke the story which lead to this was
laid off by,
"ESPN" = 27
and that odd phrase in the text messages between the
abused wife and another OSU wife,
"don't worry about Urb" = 207
And the 27th prime is 103...
"Ohio State Buckeyes" = 103
and from Smith's grandfather kicking it, to this news was
103 days...
Smith was the
"wide receivers coach" = 103
"Powell P.D." = 103
And of course this big news involving Ohio's big team/coach
comes on a date with 47 numerology...
"Ohio" = 47
the mascot
"Brutus Buckeye" = 47
and it involves/relates to,
"domestic" = 47, violence
Meyer is,
"on paid administrative leave" = 407
"wide receivers coach Zach Smith" = 282
"aggravated battery" = 282
and gets arrested on a date with 28 numerology,
...winds up getting his head coach and friend Meyer,
who was born on a date with 28 numerology, placed on leave,
whose previous loss was on a date with 28 numerology (multiplication)
(and this news comes 8 months and 28 days (828) from that loss)
and who is 2820 weeks old (and five days) on the day of the suspension,
who has coached a total of 208 (28) career games,
and now coaches the,
"Buckeyes" = 28
in the,
"Big 10" = 28
and their first game this season is on a date with 28 numerology.
And who is this wide receivers coach to do this?
"Zach Smith" = 107 (28th prime).
Urban Meyer has 177 career wins...
"wide receivers coach Zach Smith" = 177
"aggravated battery" = 177
"Meyer placed on paid administrative leave" = 177
Urban Meyer has 146 more wins than losses in his career.
"OSU Buckeyes" = 146
He's placed on leave due to a guy who is the grandson of
a legend OSU coach, and this news comes
146 days, after that legend's final birthday....
and 14 weeks and 6 days (146) after that legend kicked it.
Urban Meyer has 31 career losses...
This news comes 3 weeks and 1 day (31) after his birthday...
...and 31 days before their first game this season.
The grandfather of the guy that brought this on,
Earle Bruce, was born in '31...
"Earle" = 31
And this news comes 3 months and 13 days (313)
after Earle Bruce kicked it...
Meyer's previous game was the "Cotton Bowl" = 131,
the total score was 31...
Meyer's previous loss was @Iowa and he lost by 31...
Ohio State's point differential for the previous season was
+310 (31)...
The reporter breaking all the news on the case was laid off
by ESPN and posts his stories on his
"facebook" = 31
"Ohio State" = 131
The 31st prime is 127
"The Ohio State University" = 127
Urban Meyer has 73 wins with Ohio State...
"Urban Frank Meyer" = 73 (makes me think he will be fired)
this news comes 7 months and 3 days (73)
after their previous game, the Cotton Bowl.
Zach Smith, the guy that got him in trouble, coached the
"wide receivers" = 73
He got him trouble because he had been abusing his wife,
"Courtney Smith" = 73
"Big 10" = 73 (10 calculated as 10)
"Ohio" = 73 [bacon]
Urban Meyer has 65 more wins than losses with Ohio State
Zach Smith pleaded not guilty to the most recent dust up
on 6/5...
"Zachary Smith" = 65
Smith's grandfather, Earle Bruce's record in bowl games is 6-5 (65)
The reporter,
"Brett McMurphy" = 65
"Brett" = 65
And Meyer's first and middle names,
"Urban Frank" = 65
The 65th prime is 313... refer back to the 31 section above.
Urban Meyer's career bowl game record is
11-3 (113)...
"Ohio State University" = 113 (more reason to think he's fired)
His previous bowl game was the
"Cotton" = 113 [bacon] Bowl...
"paid administrative leave" = 113
Zach Smith's grandfather, Earle Bruce, allegedly kicked it
earlier this year... 1 month and 13 days (113) after his birthday.
"wide receivers coach" = 113
"Powell P.D." = 113
Urban Meyer's bowl record with OSU is 4-2 (42)...
Zach Smith's grandfather Earle Bruce, was born
on a date with 42 numerology...
...and allegedly kicked it on 4/20 (42)...
which was also a date with 42 numerology...
and this news comes 4 months and 24 days (424)
after his final birthday.
And Urban Meyer's first ever game with OSU was
on a date with 42 numerology...
AND... the 42nd prime is 181 and we're back to the 18 / 81 stuff!!!!!
And if this is the end for Meyer at OSU it might make sense
that they went 12-2 (122) a year ago...
"Urban Meyer" = 122
"Ohio State University" = 122
"Ohio State University Buckeyes" = 122
And there's more... and this shows you that there is something
going on here... but I don't think anyone but conspiracy buffs care.
And they don't even care about my work because it doesn't mention
all of the conspiracy buzz words...
But if you keep showing this work to people, eventually they will
have to admit... something is going on that is...
Way beyond coincidence.
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