Didn't find much in the way of a big news story to do, so I looked into
this Margot Kidder thing, and how they just ruled it was a suicide. 8/8/18
Margot Kidder, actress, known for her role as Lois Lane
in the Superman films... Christopher Reeve played Superman.
Lotta weird stuff with the Superman movies/tv show...
I didn't look at George Reeves (allegedly suicide) the guy
who played Superman in the tv show... but I always thought it
was too weird that the first famous Superman was Reeves,
and the second one was Reeve... The difference in the names?
An 'S'... you know like on Superman's chest... Anyway...
I looked at Kidder, Reeve, the original 1978 film, and
the Superman character itself.
Margot Kidder...
"ruled a suicide" = 220
on the 220th day of the year!
The director of the Superman film,
"Richard Donner" = 220
the film debuted on a date with 22 numerology.
The Superman character was first published
on a date with 22 numerology.
Kidder allegedly kicked it exactly 22 weeks
after the film's 'birthday' (thirty-ninth)
She famously went missing for a few days and was
suffering from a mental disorder and eventually found
in the bushes somewhere... From that episode to when she
allegedly kicked it was 22 years...
(22 years and twenty-three days exactly)...
...and from the day she was found in those bushes,
to when she allegedly kicked it was 22 years and 20 days (222)
Margot Kidder's birthday and Christopher Reeve's are
22 days apart...
Reeve played Clark,
"Kent" = 22
Margot played Lois,
"Lane" = 22
Their first and middle names,
"Christopher D'Olier" = 202
"Margaret Ruth" = 202 [bacon]
This suicide (from intentional overdose) ruling comes
2 weeks and 2 days (22) after the apparent overdose
of current 'bipolar' 'troubled starlet' Demi Lovato (read my decode)
and the artist that created Superman,
"Joseph Shuster" = 220 [reverse bacon].
the 22nd prime is 79
Superman was 'born' on a date with 79 numerology
(comic first published)
from when Reeve allegedly kicked it to when Margot allegedly did was,
exactly 709 weeks (79)...
This suicide ruling comes on,
"August eighth" = 79
The Superman artist,
"Shuster" = 79
Kidder played,
"Lois" = 79 [reverse bacon]
The ruling of,
"a suicide" = 145, comes on the day that leaves
145 days in the year...
when she went missing/mad she was repeatedly described as,
"dirty, frightened and paranoid" = 145
Get this...
"Lois Lane" = 87...
from when she kicked it to this suicide ruling was
87 days...
The director of the film, and the medical examiner
that ruled it a suicide are both named,
"Richard" = 87 [bacon]
Superman artist,
"Joseph Shuster" = 87
*also then note, including end date it was 88 days later on 8/8!
"Margot" = 88
She allegedly kicked it on the 133rd day of the year...
"Margaret" = 133
"Superman" = 133 [bacon]
"Jerry Siegel" = 133 (Superman creator)
ruled a suicide on,
"August 8th" = 133 [reverse bacon] (8 calculated as 8)
The day she went missing when she went all crazy was
133 days after the seventeenth anniversary of the film
She allegedly kicked it on the day that left 232 days in the year.
She was found in the bushes after freaking out,
on the 23rd...
...232 days before the eighteenth anniversary of the film.
Christopher Reeve was born on a date with 23 numerology.
Kidder's birthday is, including end date, 23 days apart from Reeve's.
She kicked it 230 days after what would've been
Reeve's sixty-fifth birthday...
48 / 223
She was born in '48...
"Lois Lane" = 48...
and she kicked it 48 weeks and 4 days (484)
before Superman's eighty-first birthday...
she went missing/mad one hundred eighty days
before her 48th birthday...
Notice the eighty-first/one hundred eighty...
"DC Comics" = 48
48th prime is 223
she allegedly kicked it 22 weeks and 3 days (223)
before her birthday...
from when she was found in the bushes after freaking out,
to the day she allegedly kicked it, including end date, was,
22 years and 3 weeks (223)
the Superman film is 2 hours 23 minutes (223).
and then 48 reversed is 84...
"Margot Ruth Kidder" = 84
"Margaret Ruth" = 84
"bipolar disorder" = 84
town she was in,
"Livingston, Montana" = 84
and Superman artist,
"Joseph Shuster" = 84
825 / WALDO... 55 / 257
Bit of a weird one...She was allegedly in some sort of car accident
on 8/25 (825) sixteen years ago...
and from the first publishing of the Superman character,
Superman's birthday if you will, to when she allegedly kicked it, was,
80 years and 25 days (825)...
and after that car accident she was taken to,
'Waldo County General Hospital'...
well the name Waldo stood out because she was in a film titled,
'The Great Waldo Pepper'...
"Waldo" = 55...
she allegedly kicked it 5 months and 5 days (55) before her birthday...
...in what has now been ruled,
"a suicide" = 55
the Superman film came out 55 days after her birthday...
in which she played,
"Lois" = 55...
From when Christopher,
"Reeve" = 55, allegedly kicked it to
this ruling of a suicide was,
5050 (55) days...
Reeve was famously injured in a,
"freak accident" = 55
and remember we're on this 55 because of her car accident...
and then,
"Superhero" = 55
the 55th prime is 257
the Superman character was born on the day that
left 257 days in the year...
from the debut of the Superman film to when Margot Kidder
allegedly kicked it was, exactly,
2057 weeks (257)...
"Christopher D'Olier Reeve" = 257
28 / 107
and then another weird thing about that car accident was
in was in Belfast, Maine...
well she was in a film,
'A Quiet Day in Belfast'
"Belfast Maine" = 107
"Superman" = 107
the Superman film came out 10 months and 7 days (107)
before her birthday...
her final film is 107 minutes long.
107 is 28th prime,
she kicked it 208 days after her birthday,
"May 13th" = 107 [reverse bacon]
ruled a suicide on,
"August 8th" = 107
"Margaret Ruth Kidder" = 93
suffered from
"bipolar disorder" = 93
and you conspiracy buffs can run wild with
the whole Superman = Saturn and Saturn 93 stuff...
I did find it intriguing that she won/was nominated for something
called a 'Saturn award' or some type of acting award for her
role in Superman but anyway...
"Margot Kidder" = 125
ruled a suicide on,
"August 8th" = 125,
125 days before the fortieth anniversary of the Superman film
Superman debuted in
"Action Comics 1" = 125
"Superhero" = 125
And there's more.
But anyway, maybe you enjoyed this little decode/story of mine.
Way beyond coincidence.
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