Sunday, July 29, 2018

Openly Homosexual Air Force player Bradley Kim

Apparently there's a somewhat big story this week about a
homosexual college football player for Air Force coming out of the closet.

Bradley Kim, safety for Air Force, came out 7/27/18

That was the 208th day of the year.

The previous athlete to make news in this way (coming out), was
My-King Johnson who is an,
"Arizona Wildcat" = 208 [bacon].

the day that guy came out was a date with multiplication numerology
of 280...

The one to make news before THAT, Edward Sarafin, came out on a date
with 28 numerology...
"Edward" = 28...
"Edward Sarafin" = 280 [reverse bacon]

The one before that, the more famous one, Michael Sam, came out
on the show,
"ESPN's Outside the Lines" = 282...

AND the "original" one if you will, the NBA player Jason Collins, came out
in a magazine story in Sports Illustrated, aka,
"S.I." = 28...

"Jason Paul" = 28 (his first and middle names)

So maybe some 28 history on homosexual athletes "coming out".

The 28th prime is 107.

Bradley Kim went to,
"Skyline High School" = 107

he came out on his,
"social media profile" = 107

he's in the,
"armed forces" = 107

and is making bigger news because he is the first to come out
at a military academy...

"military" = 107

the "original" guy, the NBA player, his initials,
"J.P.C." = 107 [bacon]

107 w/o the zero is 17

the NBA guy came out on a date with 17 numerology.
"S.I." = 17 (where he came out)

so did the most recent one before Kim,
My-King Johnson came out on a date w/17 numerology...

the most famous football player to come out so far,
Michael Sam had 17 sacks in his college career
(59 solo tackles, the 17th prime)
He was a Missouri,
"Tiger" = 59

And from the NBA guy, Jason Collins coming out
to this Bradley Kim was,
5 years 90 days (59)

"Jason" = 59

Kim's High School,
"Skyline H.S." = 59

"Kim" = 59 [bacon]

"Chip Sarafin" = 59 (first guy after Sam)

"Sam" = 59 [bacon]
"Michael Alan Sam Jr." = 59

157 / 37
So he came out on the day that leaves 157 days in the year...

157 is the 37th prime

and this was 37 days before Air Force's first game this season.


And Bradley Kim has a Bible quote on his Twitter page,

"Jeremiah twenty-nine eleven" = 307 [bacon].

And from the Homosexual Marriage Supreme Court ruling,
to this Kim guy coming out was,
37 months... (and one day).

And 37 is the 12th prime

"homo" = 12
"gay" = 12

Kim is a defensive back, or a,
"DB" = 12

he is a ,
"cadet" = 102,

and plays for,
"USAFA" = 12

he came out via
"Instagram" = 102

Not sure of his middle name but it may start with a K
based off of his Twitter handle, and if so, his initials,
"B.K.K." = 102 [bacon]


"Bradley Kim" = 100

who is a,
"DB" = 100 [reverse bacon]

and plays for a team in the
"Mountain West Conference" = 100

came out via his
"social media profile" = 100

and made news because he's the first player in
"military service" = 100, to do so...

46 / 199
199 is the 46th prime

This was 1909 (199) days after the NBA player Jason Collins
really got the ball rolling... when he came out on a date
w/46 numerology... in a Sports Illustrated story written by
"Franz Lidz" = 46

"Bradley Kim" = 46,
who went to,
"Skyline High School" = 199
"Skyline H.S." = 199 [reverse bacon]

came out on,
"social media" = 46

Michael Sam at one point wore #46
"Mike Sam" = 46
"Mike Alan Sam Jr." = 46

Good bit of 48...

"Kim" = 48
"Bradley K. Kim" = 48

who plays,
"DB" = 48

"Air Force" = 48
"USAFA" = 48
"Air Force Falcons" = 223 [bacon] (the 48th prime)

in the,
"Mountain West" = 48

revealed that he is,
"gay" = 48

"Instagram" = 48

so now he is,
"openly gay" = 48...


"Obergefell" = 48 (the Supreme Court ruling)

"Jeremiah" = 48 (Bible verse on Kim's Twitter)

and the first NCAA football player to come out,
"Michael" = 48
"Sam" = 48
"Michael Sam" = 48

So, what do you think? (and do you think I should keep doing this stories everyday?)

I'd say...

Way beyond coincidence. (and yes, screw the no-views and no-comments!)


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