Sunday, December 31, 2017

Panthers Falcons NYE WEEK 17

123117 Week 17 New Year's Eve

Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons

No prime time game this week so I tried to pick the game with the
most playoff significance and decided on this one. Carolina could
improve their seeding and Atlanta needs to win or have Seattle lose to
make the playoffs. Really isn't a better game to do, so sort of by default...

This one turned quick- my initial look showed a couple strong
reads for Carolina but then it just seemed like Atlanta stuff just kept
piling up... I think I'm leaning strong for Atlanta but the idea that this
might be a punking on them related to the Super Bowl collapse, with some
25/97 and stuff on it keeps me not so sure...

For Carolina,


It's 35 days before the Super Bowl and there's "zero" = 35 days
left in the year. Both teams have given up 305 points on the year
coming into the game and Carolina has scored 353.
"Ronald" = 35 and if they win then Atlanta stays at 350 reg. season wins.


The previous time they played each other in December was 2 years
and 4 days ago (24) and "Cameron Jerrell Newton" = 240 and has
birth numerology of 24 and if they win he stays at 24 reg. season
ROAD losses.


The Carolina Panthers previously played on New Year's Eve 132 months
ago and "Carolina Panthers" = 132 and including the end date it's
132 days from Newton's birthday.


This is the 23rd meeting of these teams in Atlanta, Carolina is in their
23rd season (makes sense), "Ronald Rivera" = 83, and if they win then
Atlanta stays at and finishes the reg. season on 9 wins.


This is the 46th all time meeting of these teams and if they win then
Rivera stays at 46 reg. season losses.


If they win then Atlanta falls to 27-19 in the series and 2719 is the
397th prime and 397 is the 78th... It's Ryan's 78th reg. season HOME
game... So maybe Atlanta falls to a record related to 78 against
"Ron Rivera" = 78 and a team from "Charlotte" = 78, and they do so
in their QB's 78th HOME game? While they are being coached by
"Daniel Quinn" = 78.


Here's the initial read that had me so hot on Carolina...
They could get their 193rd all time win, give Atlanta their 444th reg.
season loss, "Newton" = 44 would stay at 44 reg. season losses, it's the day
that leaves "zero" = 44 days left in the year, "Rivera" = 44, and it's in
"Georgia" = 44.


It's Newton's 109th reg. season game appearance and he could get his
29th reg. season and all time ROAD win, and they'd give Atlanta's QB,
"Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 109, his 29th all time HOME loss, and it's in
"Mercedes-Benz Stadium" = 109...
HOWEVER, all that being said if Atlanta wins then their coach who has
birth numerology of 109 gets his 29th reg. season win...


The previous time they played each other @Atlanta was 1 year
2 months and 29 days ago and 1229 is the 201st prime, "Carolina" = 73,
"Rivera" = 73, "Ron" = 73 [f], and if they win it's the Atlanta coach's
21st all time loss.


"Cam Newton" = 108 and it's his 108th reg. season game.


"Charlotte" = 69, "Cameron" = 69, and it's in "Atlanta" = 69 and so
what a team/place for Atlanta's QB to get his 69th all time loss.


"Panthers" = 52, it's "New Year's Eve" = 52, Atlanta's in their 52nd
season, and so what a time for Atlanta's QB to stay at 52 reg. season
HOME wins.

Now for Atlanta,


The date 1231 is the 202nd (22) prime, we're in the 22nd year since
they first ever played each other, "New Year's Eve" = 220 [f],
and "Ryan" = 22.

324 | 18/61

It's 3 months and 24 days (324) into the season, 324 is 18 squared,
we're in the 18th year since they first ever played each other on the 31st
of ANY month, and "New Year's Eve" = 61... And then if they win then
they stay at 18 losses in the overall head-to-head vs Carolina.


The previous time these teams played (not each other but played) on
New Year's Eve was 11 years ago, the previous time they played each
other was 1 month and 27 days (127) ago, it's the 31st, and including the
end date it's been 1 month and 27 days (127) since the Super Bowl,
a Super Bowl the Falcons were in... "Georgia" = 127,
"Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 127, "Matt Ryan" = 31, and if they win then
Quinn gets his 31st all time win.


It's Quinn's 51st all time game and his name "Dan Patrick Quinn" = 233,
and including the end date it's 5 weeks and 1 day (51) before the SB.


The previous time they played each other was 56 days ago, "New Year's" = 56,
and if they win then Ryan gets his 56th all time HOME win...
Also, it's Newton's 56th all time ROAD game, and the stadium,
"Mercedes-Benz" = 56.


Including the end date the previous time they played each other
IN Atlanta was 456 days ago... and if they win they stay at 456 all time losses.


There's "zero" = 28 days left in the year, they could get their 28th win
in the series, Ryan would stay at 28 all time HOME losses, Quinn has
birth numerology of 28, Ryan has birth numerology of 107, and they'd keep
"Newton" = 28 who is 28 years old at 28 reg. season and all time ROAD


"Matt Ryan" = 50, "Ryan" = 50, including the end date it's 229 days
from his birthday, and they could give Rivera his 50th all time loss.


It's Quinn's 48th reg. season game, "Atlanta" = 48, and they could give
Newton his 48th all time loss.


If they win then Newton stays at 62 reg. season wins...
"Georgia" = 62, "Dan" = 62, and "Matt Thomas Ryan" = 62.


Ryan could get his 95th reg. season win against "Cameron" = 95,
and "Ronald Eugene Rivera" = 95, and it's in "Atlanta" = 95 [f].


Ryan could get his 98th all time win in "Mercedes-Benz Stadium" = 98,
in the NFL's 98th season, against a coach named "Ronald" = 98.

And now for the strong overlap,


It's a date with 80 numerology, the 80th prime is 409 (49)and it's an "eve" = 49.
For Carolina,
if they win their coach stays at 49 all time losses and he'd do so against
"Matthew Ryan" = 49 and the "Atlanta Falcons" = 49...
For Atlanta,
it's their 800th reg. season game, "Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 80, "Matt" = 80[f]


It's a date with 15 numerology, it's 47 weeks since the Super Bowl,
it's 1 month and 5 days (15) before the Super Bowl, the previous time they
played each other in December was 105 (15) weeks ago, coming into the game
the combined number of points these teams have given up on the year is
610 and 610 is the 15th Fibonacci number, and "New Year's" = 47.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 47, "Ron" = 47, & if they win Newton stays at 47 all time losses.
For Atlanta,
"Atlanta" = 15, Quinn is 47 years old, and if they win they give Rivera his
47th reg. season loss.


It's a date with 17 numerology, it's week 17, the days left in the year,
"zero" = 17, and it's the 7th meeting in December @Atlanta.
For Carolina,
"Cam" = 17, Rivera was born 1/7 and it's 7 days from his birthday,
and if they win they get their 7th win @Atlanta.
For Atlanta,
"Dan" = 17, "Matthew Ryan" = 59 and was born on the 17th and enters
the game with 277 all time TDS, "Atlanta Georgia" = 59, and if they win
it's their 17th win vs Carolina @Atlanta, and their 7th win vs them in the
month of December (they'd improve to 7-7).


It's a date with 53 numerology...
For Carolina,
"Carolina" = 53, "Ron" = 16 and has birth numerology of 16,
"Cam Newton" = 160[f] (16), "Cameron Newton" = 160, and if they win
they stay at 16 losses in the series @Atlanta.
For Atlanta,
"Matt Thomas Ryan" = 53, including the end date it's 16 weeks from
Quinn's birthday, and if they win Ryan gets his 53rd reg. season HOME win,
and they would improve to 10-6 (16) on the year.


