keep scrolling to my previous post for an NFL/SB52 angle...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
45 / 197
Valentine's Day is the 45th day of the year.
"Nikolas" = 45.
The school was named after Marjory Stoneman Douglas,
her initials,
"MSD" = 45
It's in Broward County
"Broward" = 45
"Broward County, FL" = 197
Marjory Stoneman Douglas was born in...
"Minneaplis, MN" = 197
The school's colors are burgundy and silver
"Burgundy Silver" = 197
32 / 131
Valentine's Day leaves 320 days in the year. 32 w/o the zero.
"Parkland" = 32 (name of the city where it happened).
Valentine's Day was first associated with romantic love
in the time/because of some dude named Chaucer
"Chaucer" = 32.
Current reports are seventeen killed, fifteen others injured,
for a total of 32.
"Valentine's Day school massacre" = 302 (32).
From the date the woman the school was named after kicked it, incl. end date
to the date of the shooting:
1031 weeks, 131 w/o the zero.
She was born in Minnesota, the 32nd state.
The school's nickname is "Eagles" = 32.
I guess this in another,
"Saint Valentine's Day massacre" = 131
The address of the school said like this:
"five nine zero one Pine Island Road" = 323 (a 32 frontwards & backwards)
33 / 137
Valentine's Day is 2/14 or 214...
the 214th prime is 1037, or 137 w/o the zero...
"massacre" = 137
He is reported to have said,
"I Don't go to school on Valentine's Day" = 137
Where the woman the school was named after kicked it,
"Coconut Grove Miami Florida" = 137
The saint Valentine's Day is said to honor,
"Valentinus" = 137
137 is the 33rd prime...
"Valentine's Day school shooting" = 330 (33)
"Feast of Saint Valentine" = 330 (33)
Where the woman the school is named after was born,
"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 303 (33).
Valentine's Day themes:
"desire" = 33
"romance" = 33
14 / 43
Valentine's Day is obviously the 14th...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas kicked it on the 14th...
"Marjory Stoneman Douglas High" = 141
the address of the school,
"Pine Island Road" = 141
the Sheriff on the case,
"Scott Israel" = 141
"Stoneman Douglas High School" = 140
"Valentine's Day school massacre" = 140
"Stoneman Douglas High" = 104
"Valentine's Day school massacre" = 104
"Valentine's Day massacre" = 104
"Saint Valentine's Day school shooting" = 141
"Saint Valentine's Day shooting" = 141
"St. Valentine" = 141
"Valentine" = 141
shooter's middle name
"de Jesus" = 43
"massacre" = 43
"Stoneman" = 43
"Florida" = 43
19 / 67
He's said to be 19 years old...
"Nikolas Cruz" = 67...
He's said to have went by,
"Nick" = 19
his middle name,
"de Jesus" = 109 (19) [bacon]
The woman the school is named after kicked it 19 years ago.
"Marjory Stoneman Douglas" = 109 (19)
"shooting" = 109 (19)
"St. Valentine's Day" = 190 (also the 19th triangular number)
Most of the world writes the date 14/2 (142)
"Parkland, Florida" = 142.
"Broward County Sheriff's Office" = 142
"forty-two" = 142
"Nick Cruz" = 42
the Sheriff
"Scott Israel" = 42
"St. Valentine" = 42
"February" = 42.
34 / 139
Valentine's Day this year was a date w/34 numerology...
"Parkland" = 139
16 / 53 / 241
It was a date with 16 numerology...
The number 9407 is on the police car when they take him into custody,
that's 947 w/o the zero, 947 is the 161st prime 161 is a 16 front and backwards.
From the date the woman the school was named after kicked it,
to the date of the shooting:
1030w6d (136), 136 is the 16th triangular number.
the date she kicked it has numerology of 136.
and where she was born, "Minnesota" = 136 [bacon].
The school is a
"Broward County Public School" = 136.
From this shooting to the next anniversary of the birth of the woman
the school was named after, incl. end date:
53 days...
She was all about taking care of the
"Everglades" = 53
"shooting" = 53
"Cupid" = 53 and shoots...
"I don't go to school on Valentine's Day" = 160 (16)
He was arrested by the
"Broward County Sheriff's Office" = 160 (16)
18 / 61
The reverse of 16 is 61, and 61 is the 18th prime
and it was a date with 18 numerology...
"Nikolas" = 108 (18)
"February the fourteenth" = 108 (18)
The woman the school was named after,
she was 108 (18) years old... and her initials,"MSD" = 18
from the previous anniversary of her birth to the date of the shooting,
incl. end date, was 10 months and 8 days (18)
the county, "Broward" = 108 (18).
"St. Valentine's Day school massacre" = 181 (18 both ways)
"FL" = 18
"Valentine's Day" = 61
He was said to have been captured in
"Coral Springs" = 61
the saint Valentine's Day is said to honor,
"Valentinus" = 61.
27 / 103
It was a date with 27 numerology.
The date the woman the school was named after kicked it
has numerology of 27. Where she was born "MN" = 27.
Where she kicked it "Coconut Grove Miami Florida" = 103.
"Nikolas" = 27
"Parkland" = 103 [bacon].
The road the school is on
"Pine Island" = 103
"The Feast of Saint Valentine" = 270 (27)
"Saint Valentine's Day" = 272.
17 / 59 / 277
They say he killed 17 people.
"Nikolas Cruz" = 59.
"Nikolas" = 107 (17) [bacon].
"Broward County Sheriff's" = 107 (17)
"Broward" = 107 (17) [bacon]
"shooting" = 107 (17)
"St. Valentine's Day school massacre" = 107 (17)
the road the school is on
"Pine Island" = 59
From the previous anniversary of the date the woman the school
was named after kicked it to the date of the shooting, incl. end date,
277 days.
Where she kicked it,
"Coconut Grove" = 59
Where she was born,
"Minneapolis" = 170 (17)
"Chaucer" = 59.
"St. Valentinus" = 59
"Valentine's" = 59
"St. Valentine's Day school shooting" = 171
And as for those 107s in the previous section,
that's the 28th prime... Also 2/14: 2 x 14 = 28.
"Marjory Stoneman Douglas" = 280 (28)
and the school is currently 28 years old.
She was 108 years 1 month and 1 week old (1811)
when she kicked it... 1811 is the 280th prime!
where she kicked it,
"Coconut" = 28...
The Sheriff on the case is named,
"Israel" = 28
Cruz was described as a
"loner" = 28
"Broward County FL" = 208 (28)
"Valentine's Day massacre" = 282 [bacon].
"the fourteenth of February" = 282
"Cupid" = 28, also shoots...
the day is all about
"lovers" = 28
The woman the school was named after was born in
"Minnesota" = 110
"Nikolas de Jesus Cruz" = 110
"Broward County Sheriff" = 110
"Saint Valentine's Day" = 110
"Valentine's" = 149
"Nikolas Cruz" = 149.
"Stoneman Douglas High School" = 148
"Nikolas Cruz" = 148.
"St. Valentinus" = 148
Alright, like I said, keep scrolling for my NFL/SB52 angle on this story...
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