Sunday, November 7, 2021

Travis Scott, mainly a 39, 8, and 58 story...

Crowd Crush at Travis Scott Astroworld Festival 11/05/21 

The Travis Scott, or as his name is stylized,

"Travi$ Scott" = 39

Astroworld stampede happened at his Astroworld Festival

on the 309th day of the year (39)

and 39 months after his album 'Astroworld' was release

which the festival is named after.

39 months and 3 days (393) exactly.

the event is referred to as a

"crush" = 39

in the park called

"NRG" = 39


"Houston, TX" = 39

39 weeks and 5 days (395) before his girlfriend Kylie Jenner's birthday

on the same day he officially released a song called ESCAPE PLAN

(the sync there alone is insane: Escape Plan!?!?? really?)

8 years (and 19 days, the 8th prime) after the Hollywood movie

"Escape Plan" was released...

...the movie poster proclaimed:

"Breaking out is an inside job" = 395

and 8 people were killed in the stampede.

it was 190 (19) days after his birthday.

The 39th prime is 167

and he calls the album and the festival Astroworld,

sometimes referred to as

"Astro Festival" = 167

after the old Six Flags AstroWorld amusement park...

the stampede happened  16 years and 7 days (167)

after the Six Flags park was closed

And one more about 39...

remember it was on the 309th day of the year

the 309th prime is 2309 (239)

"Astroworld Festival" = 239


The stampede was on the day that leaves 56 days in the year

"crowd surge" = 56

"Kylie Jenner" = 56

Her birthday and Travis Scott's are 263 days apart (56th prime)


It was 189 days after Travis Scott's birthday

and on/at a specific place he calls

"Utopia Mountain" = 189


"NRG Park" = 189 [francis bacon]


It was 6 month and 6 days (66) after his birthday

"crush" = 66

"crowd crush" = 66

"Texas" = 66

his girlfriend

"Jenner" = 66

58 / 271

It was 27 weeks and 1 day (271) after his birthday

and 271 days before the anniversary of the release of the album

the festival is named after, Astroworld.

271 is the 58th prime

"Travis Scott" = 58

"Scott" = 58

5 / 11 / 31

Travis Scott is in his 31st year alive

31 is the 11th prime and 11 is the 5th prime

So it happened in his...

31st year on 11/5.

Oh another connection to/why the movie Escape Plan is relevant,

it featured a rapper... 50 Cent...

...and I'm not good at deciphering modern rap lyrics but looking

at the lyrics to the Travis Scott song Escape Plan, it looks like

he references 50 Cent.


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