It's a date with 43 numerology, whoever wins improves to 4-3 in the series
in December @Atlanta, "New Year's" = 43, it's 1 month and 4 days (14) before
the Super Bowl, we're in the 14th year since they first ever played each other
in December @Atlanta, this is the 14th meeting in December, "Eve" = 14,
and the previous time they played each other in December was 105 weeks ago
and 105 is the 14th triangular number.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 43, "Cam" = 43[f] and has birth numerology of 43, and
"Cameron Newton" = 191.
For Atlanta,
"Atlanta Falcons" = 191[f] and if they win then Carolina gets their 191st
all time loss.


It's been 115 days since the season began and 1150 (115) weeks since
they first ever played each other in December.
For Carolina,
"Panthers" = 115 and it's Newton's 115th all time game appearance.
For Atlanta,
if they win then Carolina falls to 11-5 (115) on the year.

325 | 25/97

Including the end date it's 3 months and 25 days (325) into the season,
325 is the 25th triangular number, and also including the end date it's been
2 years and 5 days (25) since they previously played each other in Dec.
For Carolina,
"Charlotte North Carolina" = 250, "Ronald Rivera" = 97, and if they win
Atlanta falls to 9-7 (97) on the year and Ryan stays at 97 all time wins.
For Atlanta,
if they win then Ryan stays at 25 reg. season HOME losses, and
Newton gets his 25th reg. season ROAD loss.


This one is neat. It's 16 weeks and 3 days (163) into the season,
and it's "New Year's" = 38...
"Panthers" = 38
"Falcons" = 38
How fitting that they are playing each other...


It's been 8 weeks since they previous played, and including the end date
it's been 1150 weeks and 1 day (1151) since they first ever played
in December, and 1151 is the 190th prime (19)...
For Carolina,
"Cam" = 19, "North Carolina" = 67, and if they win they stay at
190 all time losses and get their 19th win in the overall series.
For Atlanta,
"Matt Thomas Ryan" = 190, "Dan" = 19, they've scored 331 points on
the year coming in, and if they win then Quinn stays at 19 reg. season
losses and Rivera stays at 67 all time wins.


The previous time they played each other @Atlanta was 65 weeks ago.
For Carolina,
"Ronald Rivera" = 65, "Cameron Newton" = 65, and if they win then
Rivera gets his 65th regular season win.
For Atlanta,
if they win they keep Newton at 65 all time wins...
also, "Mercedes-Benz" = 65 but that could go for either...


For Carolina,
"Ron" = 20, "Cam Jerrell Newton" = 71, and "Newton" = 71 and if they
win they improve to 2-0 (20) on New Year's Eve and would give
Quinn his 20th reg. season loss.
For Atlanta,
"Matthew Thomas Ryan" = 71 and if they win Quinn stays at 20
all time losses and they improve to 2-0 (20) vs Carolina on the 31st of
ANY month.

351 | 26/101

For Carolina,
"Newton" = 26 could stay at 26 all time ROAD losses and they'd give Ryan his
26th reg. season HOME loss and "Panthers" = 101 and
"Cameron Newton" = 101.
For Atlanta,
they could get their 351st reg. season win, 351 is the 26th triangular number,
and it would come against "Newton" = 26, "Panthers" = 101, etc...


There are "zero" = 64 days left in the year...
For Carolina,
"Ronald" = 64, "Cam" = 64, and if they win they give Ryan his 64th
reg. season loss.
For Atlanta,
if they win then Rivera stays at 64 reg. season wins.


For Carolina,
the "Carolina Panthers" = 84 coached by Ron Eugene Rivera" = 84
could beat "Ryan" = 84[f] in his 84th all time HOME game...
For Atlanta,
just the opposite, "Ryan" = 84[f] could win his 84th all time HOME game
against the "Carolina Panthers" = 84 etc...

conclusion and TD guess,

I don't know. Thought it was clear one way and then the other and then
just kind of muddled. I think I like Atlanta which means Seattle would be out
and maybe that just means it IS Minnesota this year...

IF Atlanta does lose, wild idea based on their previous NYE games,
but maybe they lose by 4 points? They lost by 17 the first time they played on NYE,
and then they lost by 7 the next time... 17 is the 7th prime... 7 is the 4th prime...
so maybe they lose by 4. But I don't know. I think they win.

I'll go ATL 1.25 out of 3

As for TDS...How about 1 or 2 for Cam, and 0 or 4 for Ryan.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Vikings Packers SNF WK17 REVIEW

Vikings Packers SNF WEEK 16 REVIEW

Well, I called that one, I sheepishly called the shutout but I did say watch
if the Vikes win it might very well be a shutout. And honestly, I wasn't
thinking about their strong defense and the cold weather or any type
of "football sense" reasoning, it was all based on the fact that it would
be their 24th reg. season win over Green Bay @Green Bay and that they had given
up 242 (24) points on the season going into the game. Anyway...

Also, I was not aware that they hadn't had a shutout since 1993.
Including the end date their previous shutout was 24 years and 19 days prior
to this one... Ok first off TWENTY-FOUR years!
And then 2419 is 41 X 59... "Super Bowl" = 41 and 59 is the 17th prime
and this is the 2017 season... Maybe? Or is that stretching a bit?


We wrote up a 16/53 section and turns out the Vikes got their
53rd win over Green Bay and did so with 16 points. Beautiful.


Keenum threw for 139 yards, the 34th prime. We're in the 34th year
since they first ever played each other on the 23rd @Green Bay, and
check this out- coming into the game Minnesota had scored 343 points
on the year... the loser (Green Bay) fell to 3-4 in the series on the 23rd of
any month, "Case Keenum" = 34, he was facing "Brett" = 34 who has birth
numerology of 34, and Keenum beat "Green Bay" = 139.

Oh, and now they have scored 359 points on the year and that's the 72nd prime,
don't know about that but, it makes me wonder if they will score 20 in week 17
and finish the reg. season having scored 379, the 75th prime because this is their
57th season. 75th prime number of points in their 57th season? Maybe.


Keenum completed 14 passes and we wrote up a big 14/43 thing before the game.


Keenum attempted 25 passes and we had a 25 section.


The Vikes' leading rusher ran for 69 yards and we had a 69 section.


And we had some 52 stuff and I was thinking that this game was
Super Bowl loaded, and might be good for Minnesota and them making
Super Bowl 52 whether they won this one or lost and then it looks like the
only 52 in the stats is that Green Bay had 239 total net yards.

Oh, just noticed that their hall of fame QB Fran Tarkenton
retired with 239 touchdowns... Super Bowl 52 clue?

td guesses

missed Keenum's, but hit Hundley, said 0 and it was 0.

Looks like I'll do the Panthers Falcons game for week 17.


I'm thinking Vikings Chiefs right now..

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Vikings Packers SNF Week 16

122317 Week 16 Saturday Night Football

Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers

I know it's technically a "Sunday Night Football" game
as NBC is broadcasting it, but I'll be calling it
Saturday Night Football. The acronym is the same SNF.

