Thursday, September 20, 2018





Marvin Lewis:
stays at 127 wins
he's 720 months and 1 day old (721)

he gets his 120th all time loss
12 months before his birthday
37 days before Dalton's birthday, he has birth numerology of 37
37 weeks after Rivera's birthday

he stays at 127 wins, "Lewis" = 31
"Panthers" = 127 [bacon]
The Panthers improve to 3-1 (31) vs Cincinnati IN Carolina
"Carolina Panthers" = 310 [r. bacon]

he gets his 113th reg. season loss
Cam is in his 30th year alive.

They stay at 193 all time losses
it's 19 weeks and 3 days (193) after Cam's birthday
"Andy" = 44 "Andrew Dalton" = 193
"Rivera" = 44

Andy Dalton gets his 45th reg. season loss
"Cam Newton" = 45
"Charlotte NC" = 197 [bacon]
"Marvin Lewis" = 197 [bacon]

Ron Rivera:
gets his 66th reg. season win
"Cincinnati" = 66
"Dalton" = 66

stays at 52 all time losses
"Andy Dalton" = 52, 5 weeks and 2 days (52) before his birthday.
First home game since Florence
"Hurricane" = 52

Cam Newton:

gets his 64th reg. season win (64-46-1) "Cam" = 64
"Marvin Lewis" = 64
"Andy" = 64, birth numerology of 64
see the 113 as well.

he stays at 50 all time losses.
it's a date with 50 numerology
"Andrew Dalton" = 50

he gets his 67th all time win
"Lewis" = 67
"Andrew Dalton" = 67, "Andy" = 19
first home game since Florence
"Hurricane Flo" = 67


Marvin Lewis:
stays at 112 reg. season losses
it's Dalton's 112th reg. season game.
it's Cam Newton's 112th reg. season game appearance.

he stays at 119 all time losses
it's Cam Newton's 119th all time game appearance.

he gets his 128th win
"Charlotte" = 128 [bacon]
"Charlotte North Carolina" = 128

Ron Rivera:
gets his 53rd all time loss
106 days before his birthday.
it's 1 month and 6 days (16) before Dalton's birthday
it's 136 days after Cam's birthday (136=16th triangular number)

he stays at 68 all time wins
"Lewis" = 68

Andy Dalton:
stays at 44 reg. season losses,
and the Panthers stay at 193 all time wins
it's 19 weeks and 3 days (193) after Cam's birthday
"Andy" = 44 "Andrew Dalton" = 193
"Rivera" = 44

he gets his 66th win
and Cam stays at 66 all time wins
"Cincinnati" = 66
"Dalton" = 66

Cam Newton:
gets his 51st all time loss
"Cincinnati" = 51, in their 51st season.
5 weeks and 1 day (51) before Dalton's birthday
"Charlotte" = 51

Whoever loses falls to 2-3-1 (231) in the series
it's 231 days before Cam's birthday


It's 330 days including end date and 47 weeks without end date
after Dalton's birthday. I think I've noticed people with
33s and 47s on them on the same day/game losing...

It's Lewis' 250th all time game
"Marvin Ronald Lewis" = 250

It's the 23rd, a date with 23 numerology
Lewis' birthday
"Lewis" = 23
"Marvin Ronald Lewis" = 83
Dalton was drafted in the 2nd round with the 3rd pick (23)
"Andy Gregory Dalton" = 83


This one is a bit muddled but I keep feeling it's Panthers...
That doesn't make sense, I have Cincinnati as a serious
Super Bowl contender... But... I'll go Carolina.

CAR 1.25 out of 3


  1. Good stuff! I also have Cincy winning their first playoff game in 29 years. their last playoff win was 1/6/1990. 19+90 = 109 which is the 29th prime. Bengals are 5-14 in the playoffs. get their 6th win on the 6th day maybe? vs a team with 13 wins or 12 losses maybe? or maybe a team with 10 wins or 9 losses, 29 = 10th prime. Bengals can win their 10th all time division title. Bengals could lose this one since Mixon is out. its @Carolina and after the hurricane so emotions should be high and fans will be amped, I can see them giving the win to Cam & Co.

    1. Pretty much in total agreement/same mind with you here. Very high on Cincy but think the numbers and especially the Hurricane factor goes for Caroline in this game.

      The 16 date makes me think this the season of the 16th prime SB is when they do indeed get their next playoff win

      29 has BEEN SO HOT the previous season and so far this season as well... VERY nice with the 29 years, thank you. good stuff
