Monday, February 10, 2020

More for the LIONS for SUPER BOWL 55

Building on my previous post and the SB NFL 100 commercial clues...

...the star, the "Take it to the house, kid" kid,
Bunchie Young, says his idol is Barry Sanders...

...the female that tackles Ray Lewis onto the cab,
Toni Harris (a football playing female, like the source of the 49ers clue a year ago)
is from DETROIT...

...I looked into the Lions a little more.

Do the Lions make the SB in the '20 season
SB55 is in Tampa Bay (TB)

First, remember the 20 stuff:

Sanders wore #20 this will be the '20 season

they'd begin the playoffs having played 20 playoff games

the SB is in TB and Sanders played 20 all time games vs TB
in his final gm vs TB, TB scored 20

in his final win he had 20 carries

ADD to that:

they drafted Barry Sanders in the 20th modern season

Stafford was born IN TB

his first game vs TB was IN TB and TB scored 20 points...

...that game was the 55th game in the DET/TB series

the first game in the DET/TB series was on the 20th

the second and so far only other time they've met on the 20th
TB scored 20

the 20th game in the DET/TB series was IN TB
DET scored 20

they've met in the playoffs one time,
TB scored 20
(it was the 41st game in the series "Super Bowl" = 41)

the 20th prime is 71
Barry Sanders first game he rushed for 71 yards
"Barry" = 71

"Matthew Stafford" = 71
"John Stafford" = 71
the first Sunday this season will be 7 months 1 week (71)
after his birthday

the SB is 7 months and 1 week (71)
before Patricia's birthday

Toni Harris' high school was
"Redford Union" = 71

And then there's this...
DET plays TB this next season but it will not be IN TB so...

DET's final game IN TB before the SB,
was 3 years 59 days (359) before the SB

359 is the 72nd prime
"Barry Sanders" = 72

the ad agency that did the SB commercial is called

and that game, that final one DET played IN TB before the SB,
that was 33 months before this season kickoff...

33 months 3 days (333) before the first Sunday

(remember this SB commercial was on 33rd day of year/day that left 333 days in year)

that's aka 144 weeks before the first Sunday
"Bunchie Young" = 144
"Barry Sanders" = 144

that's aka 2 years 9 months 3 days (293) before the first Sunday
the SB is 29 weeks 3 days (293) after Barry Sanders' birthday, and
293 days before the anniversary of his final win

(which was on the 330th day of the year, he had 33 yards, and 20 carries) ^

293 is the 62nd prime
"Bunchie" = 62
"Matthew Stafford" = 62
"John Stafford" = 62

and remember this is all about DET's final game IN TB before the SB
well DET won that game and they scored 24 points
"Lions" = 24
and entering this next season the reg. season point differential
in the DET/TB series is 204

SB 55 could be their 24th playoff game.
(if they play in the wild card round)

In Barry Sanders' final season they played TB twice...

DET scored 55 total points vs TB

they gave up thirty-one so the differential was 24
"Lions" = 24 etc ^

their first win that year was by 21
the SB in TB will be played in '21

the games vs TB that year were their 1st win and their 4th win (14/41)
"Super Bowl" = 41

Going into the SB55 season...

DET has been outscored in the playoffs by 55 points
SINCE Barry Sanders retired.

His final game was on the 27th

He retired on the 27th
Do the Lions make the SB as the NFC/AFC SB wins are tied at 27
(on 2/7)...

...the season they made it the closest to the SB, when they made the NFC chmp
that was their 28th season...
do they get the NFC's 28th SB win / give up the AFC's 28th SB win?

Their leader the previous time they won the championship
was Bobby Layne...
The first Sunday of the  SB55 season is 4891 weeks after Layne was born

4891... 1984...

1984 was DET's 55th season.

also they had a tie this most recent season,
the previous season they had a tie was 1984...

Barry Sanders made celebrity/twitter/gossip news for wearing
a weird looking / bad style neck TIE at the SB this year.
(the NFC/AFC are TIED in SB wins)

Remember the 91 stuff

"Take it to the house kid" = 91

"Detroit" = 91

They will be in their 91st season

"John Matthew Stafford" = 91
"Matthew Stafford" = 91

'91 was the closest they have ever been to the SB
they lost the NFC championship game

the season kickoff is 9/10

Barry Sanders was born on a date w/91 numerology
his first game was 9/10

he had 91 carries in the playoffs

the SB is 9 months 19 days (919) before
the anniversary of his final win,
a win in which they won with 19 points

ADD to that:

Going into this next season, since Barry Sanders retired,
the Lions have lost 91 more reg. season games than they've won.

and their best/closest to the SB season so far, that '91 season,

well that was the 22nd modern NFL season...
so did we get a clue for them from that commercial on  2/2/2020?

and I really like this, from my previous post:

the commercial was on the super rare palindrome date
02/02/2020 ...

on the date of the kickoff of the '20 season
Sanders will be
52 years 1 month 25 days old (52125 a PALINDROME)

on the first Sunday he will be 19052/19053 days old
(1952, 1953)
and he will be 52 years old, in his 53rd year alive
The Lions won the championship in
1952 and 1953

their previous championship/most recent, was '57
the season kickoff is 57 days after Sanders' bday

their point differential that reg. season was 20 ^

So what do you think?
Stafford was playing at a MVP level before he was injured
They have some offensive talent...

I don't know.


1 comment:

  1. how about trying to do gemetria on NBA daily games, Just want to see if it pans outs.