Was smelling upset early on but that faded a bit but it still
wouldn't surprise me at all if Green Bay makes it a very close
game or even wins. Minnesota's QB never having played at
Lambeau Field and the expected extreme cold, plus the idea
that they might be "overlooking" the playoff-eliminated Packers,
makes for a perfect story line on why Minnesota would lose...
But I don't know. Either way it seems very Super Bowl loaded,
and I expect win or lose if Minnesota is to make it to the SB
this game will "charge" them for it, or whatever.

For Minnesota,


Date numerology of 52, we're in the 52nd year since they
first ever played each other in the month of December, and it's
been 52 weeks since they previously played @Green Bay.
"Minnesota" = 52, "Case Keenum" = 52, and if they win
they get their 52nd regular season win in the overall series.
To be fair, if Green Bay wins then Minnesota stays at
52 all time wins in the series- and, bit of an odd one, the Vikings
coach would fall to 37-27 all time and 3727 is the 520th prime.


Date numerology of 16, it's Week 16, including the end date
the previous time they played each other on the 23rd of any month
was 161 (16) weeks ago, and "Saturday" = 53.
"Casey" = 53 and it's 10 months and 6 days (16) from his birthday,
if they win they get their 53rd all time win in the series, and they'd stay
at 16 losses vs Green Bay in December (Green Bay would fall to 16-10).


Date numerology of 35.
"Case Keenum" = 149 [francis bacon] and if they win then the
Green Bay QB "Hundley" = 35 would fall to 3-5 (35).


Including the end date it's been 3 months and 17 days (317)
since the season began and "Saturday Night" = 317.
"Keenum" = 66 and was born on the day that leaves 317...
To be fair, Green Bay's coach "Mike McCarthy" = 66.


Without the end date the season began 15 weeks and 2 days ago (152)
and "Case Austin Keenum" = 152.


It's the 113th regular season meeting of these teams, and including the
end date it's 1 month and 13 days (113) to the Super Bowl.
"Keenum" = 30 and "Minneapolis Minnesota" = 303.


Since they first ever played each other @Green Bay it's been
20509 days (259), and since they first ever played each other
on Saturday @NIGHT it's been 259 weeks.
"Case Austin Keenum" = 259 [francis bacon]


Here's a neat one. Including the date it's been 20510 (251) days since
they first ever played each other @Green Bay...
"Case Austin Keenum" = 251, "Case" = 54, and on the day of the
game he is 29 years 10 months and 6 days old (2916) and
2916 is 54 squared!


Including the end date the previous time they played each other
@Green Bay was 52 weeks and 1 day ago (521), the 98th prime,
and "Vikings" = 98 and "Case Austin Keenum" = 98.
To be fair, Green Bay's QB "Bret Hundley" = 98.


It's Mike Zimmer's 64th all time game, "Mike" = 64 [f], "Minneapolis" = 64,
"Vikings" = 64, "Case Austin Keenum" = 64, and including the end date
the previous time they played the Packers on the 23rd of any month
was 3 years 1 month and 1 day ago (311).


If they win they get their 25th all time win @Green Bay,
Zimmer would stay at 25 regular season losses, and what a time
to do it, "Saturday Night Football" = 250 and 97... And "Mike" = 25,
and "Case Keenum" = 97. And there's some 25 stuff on Green Bay
including the fact that coming into the game they've scored 2500 points
in the series against Minnesota...


If they win they stay at 390 regular season losses, "SNF" = 39,
"Saturday Night" = 167, and it's 309 (39) days from Keenum's birthday.


They'd keep Green Bay at 737 regular season wins, "SNF" = 21,
"Vikings" = 73, "Case Austin Keenum" = 73 and it's 44 weeks and 1 day
(441) from his birthday and 441 is 21 squared, and it's 201 (21) days from
Zimmer's birthday. Oh and "Minnesota Vikings" = 201.


It would be Zimmer's 38th regular season and all time win,
we're in the 38th year since they first ever played on the 23rd,
and "Minnesota" = 38.


It's Keenum's 40th game appearance, "Case Keenum" = 173,
and it just so happens to be against "Green Bay" = 40 coached
by a guy with birth numerology of 40.

Now for Green Bay,


Date numerology of 18, including the end date it's the 108th (18)
day of the season, and it's 6 weeks and 1 day (61) to the Super Bowl.
If they win they get their 61st all time win in the series.


They first ever played each other on the 23rd of any month
38 years and 3 months ago (383), the 76th prime, "Green Bay" = 76,
and if they win then McCarthy stays at 76 all time losses.


It's the 115th all time meeting of these teams.
"Brett Hundley Jr." = 115 and "Hundley" = 115 [francis bacon].


If they win they give Minnesota their 419th all time loss,
it would come at "Lambeau" = 81 [f], and including the end date
8 weeks and 1 day (81) from Minnesota's QB's birthday, who is
playing his first game at Lambeau.


If they win they stay at 560 (56) regular season losses, we are in
the 56th year since they first ever played each other,
"Michael McCarthy" = 263, and what a team/time to stay on 560 against,
Zimmer was born in '56, "Case Keenum" = 56 and it's 56 days from
his birthday.


And staying with that theme, it would be a nice coach and QB to get
your 122nd regular season win against, as McCarthy could do that against
"Mike Zimmer" = 122, and "Casey Keenum" = 122.


And he would stay at 68 regular season losses and it's on
"Saturday Night" = 68 against "Mike Zimmer" = 68 and
6 months and 8 days (68) from his own QB's birthday.


"Brett Alan Hundley Jr." = 114 and has birth numerology of 114,
it's 1 month and 14 days from McCarthy's birthday, and if they win
then Minnesota falls to 11-4 (114) on the year, and this is compelling
enough already right, but it's also 6 months and 19 days (619)
from the Minnesota coach's birthday... The 114th prime is 619.
So, the "Minnesota Vikings" = 114, from "Minneapolis Minnesota" = 114,
could fall to 11-4 (114) 6 months and 19 days (619) from their coach's
birthday against a QB whose name equals 114 etc...

And now for the strong overlap...


Seems like a deep 23 code on this game... First of all it's a date
with 276 numerology (12x23=276) and 276 is the 23rd triangular number
and the game is on the 23rd... and then including the end date the first
time they played each other on the 23rd @Green Bay was 1783 weeks ago,
and 1783 is the 276th prime! So you see that? Anyway...
For Minnesota,
pretty simple, if they win they improve to 2-3 (23) vs Green Bay on Saturdays.
For Green Bay,
"Brett Alan Hundley Jr." = 276, "Michael McCarthy" = 83, and if they win
they stay at 23 regular season losses in the series @Green Bay, and
Hundley would improve to 2-3 (23) at HOME.


It's the 107th day of the season, the previous time they played each other
was 2 months and 8 days (28) ago, and "Saturday" = 107 and 28.
For Minnesota,
"Casey" = 28, "Case" = 28, he has birth numerology of 107 and including
the end date it's 10 months and 7 days (107) from his birthday.
For Green Bay,
"Lambeau Field" = 107, "Brett Hundley" = 107, "Packers" = 28,
"Hundley" = 28, and "Green Bay Wisconsin" and "Mike John McCarthy"
both equal 107 in francis bacon.


It's the 226th game of the season and "two hundred twenty-six" = 93.
It's a number that connects to Saturn as well and it's on Saturday.
For Minnesota,
"Minneapolis Minnesota" = 93, "Minnesota Vikings" = 93, and
"Keenum" = 93.
For Green Bay,
Hundley was born in '93, and if they win they keep Minnesota at
487 all time wins and 487 is the 93rd prime...


