Kyle Shanahan:
improves to 8-11 (811)
811 is the 141st prime (14)
40 weeks and 3 days (43) after his birthday
it's a date with 43 numerology
KC falls to 4-3 (43) in the series IN Kansas City.
KC gets their 434th all time loss
"Mahomes" = 141 [r. bacon] and 43, birth numerology of 140 and 41
It's 41 days before Garoppolo's birthday
he has birth numerology of 14 and 104
"Chiefs" = 41
They get their 599th all time win
599 is the 109th prime
it's Shanahan's 19th career game. "Kyle" = 19
"Jimmy Garoppolo" = 67
"Kansas City" = 67
Reid was born on the 19th. "Andy" = 19
this is his 331st all time game
"Mahomes" = 29
It's Garoppolo's 10th career game
he wears #10
They stay at 496 all time loss
496 is the 31st triangular number
"Chiefs" = 31
and Andy Reid gets off of 31 all time losses w/KC (gets thirty-second)
Mahomes falls to 3-1 (31).
"Jimmy G" = 31
Bit of a stretchy one:
SF/KC makes me think of Joe Montana because he was
a SF legend and then finished his career in KC.
He played SF when he was with KC ONE TIME, ('94)
from that game to this game is 8778 days
8778 is the 132nd triangular number and 8778 has 32 divisors.
"Andy Reid" = 132 [bacon] (only 132 I've found)
and he gets his 32nd all time loss w/KC.
Mahomes is 23 years and 1 week (231) old.
Andy Reid:
he gets his 121st reg. season loss
Patrick Mahomes is 1201 weeks (121) old, he has birth numerology of 121
it's 10 months and 21 days (121) after Garoppolo's birthday.
stays at 55 reg. season wins w/KC
"49ers" = 55
It's Garoppolo's 10th career game, he wears #10
5 weeks and 5 days (55) before his birthday.
"Kyle Shanahan" = 257 [r. bacon]
Andy Reid stays at 56 all time wins w/KC
gets his 56th reg. season win w/KC
6 months and 5 days (65) after his birthday "Andrew Reid" = 56
"Andrew" = 65
"California" = 65
"Kyle Shanahan" = 56
5 weeks and 6 days (56) before Garoppolo's birthday
Garoppolo falls to 8-2 (82)
"Kansas City Chiefs" = 107
82 days before Shanahan's birthday
"Patrick Mahomes" = 82
Reid gets his 28th reg. season loss w/KC
"49ers" = 28
"California" = 208 [r. bacon]
"James Richard Garoppolo" = 107
Andy Reid:
he stays at 31 all time losses w/KC
the 49ers get off of 496 all time losses (get four hundred ninety seventh)
496 is the 31st triangular number.
"Jimmy G" = 31
"Kyle Michael Shanahan" = 127
"James Richard Garoppolo" = 127
stays at 27 reg. season losses w/KC
27 weeks after his birthday. "Reid" = 27
"Santa Clara" = 27
Garoppolo's 27th all time game appearance
this is the 13th all time meeting. (27th=103)
he stays at 133 all time losses.
it's his 331st all time game.
Jimmy Garoppolo falls to 5-2 (52) w/SF
325 days after his birthday
325 is the 25th triangular number (25/52)
KC improves to 5-2 (52) in the series IN KC
"49ers" = 52
"Garoppolo" = 52
It's 25 weeks and 2 days (252) from Reid's birthday
"Andrew Walter Reid" = 252.
"Arrowhead Stadium" = 252
it's a date with 25 numerology.
As mentioned with the whole Joe Montana angle,
from his one game as a Chief vs SF to this game,
is 8778 days, the 8778th prime is 90697 (9697)
like 96...97... like going from a 96 to a 97
The only 96 to 97 I can find on the game is not pure but it's
SF goes from 496 all time losses to 497
and Andy Reid goes from 196 all time wins to 197.
It's the day that leaves 99 days in the year
it's the 99th NFL season,
it's 9 months and 9 days (99) after Kyle Shanahan's birthday
It's their 1111th all time game (4 1s aka 41 and it's vs. "Chiefs" = 41)
it's 1 month and 11 days (111) before Garoppolo's birthday.
It's the 266th day of the year
it's 26 weeks and 6 days (266) after Reid's birthday
It's the day that leaves 99 days, he has birth numerology of 99.
"Andrew Walter Reid" = 99
"Patrick Lavon Mahomes II" = 99
"Arrowhead Stadium" = 99
It's 188 days after Reid's birthday
"Andy Reid" = 188 [r. bacon]
Man, what a mess. Going against my 49ers...
But the only clear-at-all read jumping out to me is for the Chiefs...
The 27 and 133/311 stuff.
If they are a SB team though this is the kind of game you win,
and you don't start out 1-2... And I like the 99 on Shanahan...
But meah, I'll go very slightly Kansas City.
Reid is 6-4 all time vs 49ers
ReplyDelete11th time facing SF, 11 = 5th prime
I dont see 19 = 8th prime in your breakdown.
19th game for shanahan can get 8th career win and SF can get their 8th series win.
7 = 4th prime, Kc can remain at 4 series wins in KC. Jimmy G can get 7th win as 49ers QB.
THEN.. 5 = 3rd prime, KC remains at 5 series wins, SF gets 3rd series win @KC, and Mahomes remains with 3 career wins
Jimmy G goes 9-1 with win (91)
91 the 13th triangular number, 13th series meeting
4186 is the 91st triangular number (468)
Chiefs enter with 468 wins.
263 = 56th prime, Reid enters with 56 wins as KC Coach. With loss his recor will be 5[6-32]
I'd like it but I don't know.
DeleteThe Reid 56 thing is double loaded, he could stay on 56 w/KC all time, OR GET his 56th w/KC reg. season.
The Reid 27 stuff is what pushed me towards KC
stays at 27 reg. season losses w/KC
27 weeks after his birthday. "Reid" = 27
"Santa Clara" = 27
Garoppolo's 27th all time game appearance
But I did not look at Reid's record vs SF, and I love that 5/11, and I also love the 19/8...
but this one is a mess.
it's over for the 49ers