Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Eli Manning Era Over

Eli Era Over...


"Giants" = 38

"Elisha Nelson Manning" = 308

Benching came on a date with 38 numerology
Eli is 38 years old

He lead the Giants to 38 total points
in his two SBs...

His final? SB totaled to 38 points

His final? playoff game they lost to 38 points
(13-38... his birthday 1/3 to his current age 38)

his final? start was vs BUF
in his first start vs BUF the Giants scored 38

their next game is vs TB and he won't be starting...
his previous and final? start vs TB the Giants won w/38 points...

...his one playoff game vs TB totaled to 38

he has 380 all time TDs...

his final? game was at home in
"MetLife" = 38

the coach 'making the decision'
"Patrick Carl Shurmur" = 308 [bacon]

38th prime is 163

"New York" = 163 [bacon]

the benching comes 36 weeks and 1 day (361**)
before the replacement Daniel Jones' birthday
(his 23rd birthday)
38/83... 83 is the 23rd prime

the benching comes 5483 days after his first ever game appearance
(season of SB54...83...)

they play in
"East Rutherford" = 83

He's known for besting Tom Brady in two SBs
Brady was born 8/3

**the square root of 361 is 19.
'19 season...
19 is 8th prime
Jones wears #8.


"Elisha" = 108

"Daniel Jones" = 108

the benching was 108 days before Eli's birthday.


"Eli" = 55

"Eli Manning" = 55

benching was 257 days after his birthday.


"Elisha Nelson Manning" = 106

Eli is in his 16th season

He's 16 years older than Jones

"Daniel Jones" = 160 [bacon]

the benching was 1 week and 6 days (16)
into the season...

...16 weeks and 1 day (161) after Jones' birthday.

in his final win the Giants gave up 16 points.

his regular season record is 116-116

The 16th prime is 53

the SB era is 53 years old

"Eli Manning" = 53

the benching comes 14 years and 301 days (1431)
after his first start...

1431 is the 53rd triangular number

"Shurmur" = 53

The 53rd prime is 241

Eli has 241 regular season INT

"Daniel Jones" = 241 [reverse bacon]

241 rearranged...

the benching was 142 days before the (8th) anniversary
of Eli's final? SB...
(Jones wear's #8... 8th prime=19, '19 season)

Eli has 124 all time wins

"New Jersey" = 124


"Eli" = 26

the benching came on a date with 26 numerology
on the 260th day of the year

20 weeks and 6 days (26) after draft day/drafting Jones

in his final? game he had 26 completions.

in the NFC Championship games for both of Eli's SBs
the games went to overtime and the total scores were
43 and 37...
or the 14th prime and the 12th prime
14+12= 26...

26th prime is 101

"Elisha Nelson Manning" = 101

"Patrick Shurmur" = 101


benching was on day that leaves 105 days in year

"Daniel Stephen Jones III" = 105


the benching was 9 months 1 week and 1 day (911)
after his final? win...

that final? win was his 116th regular season win

this loss before the benching was his 116th reg. season loss.

New York: 9/11...

He's 116-116.


His previous benching, where they broke his consecutive starts streak
was on 12/3 (123)

"Daniel Stephen Jones III" = 123

this final? game was his 234th reg. season game appearance

"Patrick Shurmur" = 234 [r. bacon]

"Daniel Stephen Jones III" = 345

the benching was a date with 45 and 56 numerology

and 567 multiplication numerology.


His career as a Giants starter is over in 2019?

the benching came when he was 2019 weeks old (+three days)

so he turned 2019 weeks old the day before his final start!


the benching date w/o the zero is


that's his final? SB score between two 9s...

9   17-21   9

The NFL is 99 years old.

put another way that's a 38 between two 9s.

put another way that's an 11 between two 9s!

Some weird wild stuff.



  1. Great work WBC

    Couple other 38 connections I found.

    Eli got his 38th win on 10/5/08 vs Seattle
    Giants won 44-6 (38 point victory)
    Elis record became 38-27 (including playoffs)

    He lost his 38th career start to drop his record to 19-19
    SB19 was won by the 49ers over the Dolphins, 38-16 (54)

    SB19 was the end of the 1984 Season which was Archie Manning last season as a NFL QB

    He loss his last appearance in an NFL game 38-14 while playing for the Vikings against the Packers

    Including the end date this was 19 days before Eli's 4th birthday

    Also Eli was drafted 83 days after SB38 was played
    SB38 was played in Houston, Patriots defeated Panthers 32-29

    1. Hey, thanks, and great 38 additions... And very cool stuff about his dad... good work. that 83 days after sb38 is awesome

      I noticed Daniel Jones' first loss totaled to 38
      and was to "Minnesota" = 38

      I been working on a big 112 days before the super bowl study.
      just posted it