Including the end date it's been 46 weeks since the Super Bowl.
For Minnesota,
"Vikings" = 46, and "Casey" = 46.
For Green Bay,
"Lambeau Field" = 46, "Packers" = 46, it's 46 weeks from McCarthy's
birthday, "Hundley" = 46 and he was born on the day that leaves 199...


Looks like a big 43 thing on the game. Overlap ammongst overlap.
It's 43 days to the Super Bowl, and whoever wins improves to 4-3 (43) in the series
on the 23rd.
For Minnesota,
"Case Keenum" = 43 and it's his 14th game appearance, and if they
win then Green Bay's QB falls to 1-4 (14) at HOME.
For Green Bay,
It's Hundley's 14th game appearance, it's 191 days from his birthday,
he has birth numerology of 43, it's 43 days from McCarthy's birthday
and it's his 191st regular season game, and if they win then Minnesota
falls to 1-4 (14) in the series on Saturday.

Another way of saying that is strong for Minnesota, it's like,
Hundley w/birth numerology of 43, in his 14th game 191 days from his birthday
could fall to 1-4 in his coach's 191st game 43 days from HIS birthday,
at the hands of "Case Keenum" = 43... Ya see what I'm saying...

And the other way would be, "Casey Keenum" = 43 in his 14th game
could lose and drop his team to 1-4 vs Green Bay on Saturdays 43 days
from the Green Bay coach's birthday in his 191st game and starting a QB
with birth numerology of 43 in his 14th game 191 days from his birthday...

Hopefully you all can see that from just looking at the listing... and not
need it written out. But it can get muddled so, whatever.


So including the end date it's 44 days before the Super Bowl, the game
is on the 44th parallel, and we're in the 44th year since they first ever
played each other on a Saturday.
For Minnesota,
"Vikings" = 44, "Case" = 44, he enters with 44 touchdowns, and including
the end date is 10903 (193) days old.
For Green Bay,
"Wisconsin" = 44, "Lambeau" = 44, "Packers" = 44, "McCarthy" = 44 and
including the end date it's 44 days from his birthday, and if they win then
Hundley improves to 4-4 (44).


The previous time they played each other was 69 days ago.
For Minnesota,
"Keenum" = 69, and if they win they give McCarthy his 69th reg. season loss.
For Green Bay,
"Green Bay Packers" = 69, "Mike McCarthy" = 69, and including the end date
it's 6 months and 9 days (69) from Hundley's birthday.


Including the end date the previous time they played was
2 months and 9 days (29) ago a.k.a. 10 weeks and "Saturday" = 109.
For Minnesota,
"Mike" = 29, "Case" = 10 and is 29 years old, and with a win they get
their 10th win vs Green Bay in December, Keenum gets his 10th win
with Minnesota and stays at 10 ROAD losses.
For Green Bay,
"Mike" = 29 he was born on the 10th, it's his 209th all time game,
and if they win they get their 10th win in the series @Green Bay in December.


It's the 59th all time meeting of these teams and how wonderfully
fitting that it just so happens to come on "Saturday Night" = 59.
For Minnesota,
"Casey Keenum" = 59, "Casey" = 17, was born on the 17th, and including the end date
it's 10 months and 7 days (17) from his birthday, "Mike Zimmer" = 59, and
if they win they stay at 59 regular season losses in the overall series.
For Green Bay,
pretty simple, if they win they get their 17th win in the series in December.


There's a 24/89 thing I don't feel like typing up other than to say that
if Minnesota wins it's their 24th reg. season win @Green Bay and
if Green Bay wins they stay at 24 all time losses vs Minnesota @Green Bay,
and that coming into the game Minnesota has given up 242 points on the year,
242, a 24 frontwards and backwards... SO MAYBE, all that to say, maybe if
Minnesota wins they skunk 'em. Maybe they don't give up any points?


Bit of a weird 33 thing. Simple, but anyway...
For Minnesota,
if they win they give Green Bay their 561st reg. season loss and 561
is the 33rd triangular number. Now, "Zimmer" = 33 and "Keenum" = 33
but that could go either way because...
...For Green Bay,
if they win then it's their 33rd win in the series @Green Bay...
and they'd do it against Zimmer and Keenum... so either way?
Oh, I'm liking the 561 angle because reversed that's 165 and including
the end date it's 165 days from Zimmer's birthday but I don't know.


For Minnesota,
It's Zimmer's 63rd reg. season game, the 63rd prime is 307,
"Vikings" = 37, it's Keenum's 37th game, and they could get their
12th win on the year and do so on "Saturday" = 37...
For Green Bay,
"Packers" = 37, "Hundley" = 37, "McCarthy" = 37, he was born in
'63 and they could keep Zimmer at 37 reg. season and all time wins...
But this is one of those overlapping overlaps so, I don't know.
I tend to read it for Minnesota.

conclusion and TD guesses...

And that's about it. I have other stuff I don't feel like typing up.
It seems fairly strong for Minnesota but some of the Green Bay
stuff is compelling so I'm not thinking this is a lock by any means.
I just keep thinking Minnesota loses this one but it means they go to the SB.
I don't know...

I'll go Minnesota though...

MIN 1.50 out of 3

Let's say 2 OR 4 for Keenum... and 0 for Hundley. (2 or 3 if he throws any but meah)


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cowboys Raiders SNF WK15 REVIEW

Cowboys Raiders SNF WEEK 15 REVIEW

Wow, eh? Bit of a controversial finish with Ref Gene Steratore
busting out a card to assist his first down measurement...


Our first read, and we read it for the Cowboys, was a 46/199 thing,
and then apparently the big term for that card that the Ref
used is "index card"... Well, remember, it was a date with 46 numerology
and the date itself, 12/17, 1217 is the 199th prime and 199 is the 46th.
"Dallas Texas" = 46, "Arlington Texas" = 199, "Garrett" = 46,
and "Prescott" = 46. And they were facing "Del Rio Jr." = 46 in his
46th regular season game w/Oakland...

...and then a big, weird, thing involving an "index card" = 46!
Oh and what's the name of the Ref that used it?
"Gene Steratore" = 199!!!!!


And get this, I had a 28 thing but didn't type it up. Well, "card" = 28,
and "index card" = 28... With the win, with the help of the card, the Cowboys
kept Derek Carr(d?:) on 28 wins... "Dallas Texas" = 28, both Carr and Garrett were
born on the 28th, and "Rayne Dakota Prescott" = 282. And other than that
it looks like the Raiders' longest pass play was for 28 yards. Oh, and the 28th
prime is 107 and Oakland's scores in order were 10 and then 7 (107).
OH AND if you reduce the scores: 20=2 and 17=8, or 28!


Before the game we told you about some 26,
it was the 351st day of the year and 351 is the 26th triangular number,
the 26th prime is 101 and it was the 101st day of the season,
and then for Dallas "Jason Calvin Garrett" = 101 and it was 101 days
from his birthday. And then at the end of the game a weird move
by the Ref to use a "card" = 26 to measure for a first down for the Cowboys!


So "Gene" = 22 helped the "Cowboys" = 22 give the Raiders' coach
his 22nd all time loss w/Oakland.


"Eugene" = 30 helped the "Cowboys" = 30 from "Texas" = 30, specifically
"Dallas" = 113 in their QB's 30th regular season game...


We told ya about a big 15 thing on the game, including some 225 stuff
which is 15 squared, go back and look, and "Gene Joseph Steratore" = 225.
The numbers on that name match "Sunday Night Football" almost exactly.


