Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Eli Manning Era Over

Eli Era Over...


"Giants" = 38

"Elisha Nelson Manning" = 308

Benching came on a date with 38 numerology
Eli is 38 years old

He lead the Giants to 38 total points
in his two SBs...

His final? SB totaled to 38 points

His final? playoff game they lost to 38 points
(13-38... his birthday 1/3 to his current age 38)

his final? start was vs BUF
in his first start vs BUF the Giants scored 38

their next game is vs TB and he won't be starting...
his previous and final? start vs TB the Giants won w/38 points...

...his one playoff game vs TB totaled to 38

he has 380 all time TDs...

his final? game was at home in
"MetLife" = 38

the coach 'making the decision'
"Patrick Carl Shurmur" = 308 [bacon]

38th prime is 163

"New York" = 163 [bacon]

the benching comes 36 weeks and 1 day (361**)
before the replacement Daniel Jones' birthday
(his 23rd birthday)
38/83... 83 is the 23rd prime

the benching comes 5483 days after his first ever game appearance
(season of SB54...83...)

they play in
"East Rutherford" = 83

He's known for besting Tom Brady in two SBs
Brady was born 8/3

**the square root of 361 is 19.
'19 season...
19 is 8th prime
Jones wears #8.


"Elisha" = 108

"Daniel Jones" = 108

the benching was 108 days before Eli's birthday.


"Eli" = 55

"Eli Manning" = 55

benching was 257 days after his birthday.


"Elisha Nelson Manning" = 106

Eli is in his 16th season

He's 16 years older than Jones

"Daniel Jones" = 160 [bacon]

the benching was 1 week and 6 days (16)
into the season...

...16 weeks and 1 day (161) after Jones' birthday.

in his final win the Giants gave up 16 points.

his regular season record is 116-116

The 16th prime is 53

the SB era is 53 years old

"Eli Manning" = 53

the benching comes 14 years and 301 days (1431)
after his first start...

1431 is the 53rd triangular number

"Shurmur" = 53

The 53rd prime is 241

Eli has 241 regular season INT

"Daniel Jones" = 241 [reverse bacon]

241 rearranged...

the benching was 142 days before the (8th) anniversary
of Eli's final? SB...
(Jones wear's #8... 8th prime=19, '19 season)

Eli has 124 all time wins

"New Jersey" = 124


"Eli" = 26

the benching came on a date with 26 numerology
on the 260th day of the year

20 weeks and 6 days (26) after draft day/drafting Jones

in his final? game he had 26 completions.

in the NFC Championship games for both of Eli's SBs
the games went to overtime and the total scores were
43 and 37...
or the 14th prime and the 12th prime
14+12= 26...

26th prime is 101

"Elisha Nelson Manning" = 101

"Patrick Shurmur" = 101


benching was on day that leaves 105 days in year

"Daniel Stephen Jones III" = 105


the benching was 9 months 1 week and 1 day (911)
after his final? win...

that final? win was his 116th regular season win

this loss before the benching was his 116th reg. season loss.

New York: 9/11...

He's 116-116.


His previous benching, where they broke his consecutive starts streak
was on 12/3 (123)

"Daniel Stephen Jones III" = 123

this final? game was his 234th reg. season game appearance

"Patrick Shurmur" = 234 [r. bacon]

"Daniel Stephen Jones III" = 345

the benching was a date with 45 and 56 numerology

and 567 multiplication numerology.


His career as a Giants starter is over in 2019?

the benching came when he was 2019 weeks old (+three days)

so he turned 2019 weeks old the day before his final start!


the benching date w/o the zero is


that's his final? SB score between two 9s...

9   17-21   9

The NFL is 99 years old.

put another way that's a 38 between two 9s.

put another way that's an 11 between two 9s!

Some weird wild stuff.


Kansas City Chiefs more Baseball Connection

Ok so see my previous post about KC and the baseball connection
and the final NFL game on a field with baseball dirt...
(Oakland Raiders/Oakland A's stadium)

...and the insane Mahomes stuff. Threw all four TDs from standing in the dirt.

Ok well, that was 179 days after the MLB season began...
That first MLB game was in Japan but OAKLAND was designated the home team.

179 is the 41st prime
"super bowl" = 41.

Oh and the Oakland A's next game, after the Chiefs win Sunday and
the Mahomes insanity, was to host the KANSAS CITY Royals...

