Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ravens Steelers SNF WEEK 14


Week 14 Sunday Night Football

Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers

Ravens stuff jumped out early but some very strong stuff for Pittsburgh as well.
I think I just like the Ravens stuff better.

For Baltimore


It's a date with 39 numerology (12+10+17=39), "SNF" = 39,
"Harbaugh" = 39, and if they win they stay at 167 all time losses.
And they'd do so in "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 167.


It's a date with 22 numerology (12+10=22), it's the 22nd regular season
meeting @Pittsburgh, and the game is on the 79th meridian.
Harbaugh has birth numerology of 22, it's 79 days from his birthday,
"Flacco" = 22, "Ravens" = 79, and if they win they get their
22nd all time win in the overall head-to-head.


It's the day that leaves 21 days in the year, we're in the 21st year
since they first played each other, "Sunday" = 21, "SNF" = 21,  the previous
time they played each other was 2 months and 10 days (21) ago,
and it's 44 weeks and 1 day (441) since the Super Bowl, and
441 is 21 squared. Okay, so, Flacco has birth numerology of 21,
and if they win they get their 21st regular season win in the head-to-head.
Plus the Pittsburgh QB would stay at 73 regular season HOME wins
To be fair, if Pittsburgh wins then Baltimore stays at 21 all time wins
in the head-to-head but meah.


Including the end date the season began 3 months and 4 days (34) ago.
"Maryland" = 34, "Ravens" = 34, "Joe Flacco" = 34, and Flacco could
get his 34th regular season ROAD win, they'd improve to 3-4 (34) vs Pitt
@Pittsburgh in December, and Pittsburgh would fall to 13-9 (139) in the
series @Pittsburgh.


Without the end date the season began 13 weeks and 3 days (133) ago
and if they win the the Pittsburgh QB stays at 133 regular season wins.


This is the 207th kickoff / game of the season. Coming into the game
Baltimore has scored 207 points this season, 207 is 27 w/o the zero,
if they win their coach gets his 103rd all time win, Pittsburgh would
fall to 10-3 (103) on the year, and the Steelers' QB would get his 27th all time
HOME loss. What a nice team for Harbaugh to get his 103rd win against:
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 103 and "Steelers" = 103.


It's 56 days before the Super Bowl and "Sunday Night" = 56
and "Ravens" = 56.


Coming into this game the Ravens have scored 901 all time points
versus the Steelers. And if the Ravens win Flacco gets his
91st regular season win. Nice place/team to do it, eh?
"Pennsylvania" = 91, "Heinz Field" = 91, "Michael Tomlin" = 91,
and "Roethlisberger" - 91.


The previous time these teams played each other was
2 months and 9 days ago (29), aka 10 weeks, and
29 is the 10th prime but you already know that, anyway,
if they win they get their 10th all time win vs Pittsburgh @Pitt,
and Pittsburgh would stay on 10 wins on the year.


If you add the number of points Baltimore has SCORED so far
this season, coming into the game, and the number of points
they've allowed, it's 487. 487 is the 93rd prime.
"Baltimore Maryland" = 93 and Harbaugh would get his
93rd regular season win. Also, since the first time these teams
played each other @Pittsburgh in the month of December, it's
been 939 weeks.


Pittsburgh has scored 281 points so far this season coming into
this game, and 281 is the 60th prime. If the Ravens win then
their QB stays at 60 regular season losses and the Steelers'
coach gets his 60th regular season loss.


It would be their 189th regular season win as a franchise and
the Steelers' QB might be a good one to get it against,
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 189.


Flacco could get his 42nd all time ROAD win and stay at
42 regular season ROAD losses, and "SNF" = 42, and then
"forty=two" = 142 and "Sunday Night" = 142. Plus coming into
the game the combined number of points both teams have given up
on the year is 420.


It's Flacco's 151st regular season game and his full name
"Joseph Vincent Flacco" = 151.


It's his 166th all time game and he just happens to be playing
"Pittsburgh" = 166 [francis bacon].


It's 78 days from Harbaugh's birthday and "Sunday" = 78
and they could improve to 7-8 (78) vs. Pitt in December.

And now for Pittsburgh


It's the 344th day of the year and "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 344,
and "Benjamin Roethlisberger Sr. " = 344, both in francis bacon.