We told ya Dallas could win and Garrett would stay at 54 all time losses
and do so against "Del Rio" = 54 who is 54 years old...
Well, "Eugene Joseph Steratore" = 251!


As for winning on a 19 yard field goal... It was a date w/19 numerology,
Garrett got his 67th all time win, Dallas got their 8th win on the year
and gave Oakland their 8th loss on the year, and they wound up doing so
on a 19 yard field goal!?!! And "Eugene Joseph Steratore" = 109 (19).
And the Raiders had 19 first downs. Oh and the Cowboys were so close
to the 67th prime in total yards, they had 330 not 331.


As for winning with 20 points- we told ya about some 20/71 stuff
including the fact that if Dallas won they'd stay at 400 all time losses
and 400 is 20 squared... well they did so with 20 points! BUT they did
that the past couple games (stayed at 400 losses) and didn't do it with 20 points,
BUT this game was 7 weeks and 1 day (71) from the Super Bowl...


We told ya about a big 17 thing, go back and look, we read it for the
Raiders, and then they lose with 17 points.


So the total score was 37. We had a big 12/37 thing but didn't type it up.
It was the 12th meeting of these teams, we're in the 12th year since they
previously played each other IN Oakland, "SNF" = 12, whoever lost
would fall to 1-2 (12) in the series in December, we're in the 37th year since
they first ever played each other on a Sunday, and the game was on the
37th parallel. PLUS it was Garrett's 121st all time game, "Steratore" = 121,
there were a total of 121 plays ran in the game, and it was 14 weeks and 4 days (144)
from Garrett's birthday (AND Carr's), Del Rio is in his 12th year, "Alameda" = 37,
and with the win Dallas improved to 1-2 (12) vs Oakland AT NIGHT(et), and stayed
at 373 regular season losses. And all of that in a game that totaled to 37 points!!!!!


It was 1 month and 18 days before the Super Bowl and Garrett's 118th regular
season game, "Dallas Texas" = 118, "Rayne Prescott" = 118, and guess what...
"Eugene Joseph Steratore" = 118.

AND there's more...

conclusion and hit a TD guess...

But anyway, looks like I'll do the Saturday Night Vikings Packers game
for Week 16. Only two prime time games for Week 16 and that one seems
better than Raiders Eagles so...

Hit a touchdown guess. Said 2 for Carr and he threw 2.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Cowboys Raiders SNF WEEK 15

121717 Week 15 Sunday Night Football

Cowboys at Raiders

Seems pretty strong for Dallas but I don't know.

For Dallas


It's a date with 46 numerology and the date itself, 12/17
or 1217, well 1217 is the 199th prime and 199 is the 46th.
"Dallas Texas" = 46, "Arlington Texas" = 199, "Garrett" = 46,
and "Prescott" = 46. And they're facing "Del Rio Jr." = 46 in his
46th regular season game w/Oakland. Now maybe that's for
Oakland there- but I read this 46 for Dallas. Could be read either
way though I suppose.


It's a date with 66 numerology. "Texas" = 66, "Dak Prescott" = 66,
Garrett was born in '66, and if they win he gets his 66th regular
season win and they would improve to 6-6 (66) vs Oakland, and
Prescott would get his 11th road win and 66 is the 11th triangular.
However if Oakland wins then Garrett stays at 66 all time wins, meah.


The 8th prime is 19 and the 19th is 67. It's a date with 19 numerology
and if they win Garrett gets his 67th all time win, they'd get their
8th win on the year, and Oakland would get their 8th loss on the year.


It's a date with 39 numerology, "SNF" = 39, and "Cowboys" = 39.
Also, including the end date Garrett is 2699 weeks old, and
2699 is the 393rd prime.


It's a date with 204 numerology (12x17=204) and "Texas" = 24,
Prescott is 24 years old, in fact including the end date he's
8908 days old (898), "Dallas Texas" = 89, and "Garrett" = 89.


There's 49 days to the Super Bowl and "Dallas" = 49,
"Jason Garrett" = 49, and if they win they give Oakland their
409th (49) regular season loss.


Those 49 days are 1 month and 18 days (118), and
"Dallas Texas" = 118, it's Garrett's 118th regular season game,
and "Rayne Prescott" = 118.


The previous time they played each other was 1408 days ago,
(148), and "Jason Garrett" = 148, and Prescott has birth numerology
of 148.


Including the end date the previous time they played each other
was 4 years and 20 days ago (42) and "SNF" = 42,
"Dak Prescott" = 42, "Dak" = 42 [francis bacon], "forty-two" = 142,
"Sunday Night" = 142, "Prescott" = 142 [francis bacon], and it's
142 days from his birthday.


I like this one, don't know if it neccesarily means it's good
for Dallas but, it's their 880th (88) regular season game and it just
so happens to be in "California" = 88, in the "Oakland Coliseum" = 88,
and against a coach "Jack Del Rio" = 88.


If they win they stay at 373 regular season losses, the 74th prime,
and what a team to stay on 373 against, "Raiders" = 74, in the
"Oakland Coliseum" = 74, in "California" = 74.


Garrett would stay at 52 regular season losses, "Sunday Night" = 52,
"California" = 52, "Raiders" = 52, and "Jack Del Rio" = 52.
This could be huge too if I'm right to be so intrigued by the fact that
Super Bowl 52 is 52 days from Garrett's 52nd birthday! So imagine,
if Dallas wins out and winds up making the Super Bowl then Garrett,
who coaches a team from "Arlington" = 52, would be on 52 losses and
be coaching in Super Bowl 52, 52 days from his 52nd birthday!


Garrett would stay at 54 all time losses and do so against
"Del Rio" = 54 who is 54 years old.


If they win the the Oakland coach stays at 93 regular season wins,
Oakland would stay on 487 all time wins, 487 is the 93rd prime,
and it might make sense to do so against "Dak Prescott" = 93
who was born in '93, and in the "Oakland Coliseum" = 93.


They would give the Oakland coach his 92nd regular season loss,
and "Jason Calvin Garrett" = 92.


It's Prescott's 30th regular season game, he has birth numerology
of 30, "Cowboys" = 30, "Texas" = 30, and "Dallas" = 113.


Prescott enters the game with 44 regular season touchdowns,
"Prescott" = 44, and the place he's playing "Alameda" = 44.


He would improve to 11-4 on the ROAD (114) and might make sense,
"California" = 114 [f] and "Jack Louis Del Rio Jr." = 114.

Now for Oakland,


It's the 223rd game of the season, 223 is the 48th prime,
if they win they stay at 408 (48) regular season losses, and
get this, Del Rio would improve to 94-91, well 9491 is the 48th tri.
And he/they'd do so against a team from "Texas" = 48.


The 7th prime is 17. The 17th triangular number is 153.
It's 7 weeks before the Super Bowl, it's the 17th (the final
17th of the year '17), and it's the 7th meeting of these teams
@Oakland. "Raiders" = 70 (7), "Jack" = 7, has birth numerology
of 17, and it's 15 weeks and 3 days (153) from his birthday, and
if they win they get their 7th win and ont he year and Dallas gets
their 7th loss on the year, Oakland would get their 7th win in the
overall head-to-head, and Carr would get his 17th HOME win.
However, maybe for Dallas- "Dak" = 7 and if they win he'd stay
at 4 ROAD losses, the 4th prime is 7. But I don't know.


