Monday, August 6, 2018

LeBron bashes Trump Praises Jordan Supports LeBron

LeBron, Trump, and Jordan
LeBron bashed Trump in a CNN interview 7/30/18,
Trump bashed LeBron and mentioned Jordan in a Tweet 8/3/18
Jordan responded, supporting LeBron via a spokesman 8/4/18

The Trump tweet about LeBron was on the 215th day of the year

"L.A. Lakers" = 215 [reverse bacon]

The Lakers' final game before LeBron totaled to 215 points.

150 | 15 / 47
The Trump tweet was on the day that leaves 150 days in the year

...and 150 days before LeBron's birthday.

"Bron Bron" = 150 [bacon].

"LeBron James Sr." = 151

Jordan owns the
"Charlotte Hornets" = 105

15th prime is 47, (47th is 211)

the original LeBron interview (211th day of year) with Don Lemon who hosts,
"CNN Tonight" = 47

was 47 days after,
"Trump" = 47, 's birthday... (and initials: "D.J.T." = 47),

and Trump took to,
"Twitter" = 47, to respond on the day that leaves 150 days (15) in the year.

The Trump tweet mentioned he likes Jordan over LeBron...

and including the end date it was 217 days before LeBron's birthday.

Jordan was born on 2/17...

The LeBron interview was on the day that leaves 154 days in the year...

...and 154 days before his birthday!

"King James" = 154

And Jordan is known for never speaking out politically or anything,
and two years ago he actually did speak out on police violence,
from that day two years ago, to this Trump tweet responding to
LeBron's interview was,
105 weeks and 4 days (154)...

LeBron was drafted on a date with multiplication numerology of 216,
he gave the CNN interview 21 weeks and 6 days (216) before his birthday,
Trump's tweet bashing him was 216 days before LeBron's birthday,
Jordan's response was on the 216th day of the year,

and about a week ago LeBron's kid's game was cancelled due to
a fight started by a,
"fan in a Jordan jersey" = 216 [bacon]. (my decode of that incident: here)

50 | 51
50 days after,
"Donald" = 50, 's birthday... he tweets about an interview on,
"CNN" = 50

an interview where LeBron promoted his
"I Promise" = 50, Schools...

Including the end date it was 51 days after Trump's birthday
and people are calling his tweet a,
"Twitter rant" = 51

"LeBron James" = 51

"Michael" = 51

and the original LeBron interview was,
5 months and 1 day (51) before LeBron's birthday, and,

23 weeks and 3 days (233, the 51st prime)) after Jordan's birthday.

The interview was 46 days after Trump's birthday, without the end date,
Trump was born in '46...

LeBron announced his move to L.A. on a date w/46 numerology, and
from that announcement to Trumps' tweet was
4 weeks and 6 days (46)...

"Bron Bron" = 46

Jordan played for
"Chicago" = 46, and the Trump tweet was
199 days (46th prime) before Jordan's birthday.

Trump is the 45th President.

The LeBron interview was 45 weeks and 4 days (454) before
Trump's birthday...

...and Trump's response tweet was four days later, or,
45 weeks before his birthday...

Why wait four days? MAYBE that's why, plus all the other
date correlation/synchronization.

Also, from LeBron's L.A. announcement to Trump's tweet was,
4 weeks and 5 days (45)...

Jordan once famously wore #45, and now owns the
"Hornets" = 45

Jordan's initials,
"M.J.M." = 45

"The Donald" = 38, said he likes,
"Mike" = 38, Mike was born on a date w/38 numerology,

Trump was responding to an interview with,
"Don Lemon" = 38,

that took place 163 days (38th prime) after Mike's birthday

Mike and LeBron both wear number,
"twenty-three" = 163


The Trump tweet was late on 8/3 and so basically,
and big news on, 8/4

Trump's quote,
"I like Mike" = 84

Jordan's response was on 8/4... He owns the
"Charlotte Hornets" = 84, said he supports,
"LJ" = 84 [reverse bacon]

LeBron was born in '84
he made 848 all time starts with Cleveland.

The original interview was on a date with 48 numerology

"Donald Trump" = 48

Jordan was born on the 48th day of the year

Jordan's response,
"I support LJ" = 48

In LeBron's final win with Cleveland he played 48 minutes.
"Cleveland" = 48

"Don" = 48 (Lemon or DONald for that matter)

"I like Mike" also = 48
"Michael" = 48

"number twenty-three" = 223, the 48th prime.

Well, this story is obviously connected way beyond coincidence.



  1. Don’t forget Jordan won his 6th title on Trumps 52nd birthday...6/14/98

    1. Hey good to hear from ya! Wow, I actually read that wrong, thought you said LeBron won his 6th title on Jordan's 52nd birthday... of course he doesn't even have 6... all this LeBron Jordan Trump Jordan Trump LeBron Jordan stuff is confusing ha.

      Nice, and think about that, with all the 52 stuff in politics and then Trump goes on to be in the White House and talking about Jordan like this...

      I also forgot that Jordan was drafted in '84. That should be in the 84 section!

      Anyway, cheers man!