The A's fell to 90-61
1609 is the 254th prime...

the Chiefs game/final game on NFL field w/baseball dirt was
25 weeks and 4 days (254) after the MLB season began...

The Royals first game this season vs the A's,
the Royals gave up 19 runs... ('19 season)...
for the entire four game series the Royals scored 19 runs...

The Royals got their 54th loss
100 days into the season...
(SB54, NFL's 100th season)
("one hundred" = 54)

...that was 79 days before the Mahomes baseball dirt insanity
(79 is 22nd prime, recall the 22 stuff from previous post...)

that 54th loss was also 219 days before the SB
(2019... 219)

The Royals got their 54th win on 9/11... (the 254th day of year, see 254 above)
4 days before the Mahomes baseball dirt insanity
(Chiefs won SB4)

Ooh, this is interesting. The Royals had a chance to get that 54th win
IN MIAMI (SB54 in Miami)...
and that chance was on the first NFL Sunday of the season...

but they lost 0-9...
9... the baseball number.

it was their 91st loss.

Does that mean Chiefs lose the SB?

Anyway, insane baseball connection stuff
and the Chiefs seem very strong to me with the 50 thing
and the baseball thing...

and they just happen to be so good right now
and have a face of the league/super star type QB...


Monday, September 16, 2019

Loving Kansas City... Super Bowl 54 Baseball Connection?

Couple things...

First I think this is really really neat.

All season I've been wondering about a baseball connection because
"baseball" = 54
"MLB" = 54

and this is SB54
and the one hundredth NFL season and
"one hundred" = 54

Ok so then Sunday I learn that the KC @ OAK game will be the final NFL game
on a field with the baseball dirt infield...

...and then Patrick Mahomes, whose father was a MLB baseball player,
throws four TDs (all of the Chiefs' points for the game) and he throws
ALL of them standing in the baseball dirt...

Seems huge to me. But maybe just the year/season to do it, not necessarily
that it's the SB for them.

Mahomes wears #15
The Kansas City Royals (same city) won the World Series in '15

they beat the Mets
Mahomes' father's best ERA and win percentage (was a reliever that year) was when
he played for the Mets... that was '99 (the NFL is 99 years old).

His ERA his first season in the MLB was 5.04 (54).
He played for Minnesota... the Chiefs only SB win so far was against Minnesota.

and as for that 2015 World Series... 54th prime = 251
(215 rearranged).

The SB could be Andy Reid's 15th playoff win.

And then other than that baseball thing the Chiefs have a nice 50 thing.

The Chiefs won the SB in the NFL's 50th season.
That was the final SB before the merger/modern era began.
It's now 50 years later... it's the 50th modern year/modern SB...

"Kansas City" = 50
"Chiefs" = 50

and they just happen to be really good right now.

They won it in the 50th season... do they win it in the 50th modern season?

Remember a couple years ago in the playoffs it was the 50th anniversary of SB01
and they had a repeat of SB01 in that on that anniversary they had the Packers
win their playoff game and the Chiefs lose theirs? (GB beat KC in SB01)

Well KC plays GB this year, in week 8 on SNF
and it's 50 days into both teams season (first Sunday)

SB54 will be 50 years and 22 days after their SB04 win
SB54 is on 2/2...  (2020, another 22)

It's also an anniversary year for the AFL, the 60th, and they are one of the original
AFL franchises.

Is '19 a season for an AFL team?
"AFL" = 19.

their coach Andy Reid
"Andy" = 19
he was born on the 19th

19th prime = 67

he started the season on 67 all time wins with KC
and this baseball dirt game win was his 67th regular season win with KC

"Kansas City" = 67.


Also wanted to mention this... I was going to pick the Colts this past week vs the Titans
(not jumping off my SB pick yet, although I think the Colts/Luck stuff may be more for BALTIMORE and the Ravens... especially considering my 24 stuff and that this is the
Ravens' 24th season!...)

but I was fooling around and realized that since they changed their name to the "Titans"
the Titans were 9-26 vs the Colts... and that this game was coming exactly 1026 weeks
since the first time they played the Colts as the Titans... I figured that was too good and that the Titans would win and improve to
10-26 vs the Colts as the Titans,
exactly 1026 weeks after first playing them as the Titans...

but they lost.

So what can ya do.


Thursday, September 5, 2019


Ok, I haven't done a full preview like I did a year ago.

But I did notice that the SB has been in Miami 10 times already.

Of those 10 times the Cowboys or the Colts have been in 6 of them.

And 1 of those 6 it was Cowboys vs Colts.

