I saw that their new head coach Ron Rivera hinted that the new name
will pay tribute to the military, or something like that, so I thought just for fun,
let's look at the GENERALS...
...There's NO way they'd be that obvious/blunt would they?
The Washington Generals are the team famous for always losing
to the Harlem Globetrotters...
...Globetrotters, a "black" basketball team...
...all this social justice nonsense kicked into high gear after
George Floyd and this absolute lie and myth that cops are
targeting unarmed black men. Cops can be absolute tyrants
and can act like gang members and abuse people, but they
do it to all colors of skin. But anyway...
Would they really go GENERALS?
I found some very interesting stuff, including a small 'Warriors'
connection, and if indeed they go with a 'military' name I'd have to
think it would be WARRIORS not Generals but it wouldn't surprise me.
First off, I missed a big 87 in my original post...They completed 87 seasons as the Redskins
and then the whole
"changing the name" = 87
"changing their name" = 87
thing, for social
"justice" = 87
and the
"indigenous people" = 87
was finally forced because a letter signed by
87 investors and shareholders was sent to the team's sponsors...
And it was announced in the 87th year since their first game
as the Redskins.
Their final game as the Redskins, and Dan Snyder's first as owner,
were both against the
"Cowboys" = 87
Snyder is from
"Silver Spring" = 87
Ok now... The GENERALS... the basketball team...
They were founded by
"Louis Herman Klotz" = 87
who went by the name RED... like REDskins...
and he played one season in the NBA
he played for the Bullets...
The other WASHINGTON sports team to change its name
for 'political' reasons!
The Generals were named after Dwight Eisenhower
who kicked it on the 87th day of the year...
The basketball team was at one point named the
"Boston Shamrocks" = 87
(interesting as it's another 'racial'/cultural type name)
They were also at point named the New Jersey REDS...
This name change comes in the year '20on 7/13 (7+13 = 20)
20 years after Snyder became the owner.
The founder of the Generals, Red Klotz,
was born in the year '20...
He named them after
"Ike" = 20
He founded the team in 1952...
1952 was the Redskins' 20th season as the Redskins.
Red's one season in the NBA his team lost 20 games.
The 20th prime is 71
Red Klotz was born on the day that left 71 days in the year.
The Redskins' final game was in
"Dallas Texas" = 71
"Arlington Texas" = 71
now they are getting a
"name change" = 71
for the
"native" = 71
The name change announcement comes afterthe 100th NFL season...
...100 days before the 100th anniversary of Red Klotz' birth
Wikipedia mentions that Red Klotz played or coached
in over 100 countries.
He named the Generals after Eisenhower who kicked it
on a date with 100 numerology.
He played for an NBA team that later changed ITS name...
they changed it from the Bullets to the
"Wizards" = 100
The name change is due to social justice
"racists" = 100
who cannot stop being obsessed with race and ethnicity
Red Klotz kicked it at 93 years old"Louis Herman Red Klotz" = 93
He named the Generals after
"Dwight Eisenhower" = 93...
the name change announcement was
93 days before the anniversary of Eisenhower's birth...
...and 9 weeks and 3 days (93)
before the 87th (see the 87 section!) anniversary of the Redskins'
first game as the Redskins
"changing their name" = 93
It's been 99 years since Red Klotz was born"Redskins" = 99
Dan Snyder became the owner in '99
"natives" = 99
"racism" = 99
The day that leaves 99 days in the year, non-leap years,
is the 266th day of the year...
the name change was announced
266 days after the 99th anniversary of Red Klotz' birth
In their final season as the Redskins (a non-leap year)
they scored 266 points... the NFL was 99 years old that season
(in it's one hundredth but had completed 99 seasons)
193 the 44th prime
The Redskins lost 193 regular season gameswith Snyder as the owner...
Snyder's from
"Silver Spring MD" = 193
Red Klotz kicked it on the 193rd day of the year.
Klotz played for the NBA team the
"Bullets" = 44
who later also changed its name to the
"Wizards" = 44
The new name may be paying tribute to the
"military" = 44
they play in
"Landover" = 44
the big push for the change and the naming rights to the stadium,
"FedEx" = 44
"name change" = 44
"racists" = 44
the singular
"Redskin" = 44
The name change was forced after investors and shareholderssent a letter to the team's sponsors...
...the total worth of the shareholders is 620 billion
The singular
"General" = 62
At one points the Generals were named the
"New Jersey Reds" = 62
"Reds" = 62
Add that stuff to my huge 293/62 section from my original post:
The name change announcement was when Dan Snyder was exactly
2903 weeks old (293)...
...and his first game as owner was
293 days after his birthday
"Dan" = 62
They announce they will be picking a
"new name and logo" = 62
6 months and 2 weeks (62) after their final game as the Redskins...
(which was in "Arlington Texas" = 62)
...and 62 days before the first Sunday of the season...
...and 6 months and 26 days (626) before the Super Bowl
Their first game as the WASHINGTON Redskins
was on a date with 62 numerology
The announcement was38 weeks after Red Klotz' 99th birth anniversary (see the 99s ^), and
3 months and 8 days (38) before his 100th (see the 100s ^)
He named the Generals after Eisenhower who kicked it on a date
with 38 numerology... 1969
which was the Redskins' 38th overall season
Add that stuff to my huge 83/38 section from my original post:
The announcement was 8 weeks and 3 days (83)
before the season opener.
The name change comes after completing 83 seasons
as the WASHINGTON Redskins.
Their first year as the WASHINGTON Redskins they went 3-8 (38).
Dan Snyder was born on the day that left 38 days in the year.
They fired their coach during this past season,
their final season as the Redskins,
the replacement coach finished 3-8 (38)
One of the leading candidates for the new name is
"Washington Redtails" = 83
A few days after the name change announcement there's
a big scandal involving the team and it's all about,
"sexual harassment" = 83
They say the name needs to be changed because it's offensive
to the indians, sometimes referred to as,
"indigenous peoples" = 83
The name change was announced36425 days (23456) after Red Klotz was born
Their final season as the Redskins they gave up 435 points (345)
Add those to my sequentials section from my first post:
The change comes after they've played a total of
1,234 regular season games (nice sequence)
234 days after Dan Snyder's birthday (nice sequence)
The announcement was 4,321 weeks (and four days)
after their first game as the Redskins
"Daniel Marc Snyder" = 345 (r. bacon) (nice sequence)
the leading candidate for the new name is
"Redwolves" = 123 (nice sequence)
the Redskins final game was in
"Dallas TX" = 123
the name change is lead by moron
"social justice warriors" = 123...
Generals or Warriors
So if they are indeed going to use a military name will it be the Generals?The base number of both Redskins and Generals is 9...
"Redskins" = 99, 36, 54, 117, 54, 54
"Generals" = 81, 36, 45, 135, 45, 45
and both names have 8 letters...
...and the joke would be blatant... losers, from a "black" space...
...but probably TOO much of a joke right?
Well, Red Klotz won his NBA championship against the Philadelphia...
So... who knows.
Still looks like Redwolves is the 'hot' choice...
But man, Generals with this guy who played for the other
Washington team to change its name for similar reasons...
...that'd be perfect. And remember... in the sport of that other
team he won a championship against the Warriors...
Fun stuff.
Don't give in to these racist social justice cultural marxist
post modernist communist deviants...
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