Monday, March 1, 2021

Tiger Woods Not A Good Driver

 The third car incident for Tiger Woods 02/23/21

The first was 11/27/09 and was a single car accident in which he hit
a fire hydrant and tree and his wife was chasing him down/smashing the window
of the car - or - trying to help free him from the vehicle. This was the start of the
"downfall" and huge cheating scandal and all that stuff. This was late on the day
of Thanksgiving but was after midnight and so was Black Friday.

The second was a DUI arrest on 05/29/17. Police said his car was smashed up
before they arrived on scene and so it looks like he was also in an accident,
a single car accident perhaps, and not just an arrest for DUI. It wasn't alcohol
but various drugs such as xanax and ambien. This was Memorial Day.

As I've posted before, the second incident was on 5/29 (529)
AND WAS 529 days after the first!!!!!

This most recent one, the third one was 02/23/21 and again was a single car
accident and by far the most serious. They say this one was just an accident
on a tricky stretch of road at high speeds. Apparently this one was not on
a holiday like the other two but if you want to stretch you could say that it's
during Black History Month.

So we'll refer to these as 'the first car incident', 'the second car incident',
and 'this third car incident' or "it" or "this" when referring to the third one..


First of all, that second incident being on 5/29 and 529 days after the first
is so interesting... I checked in detail on the time span from the second incident
to this third incident...

The time from the second incident to this third one was 1367 days

1367 is the 219th prime.

((The first PGA event after this third incident a lot of the golfers wore
Tiger's trademark Sunday outfit of
"red shirt and black pants" = 219))

He won the 2019 Masters. That's his most recent Major win.

That most recent Major win, he won it 106 days after his birthday

This third car incident was
11 years 2 months 3 weeks and 6 days (11236) after the first one...

11236 is 106 squared

"driving" = 106
"jaws of life" = 106
"right leg injuries" = 106
sport utility vehicle" = 106 (both the first and third he was in a SUV)
"comminuted fracture" = 106


More on the time span between the second and third incident...

This third incident comes in the 45th month after the second,

45 weeks after the anniversary of his most recent Major win,

in which he won a
"Green jacket" = 45,

"Augusta" = 45,

he's 45 years old,
and this third incident was in the 45th week before his next birthday,

and in this third incident he was on his way to meet up with
"Drew Brees" = 45,

and he suffered
"comminuted" = 45

The second incident he was in a
"Mercedes" = 45

which is the company the Saints' stadium is named by (Drew Brees)

And then back with his first car incident...

that one was 4 weeks and 5 days (45) before his birthday

and he hit a
"hydrant" = 45

"Eldrick Tont 'Tiger' Woods" = 405 (r. bacon)

The reverse of 45 is...


This third incident was on the 54th day of the year and

"Tiger Woods" = 54

he was driving a
"Genesis GV80" = 54

and it is reported that he was rushing to meet up with
"Drew Brees" = 54

and the type of bone fracture he suffered was
"comminuted" = 54

He's famous for on Sundays wearing
"red" = 54

Now this was
55 days after his birthday... NOT 54...

But with the birthday distance being so close I figured I'd include that.


So of course, with the end date this third car incident was
56 days after his birthday

all car incidents have been
"single car" = 56

He was driving a
"GV eight zero" = 56

It was reported that they used the
"jaws of life" = 56

His most recent Major win was
"The Masters" = 56

The previous major that he won back before the first car incident,
to that Masters win, the most recent major win before this third car incident,
was 565 weeks

In the second car incident he was driving a
"Mercedes-Benz" = 56

He's famous for on Sundays wearing a
"red shirt" = 56


This third car incident was
310 days before his birthday

"Tiger" = 31

"Woods" = 31

He was rushing to meet up with
"Brees" = 31

His most recent Major win, he won his
"fifth Green jacket" = 310 (r. bacon)

His full name
"Eldrick Tont Woods" = 301

Now they're saying he might have been
"asleep" = 31
at the wheel

The 31st prime is 127

"Eldrick" = 127

He had just hosted a PGA Tour event in which the winner was
"Max Homa" = 127 (bacon)

That event he hosted was the Genesis Invitational
and he was driving a Genesis SUV for this third car incident
"Genesis" = 111 "sport utility vehicle" = 110... (11)

...31 is the 11th prime

He suffered
"right leg injuries" = 101

It's been 11 years since the first car incident

It's been 1 year 10 months and 10 days (111)
since his most recent Major win... which he
"won his fifth Green jacket" = 110


This third car incident was
7 weeks and 6 days (76) after his birthday

"Tiger" = 76

"Woods" = 76

It was on
"Hawthorne Ave" = 76

He was rushing to meet
"Drew" = 76 (bacon) and Chargers' QB Justin
"Herbert" = 76

His most recent Major win he won his
"fifth Green jacket" = 76

After the second car incident when he was all drugged up
he told cops that he just:
"likes to drive" = 76

that second car incident was pleaded down to
"reckless driving" = 76

apparently unlike on the golf course, on the road he is not a good
"driver" = 76

The 76th prime is 383

His most recent Major win was
"The Masters" = 38

He was rushing to meet
"Drew Christopher Brees" = 380 (r. bacon)

The next tournament after this incident was the
"Workday" = 38 Championship


This car incident was 13 weeks and 5 days (135)
before the anniversary of the second incident

"Tiger Woods" = 135
(both in standard AND reverse, a fairly rare occurrence)

This incident comes in the 135th month since his first incident.

"PGA" = 135 (r. bacon)


Lots of other connections but I think this is a classic example
of the event's time span from their birthday matching their name
with the 31 and 76 stuff.

The 45 stuff is insane too.


*originally published 02/28/21 21:17 est

*updated 03/01/21 22:59 est

I had 11236 being the 106th prime, doh!

corrected this to 11236 is 106 squared

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