That was also the first SB of the modern era and now this one will be the 50th...
A milestone so maybe a repeat?

That plus some other inklings and odds and ends has me picking


And then tonight I looked at the Andrew Luck retirement real quick and was pleasantly
surprised. But before that I want to mention a dream I had...

It's a bit hazy and disjointed but it was Jacksonville and Philadelphia
(although at one point there was audio, like an announcer, of it being
New York Giants instead of Philly) but either way it was Jacksonville
up 17-2 at half time and then Philly/NYG came back to win 30-20.
And I remember thinking in the dream how fitting that score was
because it totals to 50 and it's the 50th SB of the modern era.

Other than that though, before I was actually watching the SB highlights,
it was Baltimore vs the Chargers... and it was as if it was the AFC Champ...
which wouldn't make sense if it was Jacksonville in the SB so I don't know.

If it's Jacksonville, Philadelphia, the Giants, Baltimore or the Chargers
I'm chalking it up that I dreamt it!

Ok now, the Luck retirement / Colts' case for SB54...

On the day of the Colts' first game this year, when their season begins,
Andrew Luck will be 10953 days old (1953)

The Colts' first year in the NFL was 1953.

Luck won 53 regular season games.

The date of his retirement announcement 8/24/19,
8+2+4+20+19 = 53.

The SB era is 53 years old as this season begins
and will only turn 54 at SB54...

10953 is the 62nd triangular number.

SB 53 was 62 days after their current coach, Reich's birthday.

In 1962 the Colts finished 7-7, a unique record, their only 7-7,
and their current coach
"Frank Reich Jr." = 77
and has birth numerology of 77.
(Luck's replacement Brissett wore #7 w/NE and now #7 w/IND, 77...)

Brissett is 26 (26/62) as this season starts.

The retirement came 263 days after Reich's birthday,
the birthday on which he was no longer 56 years old
263 is the 56th prime
(Reich was 56 when the previous season started)

Reich turned 57 during the previous season
The Colts went 7-5 in '57 and the next year they won the championship.

Luck and Reich's birthdays are 9 months and 8 days apart (98)
this season begins for them on 9/8

That was Luck's birthday after Reich's, measuring the other way,
their birthdays are 2 months and 22 days apart... (222)
The upcoming SB is on 2/2/20 (222)

Luck was born in '89.
Their point differential in the regular season a year ago was 89.
This season begins on 9/8.
89 is the 24th prime
"Colts" = 24.
They won the SB their 24th season in Indianapolis.
"Andrew Austen Luck" = 24
Reich has birth numerology of 24

Week 1 will be Brissett's 24th game. (Luck's replacement)

The Colts' next playoff win will be their 24th.
(they'd be 24-24 at that point)

the SB is on a date with 24 numerology.

The #24 is retired for the Colts, Lenny Moore...
This season starts for the Colts exactly 41 weeks after his birthday
"Super Bowl" = 41.
...his birthday which was a date with 54 numerology... SB54...

and that birthday also had 47 numerology
"Luck" = 47

and from that same birthday, the SB is exactly 62 weeks away.
recall the 62 stuff, specifically Luck being the 62nd triangular number of days old
when this season starts.

And then Lenny Moore's final year was '67
This season is the Colts' 67th season
67 is the 19th prime
it's 2019...
"Frank Reich Jr." = 67
Luck's initials, "A.A.L." = 67
Reich's "F.M.R." = 19

And Luck is 29 years old
29th prime is 109 (19).

Speaking of that 109... Luck being 29 years old,
29 being the 109th prime...
the retirement was 109 days before his replacement, Brissett's birthday.
aka 3 months and 17 days, 317 is the 66th prime
Colts are moving on from Luck after their 66th season.

This season starts for them 271 days after Brissett's birthday
271 is the 58th prime
Colts first won the championship in '58.

that's 94 days before his birthday
"Brissett" = 49

The SB is 53 days (recall the 53 stuff) / 54 days after Brissett's birthday.

Oh, and the SB is 10 months 9 days (109) before Brissett's birthday
recall the 109 and Luck being 29 years old...

The retirement was 162 days before the SB
"one hundred" = 162 (NFL 100 celebration)

It's SB 54 and 54 relates to "baseball" = 54 big time... "MLB" = 54
and MLB plays 162 game seasons.
"one hundred" = 54.

So there's some quick work.

Still like SF, GB, NYG, and KC a good bit too.

Happy Football.
