No deep study here. Just noticed that the World Cup was getting ready to start, looked up what number it would be, looks like it's the 21st World Cup... Happened to notice that Brazil currently has 5 World Cup titles, thought to myself how cool it would be if they got their 6th in the 21st World Cup because the 6th triangular number is 21.
Didn't know if they were favorites or what- turns out they are big favorites.
"BRA" = 21 (FIFA designation)
their goalkeeper,
"Cassio" = 21
a star player,
"Fred" = 21
"twenty-one" = 102
"twenty-first World Cup" = 102
"sixth World Cup title" = 102
their superstar,
"Neymar" = 102 [bacon].
"Brazil" = 120 (12/21)
21's divisors add to 32
"Brazil" = 32
"Neymar" = 32
"The Squad" = 32 (team nickname in English)
Previous time they won it was 16 years ago...
16... 61... 61 is the 18th prime. '18 World Cup.
Not much of a pick since they are huge favorites but I'll go Brazil.
Obviously didn't look at anything/anyone else, just liking the 6th title/21st Cup thing.
I have England winning the cup. It should be interesting.