Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Manu Ginobili Retires from the NBA... maybe SB clues?

Manu Ginobili announced his retirement from the NBA today.

In loading up all the data, 14/43 jumped out at me.

So let's start there.

14 / 43 / 191

14th prime is 43. 43rd prime is 191.

14 connects to 41 in that it's 41 reversed, and in that
"fourteen" = 41.

Ok, so...

He scored 14043 regular season points.

He just retired 4 weeks and 3 days (43) after his 41st birthday...

Hist first ever game was on a date with 14, and 43 numerology.
(and 41, and he is currently 41 years old)
and he was born on a date with 41 numerology.

His first ever home game was on a date with 14 and 34 numerology.

His team went out of the playoffs this year,
losing their series 1-4 (14)...

His final championship was in '14

His retirement comes 140 (14) days after his final reg. season home game.

His final home game period (his final home playoff game), with end date,
was 14 weeks before his 41st birthday.

His retirement comes 4 months and 3 days (43) after his final game.

His retirement comes 4 years 10 weeks and 4 days (414)
after his final championship win.

His first championship win (his rookie year), they won the
deciding game with 104 (14) points... The total score was 191

He won that championship 43 days before his birthday!!!!!

He's known for the move called the
"Eurostep" = 43

He was one of the members of San Antonio's
"big three" = 43

"San Antonio, Texas" = 191

In his final game he went 1-4 (14) from three point range

In his final reg. season game he also went 1-4 from three...

Oh plus, his final win came in his 401st (41) playoff game.

And he was born in '77 (7+7=14)...


He retired on the day that leaves 126 days in the year...

...and it was 126 days after his final game.


His first ever home game was on the date 11/01... (111)

He just retired 11 months and 1 day (111) before his birthday...

His final reg. season home game was 111 days before his birthday...

"Manu Ginobili" = 111

as well as his full first name and middle name,
"Emanuel David" = 111.


Not related to his retirement, but interesting...

"Manu Ginobili" = 57

his initials as,
"M.D.G." = 57

and he was the 57th overall draft pick.

The 57th prime is 269,
"San Antonio Texas" = 269 [bacon]

and, well kind of related to the retirement,
his final home game was 269 days after his birthday

and then in his tweet announcing the retirement,
he put two word in ALL CAPS...

"IMMENSE GRATITUDE" = 75 ... [57/75]...


Could this be NFL related?

He was drafted in '99, lost his final game ninety-one to 99,
his final reg. season home game was on the 99th day of the year,

and this is the NFL's 99th season... plus...

His retirement comes 18 weeks after his final game,
and 18 weeks and 1 day (181) after his final home game,
his final reg. season game was 108 days before his birthday,
he's from "Argentina" = 180 [reverse bacon], he wore
"number twenty" = 180, his final game was against the
"Golden State Warriors" = 108, he was known as a great
"sixth man" = 108, ... his first game was on a date w/61 numerology,
he won his first championship 6 weeks and 1 day before his birthday,
he was exclusively a "San Antonio Spur" = 61,

and this is the '18 season... plus...

He retired on a date with 53 numerology, his final reg. season
game was on a date with 53 numerology, he revolutionized the move
called, "the Eurostep" = 53, ... his final reg. season home game was
on the date 4/9 (49), his final game was against the "Warriors" = 49,
"San Antonio, TX" = 49, "Manu" = 49, born in '77 (7x7=49)...

and this is the season of Super Bowl 53 (the 49th of the modern era).

AND he played 16 years- 16th prime is 53...

Oh and he's 41 years old and all of that and,
"Super Bowl" = 41...

And if it is related what does it mean?

Dallas? Houston?

A California team since he went out to the Warriors?

An indian team since he went out to the Warriors? (named after indians or no?)

Any Argentine players in the NFL? Or South America period?
I know there's a Brazilian kicker (Santos) but he was just cut wasn't he...

He was the 28th pick of the second round...
NFC gets its 28th SB win?
Retired on a date with 28 numerology as well...

I don't know.

Also interesting, he was born 7/28 and retired 8/27...

and this is weird, don't know why I tried this but
7x28=196... 196

8x27=216... 216

216 - 196 = 20... He wore #20...

Well anyway,


  1. Tennessee Titans used to be the Houston Oilers and are on their 20th season as the "Titans". lol

    1. and remember the waffle house shooter- that was tennessee right- and some WWE wrestlers connected to tennessee I think made big news- I think it's Belichick's final year- he was born in tennessee... tennessee is now coached by a belichick coached guy- vrabel... their one SB so far, SB34 (this SB is on 34th DOY and in a place heavy with 34s) they lost with 16 points... 16th prime is 53...

      look out lol

    2. Haha, that would be some shit. But yes Jerry the King Lawler's son died the same day two other wrestlers died (you made a post about it). He was born in Memphis,TN. Then Kane (Glenn Jacobs) was elected Mayor of Knox County, TN.

      The waffle house shooting was in Nashville. It happened on 4/22/18, the 112th DOY.

    3. Hey I know I did a post about the waffle house thing as well, but didn't remember it was the 112th, very very interesting! And yes, the three WWE stars in one day- couldn't remember if it was only one TN connection or more... very interesting about Kane as well.

      thanks man- working on my NFL data, next post should be a 2018 NFL Preview with focus on week 1 in general and the SB, noting things I'm finding as I update all of the team/coach/QB data... and then after that my week 1 full decodes... will do at least two full ones a week if i can.

      ok cheers!