If they win they improve to 7-5 (75) in the overall head-to-head,
and it might make sense to be 7-5 against "Dallas" = 75[f], and to
improve to it in the ":Oakland Alameda Coliseum" = 75.


It would be their 463rd regular season win, the 90th prime,
and "Sunday Night Football" = 90.


"Jack Del Rio" = 65, and "Derek" = 65 could keep the Dallas coach
on 65 regular season wins, on "Sunday Night" = 65, in "California" = 65,
in the "Oakland Coliseum" = 65.


It would also be the Dallas coach's 55th all time loss and
it's 257 days from Del Rio's birthday.


Del Rio could stay on 91 regular season losses, the 13th tri,
against "Dallas" = 13.


It's Derek Carr's 60th game, "Derek Dallas Carr" = 60,
and "Oakland Raiders" = 60. And he just happens to be
facing "Dak Prescott" = 60.


Carr enters with 99 touchdowns. "Sunday Night Football" = 99.
Oh, and "Del Rio" = 99.


And speaking of Del Rio it's 108 days from his birthday and
"Sunday Night Football" = 108.

And now for the strong overlap,


It's a date with 21 numerology, "Sunday" = 21, "SNF" = 21, and
WHOEVER wins improves to 2=1 (21) in the series in December.
For Dallas,
"Rayne Prescott" = 73, "Prescott" = 73, he was born on the 210th
(21) day of the year, it's 20 weeks and 1 day (21) from his birthday,
if they win Oakland falls to 2-1 (21) vs Dallas @NIGHT, the Oakland
coach gets his 21st regular season loss w/Oakland, and Prescott would
get his 21st regular season and all time win.
For Oakland,
"Derek Dallas Carr" = 210 [f], and if they win Del Rio stays at 21 all time
losses w/Oakland.


It's a date with 29 numerology.
For Dallas,
"Jason Calvin Garrett" = 209 (29),. Prescott was born on the 29th,
and he could stay at 10 all time losses.
For Oakland,
"Jack" = 29 and including the end date it's 109 days from his
birthday, "Derek" = 29, and if they win they give Prescott his
10th regular season loss and would keep him at 10 ROAD wins,
and Derek Carr would get his 29th win.


It's the 351st day of the year. 351 is the 26th triangular number,
the 26th prime is 101, and it's the 101st day of the season.
For Dallas,
"Jason Calvin Garrett" = 101 and it's 101 days from his birthday.
For Oakland,
Derek Carr is 26 years old, it's 101 days from his birthday,
and if they win Del Rio get his 26th regular season and all time
win w/Oakland.


It's the day that leaves 14 days in the year, including rhe end date
it's been 43 years and 4 days (434) since they first ever played
each other, and WHOEVER wins improves to 4-3 (43) in the series
For Dallas,
"Jason" = 14, it's 141 days from Prescott's birthday, and
"Dallas Cowboys" = 43.
For Oakland,
"Jack Del Rio" = 43, "Derek" = 43, and if they win then Carr
stays at 14 HOME losses, and Prescott would fall to 10-5 (105)
on the ROAD and 105 is the 14th triangular number.


Including the end date it's 7 weeks and 1 day (71) before the SB.
For Dallas,
"Dallas Texas" = 71, "Arlington Texas" = 71, "Rayne Prescott" = 71,
"Dak" = 20, and if they win they stay at 400 all time losses.
400 is 20 squared.
For Oakland,
"Del Rio Jr." = 71 and has birth numerology of 71, and if they win
he stays at 20 regular season losses w/Oakland, they would
improve to 2-0 (20) vs Dallas on Sunday Nights, and Prescott
would stay at 20 regular season and all time wins.


For Dallas,
"Dallas" = 22, including the end date it's 20 weeks and 2 days (22)
from Prescott's birthday, and if they win they give Del Rio his
22nd all time loss w/Oakland.
For Oakland,
"Oakland" = 22, "Carr" = 22, and if they win they give Dallas
their 401st all time loss.


It's the 15th game of Week 15, "SNF" = 15, and
"Sunday Night Football" = 225, 15 squared.
For Dallas,
"Arlington" = 47, "Texas" = 15, "Dallas Cowboys" = 151,
Prescott enters with 47 all time touchdowns and could
improve to 20-11 (211) all time, and it's his 15th ROAD game,
AND it's 225 days from his birthday, and they'd give Carr his
15th HOME loss (and it's Del Rio's 47th game w/Oakland)...
For Oakland,
like we just said it's Del Rio's 47th all time game w/Oakland,
"Raiders" = 47, and "Derek Carr" = 47, and if they win then
Prescott would fall to 10-5 (15) on the ROAD.

132 | 104? 94?

And here's one I'm not reading for either team but just noticed
a lot of when I was running searches for other numbers.
Seems like there's some 132 on this one...
"Dak Prescott" = 132, and then "Oakland Alameda Coliseum",
"Oakland Raiders", "Jack Louis Del Rio Jr.", and
"Derek Dallas Carr" all = 132. Don't know what to make of that.
"one hundred thirty-two" = 104 (see the 14 section) and 94...
We mentioned a 94 thing for Oakland under 48... and then other
than that Del Rio is currently 94-94 all time- so either way, a win
or a loss and he stays at a 94.. so meaningless?

Reversed, "Arlington Texas" = 231 [f],
"Rayne Dakota Prescott" = 231, and "Rayne Prescott" = 231 [f].
So, read it for Dallas? I don't know. It reduces to 6 and the only
way 6s stay in the teams records on the year, AND in the
head-to-head record is if Dallas wins. So...

conclusion and TD guesses...

I'm reading this game fairly strong for Dallas but by no means
a lock or even as strong as the Carolina/Philadelphia or the
Carolina/Miami reads earlier this year. Those were the only two
recently that I've felt were basically solid locks, so anyway.
I'll go Dallas here...

DAL 1.75 out of 3.

As for touchdowns... Hmm. Really anything for Dak...
1, 2, 3, 4, and even 5 all make some sense. So nothing
there, and for Carr... I'd say 2.


Friday, December 15, 2017

Ravens Steelers SNF WK14 REVIEW

Ravens Steelers SNF WEEK 14 REVIEW


Ok, so, the Ravens lost with 38 points. It had been
308 days (38) since the Super Bowl, "Ravens" = 38,
including the end date it was 38 days from their QB's
birthday, and it was his 76th regular season road game.
The 76th prime is 383, a 38 frontwards and backwards.
And the Steelers' coach "Mike" = 38. Oh and "Mike" Wallace
was the Ravens leading receiver- and made his name playing for Pitt.

Ya want another, deeper 38? The combined number of plays
run in the game was 147. Backwards that's 741.
741 is the 38th triangular number.


There were 105 passing plays in the game. 105 is the 14th
triangular number. We told ya about some 14 stuff. The highlights
would be that Pitt got their 14th regular season win vs Baltimore
@Pittsburgh, and that Flacco got his 43rd regular season ROAD loss.
And then Baltimore had 14 points at the half.


The Steelers won with 39 and we told you all about 39 before the game.
We said, reading it for Baltimore,: "It's a date with 39 numerology (12+10+17=39),
"SNF" = 39, "Harbaugh" = 39, and if they win they stay at 167 all time losses.
And they'd do so in "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 167." ...
Well, they lost and they lost to 39 points...


Big Ben threw for 506 yards (56)... It was 56 days before the Super Bowl,
"Sunday Night" = 56, and "Ravens" = 56... Super Bowl clue for Pitt?


