the winner will be in office during the 59th year since the JFK assassination...
11/23/21 to 11/21/22 is the 59th year since JFK assassination
This is the ONLY time this syncs up.
The 58th presidential election will not be current during the 58th year
since JFK, the 57th wasn't during the 57th year, etc...
...and the 60th presidential election will not be during the 60th year
since JFK and etc...
THE ONLY TIME it syncs up is this next election!
*****MAJOR ADDENDUM!!!!!*****
Technically, the winner of the 58th Presidential Election (Trump)
will be in office for 58 days of the 58th year since the JFK assassination.
THAT'S pretty YUGE right there! But anyway...
The 59th presidential election will have already happened
BUT Trump, win or lose, will be in office for a total of 58 days
of the 58th year since the JFK assassination...
11/23/20 will be the first day of the 58th year since JFK...
and Trump win or lose will be in office (either before Biden's inauguration
or before his own second inauguration, the inauguration of the
59th presidential election either way) UNTIL 01/20/21
SO for the time between 11/23/20 and 01/20/21
technically the 58th presidential election is still in play
and that just so happens to be be 58 days...
...the first 58 days of the 58th year since the JFK assassination!
So the post is still valid and I'd still guess if they do anything it
won't be until the 59th year (11/23/21 to 11/21/22) BUT
I'd obviously add that maybe they take Trump out sometime
during those 58 days from 11/23/20 to 01/20/21
58th presidential election / 58th year since JFK (technically AND FOR 58 days!)
59th presidential election / 59th year since JFK
So anyway, on with the original 59 angle..
JFK was assassinated on the 22nd
it's the 2020 (22) election
the year of relevance will take place mostly in the year '22...
So let's look at 22.
and obviously 59...
And it makes a lot of sense for it be be Trump:
there's been a lot of assassination stuff on Trump all along and...
JFK won the 44th presidential election
Trump is the 44th person to be president
JFK won his election on 11/8
Trump was his first election on 11/8
(Oswald was born 10/18)
JFK was born in '17
Trump was inaugurated in '17
So let's take a quick look:
59 / 59 is the 17th prime number
59th presidential election / 59th year since JFK assassination"John F. Kennedy" = 59
JFK was born in '17
"John Fitzgerald Kennedy" = 107 (17)
JFK was assassinated when Trump was 17 years old
in fact it was 5 months and 9 days (59) after his 17th birthday.
Trump was elected 17 days into the 636th month after JFK's assassination
(which was in the year '63)
Trump was inaugurated in his 71st year alive (71 / 17)
Oswald defected to Russia in '59
Oswald's elder borther kicked it in '17
22 / 22nd prime is 79 / 22nd tri is 253
JFK assassinated on the 22nd59th year since JFK takes place mostly in '22
59th presidential election is the 2020 (22) election
JFK carried 22 states in his election
JFK and Trump's birthdays are 2 weeks and 2 days (22) apart
JFK was elected 202 days (22) before his birthday
(his 44th birthday, he won the 44th presidential election,
Trump 44th person to be president)
and since they were elected the same day (nov. eighth)
Trum's election was 202 days (22) before the 100th anniversary
of JFK's birthday
"Donald John Trump" = 220
JFK was inaugurated 220 days (22) after Trump's birthday
the 22nd triangular number is 253
JFK was assassinated 25 weeks and 3 days (253) after his birthday
Trump was inaugurated
22 days into the 1196th month
since JFK was born
(1+1+9+6 = 17)
Trump was inaugurated
22 days into the 848th month
since JFK's birthday the year Trump was born
"Donald Trump" = 48
"Trump" = 48
JFK was born in Massachusetts
and Trump was born in Queens
"Massachusetts" = 84
"Queens New York City" = 84
"Queens NY" = 48
"Queens County New York" = 223 (48th prime)
the cop Oswald was arrested for killing when they first picked him up
was badge number 848
I know it's a common name but they both share the name"John" = 20
and it's the 2020 election
the 16th prime is 53
and Trump was first elected in '16
which was the 53rd year since the JFK assassination
it makes a lot of sense to be Trump but I think whoever wins
the 59th presidential election, or is part of that ticket and is
in office as the president (so Trump or Pence or Biden or his VP)
might just be in some serious trouble...
if they are going to assassinate another president
and want to sync it up with the previous one...
...this seems like a time to do it...
sometime between 11/22/21 and 11/21/22...
I'd say most likely sometime during '22.
I hope not.