Including the end date the season began 13 weeks and 4 days ago
(134) and "Michael Tomlin" = 134 and it's 13 weeks and 4 days from
his birthday, "Ben Todd Roethlisberger Sr." = 134, and he could get
his 134th regular season win.


Including the end date it's 8 weeks and 1 day (81) before the SB,
"Pittsburgh Steelers" = 81, and Roethlisberger could get his
81st all time HOME win.

119 | 186

Since the first time these teams ever played each other it's been
1109 weeks and 1109 is the 186th prime, "Michael Tomlin" = 186 [f],
and "Ben Roethlisberger" = 186. And then the 1109 w/o the zero
is 119 and they could get their 653rd all time win, the 119th prime.


Weird one. Since they first ever played in the month of December
it's been 21 years and 9 days (219) and not only does
"Ben Roethlisberger" = 219 but on the day of the game he is 13067
days old and 13067 is the 219th prime!


The previous time they played each @Pittsburgh was 50 weeks ago.
"Pittsburgh" = 50, "Steelers" = 50, "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 229.
Now, there's some 50 for Baltimore too but meah.


This is the 48th all time meeting of these teams. If they win they give
Flacco his 48th all time ROAD loss.
And "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 223.


They could get their 25th all time win in the overall head-to-head,
their QB has birth numerology of 25, his name "Ben Roethlisberger" = 97,
and it's his 97th regular season HOME game. Oh, and "Ravens" = 25.
AND Baltimore would fall to 2-5 (25) @Pitt in December.


It's Tomlin's 173rd regular season game, "Mike Tomlin" = 173,
and it's on the 40th parallel.


It would be Tomlin's 122nd all time win and what a guy to get it
against: "Joe Vincent Flacco" = 122, "Joe Flacco" = 122 [f],
and "Flacco" = 122. And what a place, just happens to be a home
game, "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 122.


If they win then the Baltimore QB stays at 90 regular season wins.
"Sunday Night Football" = 90, "Roethlisberger" = 90, and
Tomlin has birth numerology of 90.


Also the Baltimore QB would get his 61st regular season loss,
"Sunday Night" = 61, Roethlisberger was born on the 61st day
of the year and it's 283 days from his birthday.


They would improve to 17-9 (179) vs Baltimore @Pittsburgh,
and the Baltimore QB would stay at 41 all time ROAD wins.


Roethlisberger would stay at 62 regular season losses, and he'd
do so in "Pennsylvania" = 62, on "Heinz Field" = 62, "Heinz" = 62,
against "John W. Harbaugh" = 62 who was born in '62, and
"Joseph" = 62.


Including the date it's 96 days from Tomlin's birthday
and "Baltimore Ravens" = 96 and he could improve his team
to 9-6 (96) vs Baltimore in December.


It's an 82 fest for Reothlisberger. It's 82 days from his birthday,
he was born in '82, and "Heinz Field" = 82 and "Michael Tomlin" = 82.

Now the overlap

12/37/157 | 120 | 121

It's a date with 12 numerology and 120 numerology, "SNF" = 12,
and the date is 1210 or 121 w/o the zero.
For Baltimore,
"Baltimore =121 [f], "Joe" = 12 he has birth numerology of 121 and 102,
it's 37 days from his birthday, "Joseph" = 37, "Joe Vincent Flacco" = 157,
it's Harbaugh's 157th regular season game and 78 days (12th triangular)
from his birthday, it's also his 172nd all time game and the 172nd prime
is 1021 (121), and if they win the Pitt coach stays at 121 all time wins
and they improve to 7-8 vs Pitt in December.
For Pittsburgh,
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 121, "Mike Tomlin" = 121,
"Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 121, "Ben" = 12, and
"Benjamin Roethlisberger Sr." = 157. And if they win then
Harbaugh stays at 102 all time wins.

14/43 | 105

It's a date with 14 numerology, it's week 14, and it's been
10 months and 5 days (105) since the SB and 105 is the 14th Tri.
For Baltimore,
"Ravens" = 43, "Baltimore Maryland" = 105, "Ravens" = 105 [f],
and if they win Pitt falls to 4-3 (43) vs Baltimore @Pitt in December.
Also Pittsburgh would get their 552nd regular season loss and the
552nd prime is 4003 (43).
For Pittsburgh,
"Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 140, it's 40 weeks and 3 days (43)
from his birthday, he's in his 14th year, and it's his 196th regular season
game and 196 is 14 squared. And then if they win they get their
14th regular season win vs Baltimore @Pitt and would give Flacco
his 43rd regular season ROAD loss.