Then obviously including the end date it was 57 days before the SB,
with the win Pitt stays at 575 (57) all time losses, and Joe Flacco
threw for 269 yards... the 57th prime.


We told ya about 48. Pitt's leading rusher had 48 yards.


And one more- The Ravens lost on a 46 yard FG.
Joe Flacco was, including the end date, 12017 days old
on the day of the game. Without the zero that's 1217 and
1217 is the 199th prime and 199 is the 46th. Neat?

Missed my touchdown guesses. First time in a while.

SNF again for Week 15. Dallas at Oakland.
I'll try and have it posted earlier on Sunday or even very
late Saturday.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ravens Steelers SNF WEEK 14


Week 14 Sunday Night Football

Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers

Ravens stuff jumped out early but some very strong stuff for Pittsburgh as well.
I think I just like the Ravens stuff better.

For Baltimore


It's a date with 39 numerology (12+10+17=39), "SNF" = 39,
"Harbaugh" = 39, and if they win they stay at 167 all time losses.
And they'd do so in "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 167.


It's a date with 22 numerology (12+10=22), it's the 22nd regular season
meeting @Pittsburgh, and the game is on the 79th meridian.
Harbaugh has birth numerology of 22, it's 79 days from his birthday,
"Flacco" = 22, "Ravens" = 79, and if they win they get their
22nd all time win in the overall head-to-head.


It's the day that leaves 21 days in the year, we're in the 21st year
since they first played each other, "Sunday" = 21, "SNF" = 21,  the previous
time they played each other was 2 months and 10 days (21) ago,
and it's 44 weeks and 1 day (441) since the Super Bowl, and
441 is 21 squared. Okay, so, Flacco has birth numerology of 21,
and if they win they get their 21st regular season win in the head-to-head.
Plus the Pittsburgh QB would stay at 73 regular season HOME wins
To be fair, if Pittsburgh wins then Baltimore stays at 21 all time wins
in the head-to-head but meah.


Including the end date the season began 3 months and 4 days (34) ago.
"Maryland" = 34, "Ravens" = 34, "Joe Flacco" = 34, and Flacco could
get his 34th regular season ROAD win, they'd improve to 3-4 (34) vs Pitt
@Pittsburgh in December, and Pittsburgh would fall to 13-9 (139) in the
series @Pittsburgh.


Without the end date the season began 13 weeks and 3 days (133) ago
and if they win the the Pittsburgh QB stays at 133 regular season wins.


This is the 207th kickoff / game of the season. Coming into the game
Baltimore has scored 207 points this season, 207 is 27 w/o the zero,
if they win their coach gets his 103rd all time win, Pittsburgh would
fall to 10-3 (103) on the year, and the Steelers' QB would get his 27th all time
HOME loss. What a nice team for Harbaugh to get his 103rd win against:
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 103 and "Steelers" = 103.


It's 56 days before the Super Bowl and "Sunday Night" = 56
and "Ravens" = 56.


Coming into this game the Ravens have scored 901 all time points
versus the Steelers. And if the Ravens win Flacco gets his
91st regular season win. Nice place/team to do it, eh?
"Pennsylvania" = 91, "Heinz Field" = 91, "Michael Tomlin" = 91,
and "Roethlisberger" - 91.


The previous time these teams played each other was
2 months and 9 days ago (29), aka 10 weeks, and
29 is the 10th prime but you already know that, anyway,
if they win they get their 10th all time win vs Pittsburgh @Pitt,
and Pittsburgh would stay on 10 wins on the year.


If you add the number of points Baltimore has SCORED so far
this season, coming into the game, and the number of points
they've allowed, it's 487. 487 is the 93rd prime.
"Baltimore Maryland" = 93 and Harbaugh would get his
93rd regular season win. Also, since the first time these teams
played each other @Pittsburgh in the month of December, it's
been 939 weeks.


Pittsburgh has scored 281 points so far this season coming into
this game, and 281 is the 60th prime. If the Ravens win then
their QB stays at 60 regular season losses and the Steelers'
coach gets his 60th regular season loss.


It would be their 189th regular season win as a franchise and
the Steelers' QB might be a good one to get it against,
"Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 189.


Flacco could get his 42nd all time ROAD win and stay at
42 regular season ROAD losses, and "SNF" = 42, and then
"forty=two" = 142 and "Sunday Night" = 142. Plus coming into
the game the combined number of points both teams have given up
on the year is 420.


It's Flacco's 151st regular season game and his full name
"Joseph Vincent Flacco" = 151.


It's his 166th all time game and he just happens to be playing
"Pittsburgh" = 166 [francis bacon].


It's 78 days from Harbaugh's birthday and "Sunday" = 78
and they could improve to 7-8 (78) vs. Pitt in December.

And now for Pittsburgh


It's the 344th day of the year and "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 344,
and "Benjamin Roethlisberger Sr. " = 344, both in francis bacon.


Including the end date the season began 13 weeks and 4 days ago
(134) and "Michael Tomlin" = 134 and it's 13 weeks and 4 days from
his birthday, "Ben Todd Roethlisberger Sr." = 134, and he could get
his 134th regular season win.


Including the end date it's 8 weeks and 1 day (81) before the SB,
"Pittsburgh Steelers" = 81, and Roethlisberger could get his
81st all time HOME win.

119 | 186

Since the first time these teams ever played each other it's been
1109 weeks and 1109 is the 186th prime, "Michael Tomlin" = 186 [f],
and "Ben Roethlisberger" = 186. And then the 1109 w/o the zero
is 119 and they could get their 653rd all time win, the 119th prime.


Weird one. Since they first ever played in the month of December
it's been 21 years and 9 days (219) and not only does
"Ben Roethlisberger" = 219 but on the day of the game he is 13067
days old and 13067 is the 219th prime!


The previous time they played each @Pittsburgh was 50 weeks ago.
"Pittsburgh" = 50, "Steelers" = 50, "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 229.
Now, there's some 50 for Baltimore too but meah.


This is the 48th all time meeting of these teams. If they win they give
Flacco his 48th all time ROAD loss.
And "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 223.


They could get their 25th all time win in the overall head-to-head,
their QB has birth numerology of 25, his name "Ben Roethlisberger" = 97,
and it's his 97th regular season HOME game. Oh, and "Ravens" = 25.
AND Baltimore would fall to 2-5 (25) @Pitt in December.


It's Tomlin's 173rd regular season game, "Mike Tomlin" = 173,
and it's on the 40th parallel.


It would be Tomlin's 122nd all time win and what a guy to get it
against: "Joe Vincent Flacco" = 122, "Joe Flacco" = 122 [f],
and "Flacco" = 122. And what a place, just happens to be a home
game, "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 122.


If they win then the Baltimore QB stays at 90 regular season wins.
"Sunday Night Football" = 90, "Roethlisberger" = 90, and
Tomlin has birth numerology of 90.


Also the Baltimore QB would get his 61st regular season loss,
"Sunday Night" = 61, Roethlisberger was born on the 61st day
of the year and it's 283 days from his birthday.


They would improve to 17-9 (179) vs Baltimore @Pittsburgh,
and the Baltimore QB would stay at 41 all time ROAD wins.


Roethlisberger would stay at 62 regular season losses, and he'd
do so in "Pennsylvania" = 62, on "Heinz Field" = 62, "Heinz" = 62,
against "John W. Harbaugh" = 62 who was born in '62, and
"Joseph" = 62.


Including the date it's 96 days from Tomlin's birthday
and "Baltimore Ravens" = 96 and he could improve his team
to 9-6 (96) vs Baltimore in December.


It's an 82 fest for Reothlisberger. It's 82 days from his birthday,
he was born in '82, and "Heinz Field" = 82 and "Michael Tomlin" = 82.

Now the overlap

12/37/157 | 120 | 121

It's a date with 12 numerology and 120 numerology, "SNF" = 12,
and the date is 1210 or 121 w/o the zero.
For Baltimore,
"Baltimore =121 [f], "Joe" = 12 he has birth numerology of 121 and 102,
it's 37 days from his birthday, "Joseph" = 37, "Joe Vincent Flacco" = 157,
it's Harbaugh's 157th regular season game and 78 days (12th triangular)
from his birthday, it's also his 172nd all time game and the 172nd prime
is 1021 (121), and if they win the Pitt coach stays at 121 all time wins
and they improve to 7-8 vs Pitt in December.
For Pittsburgh,
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 121, "Mike Tomlin" = 121,
"Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 121, "Ben" = 12, and
"Benjamin Roethlisberger Sr." = 157. And if they win then
Harbaugh stays at 102 all time wins.

14/43 | 105

It's a date with 14 numerology, it's week 14, and it's been
10 months and 5 days (105) since the SB and 105 is the 14th Tri.
For Baltimore,
"Ravens" = 43, "Baltimore Maryland" = 105, "Ravens" = 105 [f],
and if they win Pitt falls to 4-3 (43) vs Baltimore @Pitt in December.
Also Pittsburgh would get their 552nd regular season loss and the
552nd prime is 4003 (43).
For Pittsburgh,
"Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 140, it's 40 weeks and 3 days (43)
from his birthday, he's in his 14th year, and it's his 196th regular season
game and 196 is 14 squared. And then if they win they get their
14th regular season win vs Baltimore @Pitt and would give Flacco
his 43rd regular season ROAD loss.


It's a date with 32 numerology.
For Baltimore,
Harbaugh has birth numerology of 32, "Flacco" = 32, he is
32 years old and it's 10 months and 24 days (1024) from his
birthday and 1024 is 32 squared.
For Pittsburgh,
"Pittsburgh Pennsylvania" = 131, and "Benjamin Roethlisberger" = 131.


This is a weird one.
For Baltimore,
they would stay at 24 all time losses in the overall head-to-head and
would simultaneously get their 204th (24) all time franchise win
and it would come against Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh's 1249th all time
game... 1249 is the 204th prime! Also, it's Flacco's 89th all time ROAD game,
"Joseph" = 89, "John W. Harbaugh" = 89, and they'd give Roethlisberger his
24th regular season HOME loss. ALSO, it would be Pitt's
576th all time franchise loss and 576 is 24 squared.
For Pittsburgh,
"Roethlisberger" = 89 and they'd get their 24th regular season win
in the overall head-to-head.


It's been 3 months and 3 days (33) since the season began
and if you combine the total points scored so far this season
by both teams coming into the game it's 561 which is the
33rd triangular number. Plus "Sunday" = 33.
For Baltimore,
"Joe" = 33, and Harbaugh is 55 years, 2 months, and 17 days old,
or 55217 which is the 5610th prime and that's 561 w/o the zero.
For Pittsburgh,
"Michael" = 33, "Ben" = 33, "Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger" = 137,
and if they win Flacco stays at 33 regular season ROAD wins.


A very neat one here. The previous time they played each other
was 70 days ago.
For Baltimore,
"Joe Flacco" = 70 and he was born the day that leaves 349 days in the year,
it's Baltimore's 349th regular season game, and if they win they
give Roethlisberger his 70th all time loss.
For Pittsburgh,
if they win they give Harbaugh his 70th all time loss.


Including the end date the previous time they played each other
was 10 weeks and 1 day ago (101), it's the 26th all time meeting
@Pittsburgh, and the previous time they played each other @Pitt
was 351 days ago and 351 is the 26th triangular number.
For Baltimore,
"Joseph Vincent Flacco" = 101, "Joseph" = 101, and it would be
his 101st all time win.
For Pittsburgh,
"Mike Pettaway Tomlin" = 101, "Ben Roethlisberger" = 101,
and if they win he stays at 26 all time HOME losses.

I have a few more overlaps I will add after I post this.
**Done. Added the 33/137, 70/349. and 26/101 stuff
 after I posted the original post.

Wanted to post it before kickoff.

conclusion and TD guesses...

And there you have it. I also have stuff about 17/59, 94, 95, 308(38), 15/47/211, 106(16)/53, 44/193, 57, 125, 126, 8/19/67, 143, 162, 1854, 45/197, 20/71, 35/149, 51, 9/23/83, 372, 168, 113/617, 64, 92, 69, 187, 114, 100, a neat 76 thing, 218. 28/107, 80, 112, 58/271, 124, 52, 98, 99, 115, and 116.

I'm going Ravens slightly. No surprise if Pittsburgh wins.

Let's say 1, 3, OR 4 for Flacco, and 1 for Big Ben.

BAL 1.50 out of 3.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Eagles Seahawks SNF WK13 REVIEW

Eagles Seahawks Week 13 SNF REVIEW.


Ok, well, Eagles lost with 10 points. The 10th prime is 29
and the 29th triangular number is 435. The game was
43 weeks and 5 days (435) from the Eagles' coach's birthday.
Also, "Wilson" = 29, he was born on the 29th, and he is
29 years old, AND the Seattle coach "Pete Carroll" = 109,
which is the 29th prime. So, it makes a lot of sense to lose
to the Seahwaks that day, this year, with 10 points, eh?

BTW, I'm extremely hot on the Seahawks for the SB
this year out of the NFC. First off, 29's been hot this year
if you've been paying attention and "Wilson" = 29,
born on the 29th, and is 29 years old this year, secondly,
they revealed a new alternate logo right as the season began
and one of their star defensive player was in a police "brutality" incident,
and then mainly... with all of this anthem/flag protest stuff and
now the MyCauseMyCleats stuff, I'm really liking the fact that
they are in their 42nd season. It'd be either them or Tampa Bay
and it doesn't look like it's Tampa Bay (also in 42nd season) so...

Right now I'd guess Minnesota or Seattle for the NFC.
Maybe a Blair Walsh story line in the NFC championship game?


The score was 10-24, or 124 w/o the zero. Well, it was
Pete Carroll's 124th regular season game w/Seattle.
Including the end date it was 12 weeks and 4 days (124)
into this season. The 124th prime is 483 and it was
48 weeks and 3 days (483) from Wentz's birthday.

PLUS, reversed that's 421... which is the 82nd prime.
"CenturyLink" = 82 and "Seattle" = 82, and then 82
reversed is 28 and it was the day that left 28 days in the year.
Oh, and Seattle possessed the ball for 28 minutes (+6 sec.)


It had been 378 days since they played each other and
Wentz went for 378 total yards. Which is really neat for him
because 378 is the 27th triangular number and he has birth
numerology of 27 and it was 27 days from his birthday.

And there's most likely more but I'll spend my time working
on the next game rather than reviewing the previous one, eh?

Hit a touchdown guess. Said 3 for Wilson and he threw 3.

Looks like another SNF game for week 14, it's not that
I always pick SNF it's just those have been the more appealing
games here recently. So, Steelers Ravens SNF week 14.