It's a date with 32 numerology.
For Baltimore,
Harbaugh has birth numerology of 32, "Flacco" = 32, he is
32 years old and it's 10 months and 24 days (1024) from his
birthday and 1024 is 32 squared.
For Pittsburgh,
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 131, and "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 131.


This is a weird one.
For Baltimore,
they would stay at 24 all time losses in the overall head-to-head and
would simultaneously get their 204th (24) all time franchise win
and it would come against Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh's 1249th all time
game... 1249 is the 204th prime! Also, it's Flacco's 89th all time ROAD game,
"Joseph" = 89, "John W. Harbaugh" = 89, and they'd give Roethlisberger his
24th regular season HOME loss. ALSO, it would be Pitt's
576th all time franchise loss and 576 is 24 squared.
For Pittsburgh,
"Roethlisberger" = 89 and they'd get their 24th regular season win
in the overall head-to-head.


It's been 3 months and 3 days (33) since the season began
and if you combine the total points scored so far this season
by both teams coming into the game it's 561 which is the
33rd triangular number. Plus "Sunday" = 33.
For Baltimore,
"Joe" = 33, and Harbaugh is 55 years, 2 months, and 17 days old,
or 55217 which is the 5610th prime and that's 561 w/o the zero.
For Pittsburgh,
"Michael" = 33, "Ben" = 33, "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 137,
and if they win Flacco stays at 33 regular season ROAD wins.


A very neat one here. The previous time they played each other
was 70 days ago.
For Baltimore,
"Joe Flacco" = 70 and he was born the day that leaves 349 days in the year,
it's Baltimore's 349th regular season game, and if they win they
give Roethlisberger his 70th all time loss.
For Pittsburgh,
if they win they give Harbaugh his 70th all time loss.


Including the end date the previous time they played each other
was 10 weeks and 1 day ago (101), it's the 26th all time meeting
@Pittsburgh, and the previous time they played each other @Pitt
was 351 days ago and 351 is the 26th triangular number.
For Baltimore,
"Joseph Vincent Flacco" = 101, "Joseph" = 101, and it would be
his 101st all time win.
For Pittsburgh,
"Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 101, "Ben Roethlisberger" = 101,
and if they win he stays at 26 all time HOME losses.

I have a few more overlaps I will add after I post this.
**Done. Added the 33/137, 70/349. and 26/101 stuff
 after I posted the original post.

Wanted to post it before kickoff.

conclusion and TD guesses...

And there you have it. I also have stuff about 17/59, 94, 95, 308(38), 15/47/211, 106(16)/53, 44/193, 57, 125, 126, 8/19/67, 143, 162, 1854, 45/197, 20/71, 35/149, 51, 9/23/83, 372, 168, 113/617, 64, 92, 69, 187, 114, 100, a neat 76 thing, 218. 28/107, 80, 112, 58/271, 124, 52, 98, 99, 115, and 116.

I'm going Ravens slightly. No surprise if Pittsburgh wins.

Let's say 1, 3, OR 4 for Flacco, and 1 for Big Ben.

BAL 1.50 out of 3.



  1. Again a thorough breakdown. A solid pick with the points. Almost a out right winner.good work

    1. Thank ya. I'm wondering how much we should factor things like, Baltimore was on 167 losses, the 39th prime, and there was 39 on the game, date numerology, snf=39, pittsburgh pennsylvania=167 and it turns out Pitt won with 39 points right, ok so, we can't really say it makes sense for Pitt to "take Baltimore off of the 39th prime number of losses", right? I mean STAYING on 167 would make sense- not that they got 168... But I don't know. Anyway, thanks again man. Looks like another SNF this week, think I'll do Cowboys Raiders. I think that should be a Super Bowl at some point btw- with Derek Carr... His middle name is Dallas and he has a bunch of 43 I think- and Cowboys=43, right, anyway ok. Cheers!
